Better permissions on .env file, added a few missing env vars in mono-container install

Eliot Berriot 2019-04-05 17:48:04 +02:00
rodzic 28a5c918cf
commit da6b3400a0
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@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Download the sample environment file:
cp /srv/funkwhale/deploy/ /srv/funkwhale/config/.env
Generate a secret key for Django::
openssl rand -base64 45
@ -208,7 +209,8 @@ configuration options are mentioned at the top of the file.
.. code-block:: shell
nano /srv/funkwhale/api/.env
chmod 600 /srv/funkwhale/config/.env # reduce permissions on the .env file since it contains sensitive data
nano /srv/funkwhale/config/.env
Paste the secret key you generated earlier at the entry
``DJANGO_SECRET_KEY`` and populate the ``DATABASE_URL``

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@ -52,10 +52,15 @@ Create an env file to store a few important configuration options:
touch .env
echo "FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME=yourdomain.funkwhale" >> .env
echo "FUNKWHALE_PROTOCOL=https" >> .env # or http
echo "NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE=100M" >> .env
echo "FUNKWHALE_API_IP=" >> .env
echo "FUNKWHALE_API_PORT=5000" >> .env # or the container port you want to expose on the host
echo "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 45)" >> .env # generate and store a secure secret key for your instance
# Remove this if you expose the container directly on ports 80/443
echo "NESTED_PROXY=1" >> .env
chmod 600 .env # reduce permissions on the .env file since it contains sensitive data
Then start the container:
.. code-block:: shell
@ -179,8 +184,10 @@ Create your env file:
curl -L -o .env "|version|/deploy/"
chmod 600 .env # reduce permissions on the .env file since it contains sensitive data
sudo nano .env
Ensure to edit it to match your needs (this file is heavily commented), in particular ``DJANGO_SECRET_KEY`` and ``FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME``.
You should take a look at the `configuration reference <>`_ for more detailed information regarding each setting.