Added Caddy reverse proxy example

Eliot Berriot 2019-08-20 09:42:04 +02:00
rodzic 7e8e21e1d1
commit 7da25145fb
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@ -275,6 +275,22 @@ installation guide.
Check the configuration is valid with ``apache2ctl configtest``, and once you're Check the configuration is valid with ``apache2ctl configtest``, and once you're
done, load the new configuration with ``service apache2 restart``. done, load the new configuration with ``service apache2 restart``.
If you're using Caddy as a reverse proxy in front of your docker containers (either mono or multi-container setup),
you can use the following configuration::
yourdomain.funkwhale {
proxy / {
header_upstream X-Forwarded-Host {host}:{server_port}
About internal locations About internal locations
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