Merge branch 'master' into develop

Eliot Berriot 2019-03-21 10:46:28 +01:00
commit e587e5aebc
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: DD6965E2476E5C27
24 zmienionych plików z 117 dodań i 358 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -10,6 +10,57 @@ This changelog is viewable on the web at
.. towncrier
0.18.3 (2019-03-21)
Upgrade instructions are available at
Avoid mixed content when deploying mono-container behind proxy [Manual action required]
*You are only concerned if you use the mono-container docker deployment behind a reverse proxy*
Because of `an issue in our mono-container configuration <>`_, users deploying Funkwhale via docker
using our `funkwhale/all-in-one` image could face some mixed content warnings (and possibly other troubles)
when browsing the Web UI.
This is fixed in this release, but on existing deployments, you'll need to add ``NESTED_PROXY=1`` in your container
environment (either in your ``.env`` file, or via your container management tool), then recreate your funkwhale container.
- Added title on hover for truncated content (#766)
- Ask for confirmation before leaving upload page if there is a an upload in process (#630)
- Exclude in-place imported files from quota computation (#570)
- Truncate filename in library file table to ensure correct display of the table. (#735)
- Avoid mixed content when deploying mono-container behind HTTPS proxy (thetarkus/docker-funkwhale#19)
- Display new notifications immediatly on notifications page (#729)
- Ensure cover art from uploaded files is picked up properly on existing albums (#757)
- Fixed a crash when federating a track with unspecified position
- Fixed broken Activity and Actor modules in django admin (#767)
- Fixed broken sample apache configuration (#764)
- Fixed constant and unpredictable reordering during file upload (#716)
- Fixed delivering of local activities causing unintended side effects, such as rollbacking changes (#737)
- Fixed escaping issues in translated strings (#652)
- Fixed saving moderation policy when clicking on "Cancel" (#751)
- i18n: Update page title when changing the App's language. (#511)
- Include disc number in Subsonic responses (#765)
- Do not send notification when rejecting a follow on a local library (#743)
- Added documentation on mono-container docker upgrade (#713)
- Added documentation to set up let's encrypt certificate (#745)
0.18.2 (2019-02-13)

Wyświetl plik

@ -358,343 +358,6 @@ Internationalization
We're using to manage i18n in the project.
<<<<<<< HEAD
When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be marked as a translatable string,
with the proper context, as described below.
Translations in HTML
Translations in HTML use the ``<translate>`` tag::
<h1><translate translate-context="Content/Profile/Header">User profile</translate></h1>
:translate-params="{username: 'alice'}">
You are logged in as %{ username }
translate-plural="You have %{ count } new messages, that's a lot!"
:translate-params="{count: unreadMessagesCount}">
You have 1 new message
Anything between the `<translate>` and `</translate>` delimiters will be considered as a translatable string.
You can use variables in the translated string via the ``:translate-params="{var: 'value'}"`` directive, and reference them like this:
``val value is %{ value }``.
For pluralization, you need to use ``translate-params`` in conjunction with ``translate-plural`` and ``translate-n``:
- ``translate-params`` should contain the variable you're using for pluralization (which is usually shown to the user)
- ``translate-n`` should match the same variable
- The ``<translate>`` delimiters contain the non-pluralized version of your string
- The ``translate-plural`` directive contains the pluralized version of your string
Translations in javascript
Translations in javascript work by calling the ``this.$*gettext`` functions::
export default {
computed: {
strings () {
let tracksCount = 42
let playButton = this.$pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Button/Verb, Short', 'Play')
let loginMessage = this.$pgettext('*/Login/Message', 'Welcome back %{ username }')
let addedMessage = this.$npgettext('*/Player/Message', 'One track was queued', '%{ count } tracks were queued', tracksCount)
console.log(this.$gettextInterpolate(addedMessage, {count: tracksCount}))
console.log(this.$gettextInterpolate(loginMessage, {username: 'alice'}))
The first argument of the ``$pgettext`` and ``$npgettext`` functions is the string context.
Translation contexts provided via the ``translate-context`` directive and the ``$pgettext`` and ``$npgettext`` are never shown to end users
but visible by Funkwhale translators. They help translators where and how the strings are used,
especially with short or ambiguous strings, like ``May``, which can refer a month or a verb.
While we could in theory use free form context, like ``This string is inside a button, in the main page, and is a call to action``,
Funkwhale use a hierarchical structure to write contexts and keep them short and consistents accross the app. The previous context,
rewritten correctly would be: ``Content/Home/Button/Call to action``.
This hierarchical structure is made of several parts:
- The location part, which is required and refers to the big blocks found in Funkwhale UI where the translated string is displayed:
- ``Content``
- ``Footer``
- ``Head``
- ``Menu``
- ``Popup``
- ``Sidebar``
- ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific location
- The feature part, which is required, and refers to the feature associated with the translated string:
- ``About``
- ``Admin``
- ``Album``
- ``Artist``
- ``Embed``
- ``Home``
- ``Login``
- ``Library``
- ``Moderation``
- ``Player``
- ``Playlist``
- ``Profile``
- ``Favorites``
- ``Notifications``
- ``Radio``
- ``Search``
- ``Settings``
- ``Signup``
- ``Track``
- ``Queue``
- ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific feature
- The component part, which is required and refers to the type of element that contain the string:
- ``Button``
- ``Card``
- ``Checkbox``
- ``Dropdown``
- ``Error message``
- ``Form``
- ``Header``
- ``Help text``
- ``Hidden text``
- ``Icon``
- ``Input``
- ``Image``
- ``Label``
- ``Link``
- ``List item``
- ``Menu``
- ``Message``
- ``Paragraph``
- ``Placeholder``
- ``Tab``
- ``Table``
- ``Title``
- ``Tooltip``
- ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific component
The detail part, which is optional and refers to the contents of the string itself, such as:
- ``Adjective``
- ``Call to action``
- ``Noun``
- ``Short``
- ``Unit``
- ``Verb``
Here are a few examples of valid context hierarchies:
- ``Sidebar/Player/Button``
- ``Content/Home/Button/Call to action``
- ``Footer/*/Help text``
- ``*/*/*/Verb, Short``
- ``Popup/Playlist/Button``
- ``Content/Admin/Table.Label/Short, Noun (Value is a date)``
It's possible to nest multiple component parts to reach a higher level of detail. The component parts are then separated by a dot:
- ``Sidebar/Queue/Tab.Title``
- ``Content/*/Button.Title``
- ``Content/*/Table.Header``
- ``Footer/*/List item.Link``
- ``Content/*/Form.Help text``
Collecting translatable strings
If you want to ensure your translatable strings are correctly marked for translation,
you can try to extract them.
||||||| merged common ancestors
When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be translated
using either ``<translate>yourstring</translate>`` or ``$gettext('yourstring')``
<<<<<<< HEAD
When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be translated
using either ``<translate>yourstring</translate>`` or ``$gettext('yourstring')``
||||||| parent of 21fb39dd... Update docs/developers/index.rst, docs/developers/subsonic.rst files
When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be marked as a translatable string,
with the proper context, as described below.
Translations in HTML
Translations in HTML use the ``<translate>`` tag::
<h1><translate translate-context="Content/Profile/Header">User profile</translate></h1>
:translate-params="{username: 'alice'}">
You are logged in as %{ username }
translate-plural="You have %{ count } new messages, that's a lot!"
:translate-params="{count: unreadMessagesCount}">
You have 1 new message
Anything between the `<translate>` and `</translate>` delimiters will be considered as a translatable string.
You can use variables in the translated string via the ``:translate-params="{var: 'value'}"`` directive, and reference them like this:
``val value is %{ value }``.
For pluralization, you need to use ``translate-params`` in conjunction with ``translate-plural`` and ``translate-n``:
- ``translate-params`` should contain the variable you're using for pluralization (which is usually shown to the user)
- ``translate-n`` should match the same variable
- The ``<translate>`` delimiters contain the non-pluralized version of your string
- The ``translate-plural`` directive contains the pluralized version of your string
Translations in javascript
Translations in javascript work by calling the ``this.$*gettext`` functions::
export default {
computed: {
strings () {
let tracksCount = 42
let playButton = this.$pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Button/Verb, Short', 'Play')
let loginMessage = this.$pgettext('*/Login/Message', 'Welcome back %{ username }')
let addedMessage = this.$npgettext('*/Player/Message', 'One track was queued', '%{ count } tracks were queued', tracksCount)
console.log(this.$gettextInterpolate(addedMessage, {count: tracksCount}))
console.log(this.$gettextInterpolate(loginMessage, {username: 'alice'}))
The first argument of the ``$pgettext`` and ``$npgettext`` functions is the string context.
Translation contexts provided via the ``translate-context`` directive and the ``$pgettext`` and ``$npgettext`` are never shown to end users
but visible by Funkwhale translators. They help translators where and how the strings are used,
especially with short or ambiguous strings, like ``May``, which can refer a month or a verb.
While we could in theory use free form context, like ``This string is inside a button, in the main page, and is a call to action``,
Funkwhale use a hierarchical structure to write contexts and keep them short and consistents accross the app. The previous context,
rewritten correctly would be: ``Content/Home/Button/Call to action``.
This hierarchical structure is made of several parts:
- The location part, which is required and refers to the big blocks found in Funkwhale UI where the translated string is displayed:
- ``Content``
- ``Footer``
- ``Head``
- ``Menu``
- ``Popup``
- ``Sidebar``
- ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific location
- The feature part, which is required, and refers to the feature associated with the translated string:
- ``About``
- ``Admin``
- ``Album``
- ``Artist``
- ``Embed``
- ``Home``
- ``Login``
- ``Library``
- ``Moderation``
- ``Player``
- ``Playlist``
- ``Profile``
- ``Favorites``
- ``Notifications``
- ``Radio``
- ``Search``
- ``Settings``
- ``Signup``
- ``Track``
- ``Queue``
- ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific feature
- The component part, which is required and refers to the type of element that contain the string:
- ``Button``
- ``Card``
- ``Checkbox``
- ``Dropdown``
- ``Error message``
- ``Form``
- ``Header``
- ``Help text``
- ``Hidden text``
- ``Icon``
- ``Input``
- ``Image``
- ``Label``
- ``Link``
- ``List item``
- ``Menu``
- ``Message``
- ``Paragraph``
- ``Placeholder``
- ``Tab``
- ``Table``
- ``Title``
- ``Tooltip``
- ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific component
The detail part, which is optional and refers to the contents of the string itself, such as:
- ``Adjective``
- ``Call to action``
- ``Noun``
- ``Short``
- ``Unit``
- ``Verb``
Here are a few examples of valid context hierarchies:
- ``Sidebar/Player/Button``
- ``Content/Home/Button/Call to action``
- ``Footer/*/Help text``
- ``*/*/*/Verb, Short``
- ``Popup/Playlist/Button``
- ``Content/Admin/Table.Label/Short, Noun (Value is a date)``
It's possible to nest multiple component parts to reach a higher level of detail. The component parts are then separated by a dot:
- ``Sidebar/Queue/Tab.Title``
- ``Content/*/Button.Title``
- ``Content/*/Table.Header``
- ``Footer/*/List item.Link``
- ``Content/*/Form.Help text``
Collecting translatable strings
If you want to ensure your translatable strings are correctly marked for translation,
you can try to extract them.
When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be marked as a translatable string,
with the proper context, as described below.

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__version__ = "0.18.2"
__version__ = "0.18.3"
__version_info__ = tuple(
int(num) if num.isdigit() else num

Wyświetl plik

@ -5,12 +5,25 @@ from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Lookup
from django.db.models.fields import Field
from django.utils import timezone
from django.urls import reverse
from funkwhale_api.federation import utils as federation_utils
class NotEqual(Lookup):
lookup_name = "ne"
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection)
rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection)
params = lhs_params + rhs_params
return "%s <> %s" % (lhs, rhs), params
class LocalFromFidQuerySet:
def local(self, include=True):

Wyświetl plik

@ -53,11 +53,15 @@ class ActorQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def with_current_usage(self):
qs = self
for s in ["pending", "skipped", "errored", "finished"]:
uploads_query = models.Q(
qs = qs.annotate(
"_usage_{}".format(s): models.Sum(
"libraries__uploads__size", filter=uploads_query

Wyświetl plik

@ -53,7 +53,25 @@ def test_actor_get_quota(factories):
expected = {"total": 10, "pending": 1, "skipped": 2, "errored": 3, "finished": 4}
# this one is imported in place and don't count
# this one is imported in place but count because there is a mapped file
expected = {"total": 14, "pending": 1, "skipped": 2, "errored": 3, "finished": 8}
assert == expected

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
i18n: Update page title when changing the App's language. (#511)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Ask for confirmation before leaving upload page if there is a an upload in process (#630)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed escaping issues in translated strings (#652)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Added documentation on mono-container docker upgrade (#713)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed constant and unpredictable reordering during file upload (#716)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Display new notifications immediatly on notifications page (#729)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Truncate filename in library file table to ensure correct display of the table. (#735)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed delivering of local activities causing unintended side effects, such as rollbacking changes (#737)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Do not send notification when rejecting a follow on a local library (#743)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Added documentation to set up let's encrypt certificate (#745)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed saving moderation policy when clicking on "Cancel" (#751)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Ensure cover art from uploaded files is picked up properly on existing albums (#757)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed broken sample apache configuration (#764)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Include disc number in Subsonic responses (#765)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Added title on hover for truncated content (#766)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed broken Activity and Actor modules in django admin (#767)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Fixed a crash when federating a track with unspecified position

Wyświetl plik

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ Create an env file to store a few important configuration options:
echo "FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME=yourdomain.funkwhale" >> .env
echo "FUNKWHALE_PROTOCOL=https" >> .env # or http
echo "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 45)" >> .env # generate and store a secure secret key for your instance
# Remove this if you expose the container directly on ports 80/443
echo "NESTED_PROXY=1" >> .env
Then start the container:
@ -112,6 +114,31 @@ Useful commands:
-d \
You can use the following docker-compose file to make the management process easier:
.. code-block:: yaml
version: "3"
container_name: funkwhale
restart: unless-stopped
# add the version number in your .env file, or hardcode it
image: funkwhale/all-in-one:${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}
env_file: .env
# adapt to the pid/gid that own /srv/funkwhale/data
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- /srv/funkwhale/data:/data
- /path/to/your/music/dir:/music:ro
- "5000:80"
.. _docker-multi-container:
Multi-container installation