@ -1,6 +1,405 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { BackendError, Channel, Upload } from '~/types'
import type { VueUploadItem } from 'vue-upload-component'
import { computed, ref, reactive, watchEffect, watch } from 'vue'
import { whenever, useCurrentElement } from '@vueuse/core'
import { humanSize } from '~/utils/filters'
import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext'
import { useStore } from '~/store'
import axios from 'axios'
import $ from 'jquery'
import LicenseSelect from '~/components/channels/LicenseSelect.vue'
import AlbumSelect from '~/components/channels/AlbumSelect.vue'
import FileUploadWidget from '~/components/library/FileUploadWidget.vue'
import UploadMetadataForm from '~/components/channels/UploadMetadataForm.vue'
interface Emits {
(e: 'status', status: UploadStatus): void
(e: 'step', step: 1 | 2 | 3): void
interface Props {
channel?: Channel | null
interface QuotaStatus {
remaining: number
interface UploadStatus {
totalSize: number
totalFiles: number
progress: number
speed: number
quotaStatus: QuotaStatus
uploadedSize: number
canSubmit: boolean
interface UploadedFile extends VueUploadItem {
_fileObj?: VueUploadItem
removed: boolean
metadata: Record<string, string>
const emit = defineEmits<Emits>()
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
channel: null
const { $pgettext } = useGettext()
const store = useStore()
// TODO (wvffle): Find types in UploadMetadataForm.vue
const errors = ref([] as string[])
const values = reactive({
channel: props.channel?.uuid ?? null,
license: null,
album: null
// Channels
const availableChannels = reactive({
channels: [] as Channel[],
count: 0,
loading: false
const fetchChannels = async () => {
availableChannels.loading = true
try {
const response = await axios.get('channels/', { params: { scope: 'me' } })
availableChannels.channels = response.data.results
availableChannels.count = response.data.count
} catch (error) {
errors.value = (error as BackendError).backendErrors
availableChannels.loading = false
const selectedChannel = computed(() => availableChannels.channels.find((channel) => channel.uuid === values.channel) ?? null)
// Quota and space
const quotaStatus = ref()
const fetchQuota = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get('users/me/')
quotaStatus.value = response.data.quota_status as QuotaStatus
} catch (error) {
errors.value = (error as BackendError).backendErrors
const uploadedSize = computed(() => {
let uploaded = 0
for (const file of uploadedFiles.value) {
if (file._fileObj && !file.error) {
uploaded += (file.size ?? 0) * +(file.progress ?? 0)
return uploaded
const remainingSpace = computed(() => Math.max(
(quotaStatus.value?.remaining ?? 0) - uploadedSize.value / 1e6,
// Draft uploads
const includeDraftUploads = ref()
const draftUploads = ref([] as Upload[])
whenever(() => values.channel !== null, async () => {
files.value = []
draftUploads.value = []
try {
const response = await axios.get('uploads', {
params: { import_status: 'draft', channel: values.channel }
draftUploads.value = response.data.results as Upload[]
for (const upload of response.data.results as Upload[]) {
uploadImportData[upload.uuid] = upload.import_metadata ?? {}
} catch (error) {
errors.value = (error as BackendError).backendErrors
}, { immediate: true })
// Uploading files
const upload = ref()
const beforeFileUpload = (newFile: VueUploadItem) => {
if (!newFile) return
if (remainingSpace.value < (newFile.size ?? Infinity) / 1e6) {
newFile.error = 'denied'
} else {
upload.value.active = true
const baseImportMetadata = computed(() => ({
channel: values.channel,
import_status: 'draft',
import_metadata: { license: values.license, album: values.album }
// Uploaded files
const files = ref([] as VueUploadItem[])
const removed = reactive(new Set<string>())
const uploadedFiles = computed(() => {
const uploadedFiles = files.value.map(file => {
const data = {
_fileObj: file,
removed: false,
metadata: {}
} as UploadedFile
if (file.response?.uuid) {
const uuid = file.response.uuid as string
data.metadata = uploadImportData[uuid] ?? uploadData[uuid].import_metadata ?? {}
data.removed = removed.has(uuid)
return data
if (includeDraftUploads.value) {
// We have two different objects: draft uploads (so already uploaded in a previous)
// session, and files uploaded in the current session
// so we ensure we have a similar structure for both.
uploadedFiles.unshift(...draftUploads.value.map(upload => ({
id: upload.uuid,
response: upload,
__filename: null,
size: upload.size,
progress: '1.00',
name: upload.source?.replace('upload://', '') ?? '',
active: false,
removed: removed.has(upload.uuid),
metadata: uploadImportData[upload.uuid] ?? audioMetadata[upload.uuid] ?? upload.import_metadata ?? {}
} as UploadedFile)))
return uploadedFiles.filter(file => !file.removed) as UploadedFile[]
const uploadedFilesById = computed(() => uploadedFiles.value.reduce((acc: Record<string, VueUploadItem>, file) => {
acc[file.response?.uuid] = file
return acc
}, {}))
// Metadata
const uploadImportData = reactive({} as Record<string, Record<string, string>>)
const audioMetadata = reactive({} as Record<string, Record<string, string>>)
const uploadData = reactive({} as Record<string, { import_metadata: Record<string, string> }>)
const patchUpload = async (id: string, data: Record<string, Record<string, string>>) => {
const response = await axios.patch(`uploads/${id}/`, data)
uploadData[id] = response.data
uploadImportData[id] = response.data.import_metadata
const fetchAudioMetadata = async (uuid: string) => {
delete audioMetadata[uuid]
const response = await axios.get(`uploads/${uuid}/audio-file-metadata/`)
audioMetadata[uuid] = response.data
const uploadedFile = uploadedFilesById.value[uuid]
if (uploadedFile.response?.import_metadata.title === uploadedFile._fileObj?.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '') && response.data.title) {
// Replace existing title deduced from file by the one in audio file metadata, if any
uploadImportData[uuid].title = response.data.title
for (const key of ['title', 'position', 'tags']) {
if (uploadImportData[uuid][key] === undefined) {
uploadImportData[uuid][key] = response.data[key]
if (uploadImportData[uuid].description === undefined) {
uploadImportData[uuid].description = (response.data.description ?? {}).text
await patchUpload(uuid, { import_metadata: uploadImportData[uuid] })
watchEffect(async () => {
for (const file of files.value) {
if (file.response?.uuid && audioMetadata[file.response.uuid] === undefined) {
uploadData[file.response.uuid] = file.response as { import_metadata: Record<string, string> }
uploadImportData[file.response.uuid] = file.response.import_metadata
// Select upload
const selectedUploadId = ref()
const selectedUpload = computed(() => {
if (!selectedUploadId.value) return null
const selected = uploadedFiles.value.find(file => file.response?.uuid === selectedUploadId.value)
if (!selected) return null
return {
...(selected.response ?? {}),
_fileObj: selected._fileObj
} as Upload & { _fileObj?: VueUploadItem }
// Actions
const remove = async (file: VueUploadItem) => {
if (file.response?.uuid) {
try {
await axios.delete(`uploads/${file.response.uuid}/`)
} catch (error) {
// TODO (wvffle): Handle error
} else {
const retry = async (file: VueUploadItem) => {
upload.value.update(file, { error: '', progress: '0.00' })
upload.value.active = true
// Init
// Dropdown
const el = useCurrentElement()
watch(() => availableChannels.channels, () => {
onChange (value) {
values.channel = value
values: availableChannels.channels.map((channel) => {
const value = {
name: channel.artist?.name ?? '',
value: channel.uuid,
selected: props.channel?.uuid === channel.uuid
} as {
name: string
value: string
selected: boolean
image?: string
imageClass?: string
icon?: string
iconClass?: string
if (channel.artist?.cover?.urls.medium_square_crop) {
value.image = store.getters['instance/absoluteUrl'](channel.artist.cover.urls.medium_square_crop)
value.imageClass = channel.artist.content_category !== 'podcast'
? 'ui image avatar'
: 'ui image'
} else {
value.icon = 'user'
value.iconClass = channel.artist?.content_category !== 'podcast'
? 'circular icon'
: 'bordered icon'
return value
// Step
const step = ref<1 | 2 | 3>(1)
watchEffect(() => {
emit('step', step.value)
if (step.value === 2) {
selectedUploadId.value = null
watch(selectedUploadId, async (to, from) => {
if (to) {
step.value = 3
if (!to && step.value !== 2) {
step.value = 2
if (from) {
await patchUpload(from, { import_metadata: uploadImportData[from] })
// Status
watchEffect(() => {
const uploaded = uploadedFiles.value
const totalSize = uploaded.reduce(
(acc, uploadedFile) => !uploadedFile.error
? acc + (uploadedFile.size ?? 0)
: acc,
const activeFile = files.value.find(file => file.active)
emit('status', {
totalFiles: uploaded.length,
progress: Math.floor(uploadedSize.value / totalSize * 100),
speed: activeFile?.speed ?? 0,
quotaStatus: quotaStatus.value,
uploadedSize: uploadedSize.value,
canSubmit: activeFile !== undefined && uploadedFiles.value.length > 0
const labels = computed(() => ({
editTitle: $pgettext('Content/*/Button.Label/Verb', 'Edit')
:class="['ui', {loading: isLoadingStep1}, 'form component-file-upload']"
:class="['ui', { loading: availableChannels.loading }, 'form component-file-upload']"
@ -53,7 +452,7 @@
<template v-if="step >= 2 && step < 4">
<template v-if="step === 2 || step === 3">
v-if="remainingSpace === 0"
@ -70,7 +469,7 @@
<template v-else>
v-if="step === 2 && draftUploads && draftUploads.length > 0 && includeDraftUploads === null"
v-if="step === 2 && draftUploads?.length > 0 && includeDraftUploads === undefined"
class="ui visible info message"
@ -107,19 +506,19 @@
<div class="content">
class="ui basic icon button"
@click.stop.prevent="selectedUploadId = file.response.uuid"
@click.stop.prevent="selectedUploadId = file.response?.uuid"
<i class="pencil icon" />
class="ui basic danger icon label"
@click.stop.prevent="selectedUploadId = file.response.uuid"
@click.stop.prevent="selectedUploadId = file.response?.uuid"
<i class="warning sign icon" />
@ -136,8 +535,8 @@
{{ file.name }}
<div class="sub header">
<template v-if="file.response.uuid">
{{ humanSize(file.size) }}
<template v-if="file.response?.uuid">
{{ humanSize(file.size ?? 0) }}
<template v-if="file.response.duration">
· <human-duration :duration="file.response.duration" />
@ -161,8 +560,8 @@
· {{ humanSize(file.size) }}
· {{ parseInt(file.progress) }}%
· {{ humanSize(file.size ?? 0) }}
· {{ parseFloat(file.progress ?? '0') * 100 }}%
· <a @click.stop.prevent="remove(file)">
<translate translate-context="Content/Radio/Button.Label/Verb">Remove</translate>
@ -181,7 +580,7 @@
@values="setDynamic('uploadImportData', selectedUploadId, $event)"
@values="uploadImportData.selectedUploadId = $event"
v-if="step === 2"
@ -201,16 +600,16 @@
:class="['ui', 'icon', 'basic', 'button', 'channels', {hidden: step === 3}]"
<i class="upload icon" />
@ -230,398 +629,3 @@
import axios from 'axios'
import $ from 'jquery'
import LicenseSelect from '~/components/channels/LicenseSelect.vue'
import AlbumSelect from '~/components/channels/AlbumSelect.vue'
import FileUploadWidget from '~/components/library/FileUploadWidget.vue'
import UploadMetadataForm from '~/components/channels/UploadMetadataForm.vue'
import { humanSize } from '~/utils/filters'
function setIfEmpty (obj, k, v) {
if (obj[k] !== undefined) {
obj[k] = v
// TODO (wvffle): Find types in UploadMetadataForm.vue
export default {
components: {
props: {
channel: { type: Object, default: null, required: false }
setup () {
return { humanSize }
data () {
return {
availableChannels: {
results: [],
count: 0
audioMetadata: {},
uploadData: {},
uploadImportData: {},
draftUploads: null,
files: [],
errors: [],
removed: [],
includeDraftUploads: null,
uploadUrl: this.$store.getters['instance/absoluteUrl']('/api/v1/uploads/'),
quotaStatus: null,
isLoadingStep1: true,
step: 1,
values: {
channel: (this.channel || {}).uuid,
license: null,
album: null
selectedUploadId: null
computed: {
filesModel: {
get () {
return this.files
set (value) {
labels () {
return {
editTitle: this.$pgettext('Content/*/Button.Label/Verb', 'Edit')
baseImportMetadata () {
return {
channel: this.values.channel,
import_status: 'draft',
import_metadata: { license: this.values.license, album: this.values.album || null }
remainingSpace () {
if (!this.quotaStatus) {
return 0
return Math.max(0, this.quotaStatus.remaining - (this.uploadedSize / (1000 * 1000)))
selectedChannel () {
const self = this
return this.availableChannels.results.filter((c) => {
return c.uuid === self.values.channel
})[0] ?? null
selectedUpload () {
const self = this
if (!this.selectedUploadId) {
return null
const selected = this.uploadedFiles.filter((f) => {
return f.response && f.response.uuid === self.selectedUploadId
return {
_fileObj: selected._fileObj
uploadedFilesById () {
const data = {}
this.uploadedFiles.forEach((u) => {
data[u.response.uuid] = u
return data
uploadedFiles () {
const self = this
const files = this.files.map((f) => {
const data = {
_fileObj: f,
metadata: {}
if (f.response && f.response.uuid) {
const uploadImportMetadata = self.uploadImportData[f.response.uuid] || self.uploadData[f.response.uuid].import_metadata
data.metadata = {
data.removed = self.removed.indexOf(f.response.uuid) >= 0
return data
let final = []
if (this.includeDraftUploads) {
// we have two different objects: draft uploads (so already uploaded in a previous)
// session, and files uploaded in the current session
// so we ensure we have a similar structure for both.
final = [
...this.draftUploads.map((u) => {
return {
response: u,
_fileObj: null,
size: u.size,
progress: 100,
name: u.source.replace('upload://', ''),
active: false,
removed: self.removed.indexOf(u.uuid) >= 0,
metadata: self.uploadImportData[u.uuid] || self.audioMetadata[u.uuid] || u.import_metadata
} else {
final = files
return final.filter((f) => {
return !f.removed
summaryData () {
let speed = null
let remaining = null
if (this.activeFile) {
speed = this.activeFile.speed
remaining = parseInt(this.totalSize / speed)
return {
totalFiles: this.uploadedFiles.length,
totalSize: this.totalSize,
uploadedSize: this.uploadedSize,
progress: parseInt(this.uploadedSize * 100 / this.totalSize),
canSubmit: !this.activeFile && this.uploadedFiles.length > 0,
quotaStatus: this.quotaStatus
totalSize () {
let total = 0
this.uploadedFiles.forEach((f) => {
if (!f.error) {
total += f.size
return total
uploadedSize () {
let uploaded = 0
this.uploadedFiles.forEach((f) => {
if (f._fileObj && !f.error) {
uploaded += f.size * (f.progress / 100)
return uploaded
activeFile () {
return this.files.find((file) => file.active)
watch: {
'availableChannels.results' () {
'values.channel': {
async handler (v) {
this.files = []
if (v) {
await this.fetchDraftUploads(v)
immediate: true
step: {
handler (value) {
this.$emit('step', value)
if (value === 2) {
this.selectedUploadId = null
immediate: true
async selectedUploadId (v, o) {
if (v) {
this.step = 3
} else {
this.step = 2
if (o) {
await this.patchUpload(o, { import_metadata: this.uploadImportData[o] })
summaryData: {
handler (v) {
this.$emit('status', v)
immediate: true
async created () {
this.isLoadingStep1 = true
const p1 = this.fetchChannels()
await p1
this.isLoadingStep1 = false
methods: {
async fetchChannels () {
const response = await axios.get('channels/', { params: { scope: 'me' } })
this.availableChannels = response.data
async patchUpload (id, data) {
const response = await axios.patch(`uploads/${id}/`, data)
this.uploadData[id] = response.data
this.uploadImportData[id] = response.data.import_metadata
fetchQuota () {
const self = this
axios.get('users/me/').then((response) => {
self.quotaStatus = response.data.quota_status
publish () {
const self = this
self.isLoading = true
self.errors = []
const ids = this.uploadedFiles.map((f) => {
return f.response.uuid
const payload = {
action: 'publish',
objects: ids
return axios.post('uploads/action/', payload).then(
response => {
self.isLoading = false
self.$emit('published', {
uploads: self.uploadedFiles.map((u) => {
return {
import_status: 'pending'
channel: self.selectedChannel
error => {
self.errors = error.backendErrors
setupChannelsDropdown () {
const self = this
onChange (value, text, $choice) {
self.values.channel = value
values: this.availableChannels.results.map((c) => {
const d = {
name: c.artist.name,
value: c.uuid,
selected: self.channel && self.channel.uuid === c.uuid
if (c.artist.cover && c.artist.cover.urls.medium_square_crop) {
const coverUrl = self.$store.getters['instance/absoluteUrl'](c.artist.cover.urls.medium_square_crop)
d.image = coverUrl
if (c.artist.content_category === 'podcast') {
d.imageClass = 'ui image'
} else {
d.imageClass = 'ui avatar image'
} else {
d.icon = 'user'
if (c.artist.content_category === 'podcast') {
d.iconClass = 'bordered icon'
} else {
d.iconClass = 'circular icon'
return d
inputFile (newFile, oldFile) {
if (!newFile) {
if (this.remainingSpace < newFile.size / (1000 * 1000)) {
newFile.error = 'denied'
} else {
this.$refs.upload.active = true
fetchAudioMetadata (uuid) {
const self = this
self.audioMetadata[uuid] = null
axios.get(`uploads/${uuid}/audio-file-metadata/`).then((response) => {
self.setDynamic('audioMetadata', uuid, response.data)
const uploadedFile = self.uploadedFilesById[uuid]
if (uploadedFile._fileObj && uploadedFile.response.import_metadata.title === uploadedFile._fileObj.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '') && response.data.title) {
// replace existing title deduced from file by the one in audio file metadat, if any
self.uploadImportData[uuid].title = response.data.title
} else {
setIfEmpty(self.uploadImportData[uuid], 'title', response.data.title)
setIfEmpty(self.uploadImportData[uuid], 'title', response.data.title)
setIfEmpty(self.uploadImportData[uuid], 'position', response.data.position)
setIfEmpty(self.uploadImportData[uuid], 'tags', response.data.tags)
setIfEmpty(self.uploadImportData[uuid], 'description', (response.data.description || {}).text)
self.patchUpload(uuid, { import_metadata: self.uploadImportData[uuid] })
setDynamic (objName, key, data) {
// cf https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Change-Detection-Caveats
const newData = {}
newData[key] = data
this[objName] = Object.assign({}, this[objName], newData)
updateFiles (value) {
this.files = value
this.files.forEach((f) => {
if (f.response?.uuid && this.audioMetadata[f.response.uuid] === undefined) {
this.uploadData[f.response.uuid] = f.response
this.setDynamic('uploadImportData', f.response.uuid, {
async fetchDraftUploads (channel) {
const self = this
this.draftUploads = null
const response = await axios.get('uploads', { params: { import_status: 'draft', channel } })
this.draftUploads = response.data.results
this.draftUploads.forEach((u) => {
self.uploadImportData[u.uuid] = u.import_metadata
remove (file) {
if (file.response && file.response.uuid) {
} else {
retry (file) {
this.$refs.upload.update(file, { error: '', progress: '0.00' })
this.$refs.upload.active = true