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2018-08-22 18:10:39 +00:00
LDAP configuration
LDAP is a protocol for providing directory services, in practice allowing a central authority for user login information.
Funkwhale supports LDAP through the Django LDAP authentication module and by setting several configuration options.
.. warning::
Note the following restrictions when using LDAP:
* LDAP-based users cannot change passwords inside the app.
LDAP support requires some additional dependencies to enable. On the OS level both ``libldap2-dev`` and ``libsasl2-dev`` are required, and the Python modules ``python-ldap`` and ``django-auth-ldap`` must be installed. These dependencies are all included in the ``requirements.*`` files so deploying with those will install these dependencies by default. However, they are not required unless LDAP support is explicitly enabled.
Environment variables
LDAP authentication is configured entirely through the environment variables. The following options enable the LDAP features:
Basic features:
* ``LDAP_ENABLED``: Set to ``True`` to enable LDAP support. Default: ``False``.
* ``LDAP_SERVER_URI``: LDAP URI to the authentication server, e.g. ``ldap://``.
* ``LDAP_BIND_DN``: LDAP user DN to bind as to perform searches.
* ``LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD``: LDAP user password for bind DN.
* ``LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER``: The LDAP user filter, using ``{0}`` as the username placeholder, e.g. ``(|(cn={0})(mail={0}))``; uses standard LDAP search syntax. Default: ``(uid={0})``.
* ``LDAP_START_TLS``: Set to ``True`` to enable LDAP StartTLS support. Default: ``False``.
* ``LDAP_ROOT_DN``: The LDAP search root DN, e.g. ``dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com``; supports multiple entries in a space-delimited list, e.g. ``dc=users,dc=domain,dc=com dc=admins,dc=domain,dc=com``.
* ``LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP``: A mapping of Django user attributes to LDAP values, e.g. ``first_name:givenName, last_name:sn, username:cn, email:mail``. Default: ``first_name:givenName, last_name:sn, username:cn, email:mail``.
Group features:
For details on these options, see `the Django documentation <>`_. Group configuration is disabled unless an ``LDAP_GROUP_DN`` is set. This is an advanced LDAP feature and most users should not need to configure these settings.
* ``LDAP_GROUP_DN``: The LDAP group search root DN, e.g. ``ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com``.
* ``LDAP_GROUP_FILTER``: The LDAP group filter, e.g. ``(objectClass=groupOfNames)``.
* ``LDAP_REQUIRE_GROUP``: A group users must be a part of to authenticate, e.g. ``cn=enabled,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com``.
* ``LDAP_DENY_GROUP``: A group users must not be a part of to authenticate, e.g. ``cn=disabled,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com``.