Merge branch '1151-list-librarie' into 'master'

Fix #1151: Updated the /api/v1/libraries endpoint to support listing public libraries of a pod

See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!1135
Agate 2020-06-05 11:26:55 +02:00
commit d43eed805b
6 zmienionych plików z 45 dodań i 4 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -218,3 +218,12 @@ class AlbumFilter(
def filter_playable(self, queryset, name, value):
actor = utils.get_actor_from_request(self.request)
return queryset.playable_by(actor, value)
class LibraryFilter(filters.FilterSet):
q = fields.SearchFilter(search_fields=["name"],)
scope = common_filters.ActorScopeFilter(actor_field="actor", distinct=True)
class Meta:
model = models.Library
fields = ["privacy_level", "q", "scope"]

Wyświetl plik

@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ class LibraryViewSet(
filterset_class = filters.LibraryFilter
required_scope = "libraries"
anonymous_policy = "setting"
owner_field = "actor.user"
@ -282,8 +283,12 @@ class LibraryViewSet(
qs = super().get_queryset()
# allow retrieving a single library by uuid if request.user isn't
# the owner. Any other get should be from the owner only
if self.action != "retrieve":
if self.action not in ["retrieve", "list"]:
qs = qs.filter(
if self.action == "list":
actor = utils.get_actor_from_request(self.request)
qs = qs.viewable_by(actor)
return qs
def perform_create(self, serializer):

Wyświetl plik

@ -631,10 +631,10 @@ def test_user_can_create_library(factories, logged_in_api_client):
def test_user_can_list_their_library(factories, logged_in_api_client):
actor = logged_in_api_client.user.create_actor()
library = factories["music.Library"](actor=actor)
url = reverse("api:v1:libraries-list")
response = logged_in_api_client.get(url)
response = logged_in_api_client.get(url, {"scope": "me"})
assert response.status_code == 200
assert["count"] == 1
@ -651,6 +651,19 @@ def test_user_can_retrieve_another_user_library(factories, logged_in_api_client)
assert["uuid"] == str(library.uuid)
def test_user_can_list_public_libraries(factories, api_client, preferences):
preferences["common__api_authentication_required"] = False
library = factories["music.Library"](privacy_level="everyone")
url = reverse("api:v1:libraries-list")
response = api_client.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert["count"] == 1
assert["results"][0]["uuid"] == str(library.uuid)
def test_library_list_excludes_channel_library(factories, logged_in_api_client):
actor = logged_in_api_client.user.create_actor()

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Updated the /api/v1/libraries endpoint to support listing public libraries from other users/pods (#1151)

Wyświetl plik

@ -5,3 +5,16 @@ Next release notes
Those release notes refer to the current development branch and are reset
after each release.
Small API breaking change in ``/api/v1/libraries``
To allow easier crawling of public libraries on a pod,we had to make a slight breaking change
to the behaviour of ``GET /api/v1/libraries``.
Before, it returned only libraries owned by the current user.
Now, it returns all the accessible libraries (including ones from other users and pods).
If you are consuming the API via a third-party client and need to retrieve your libraries,
use the ``scope`` parameter, like this: ``GET /api/v1/libraries?scope=me``

Wyświetl plik

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default {
fetch() {
this.isLoading = true
let self = this
axios.get("libraries/").then(response => {
axios.get("libraries/", {params: {scope: 'me'}}).then(response => {
self.isLoading = false
self.libraries =
if (self.libraries.length === 0) {