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import type { BackendError, User } from '~/types'
2022-07-04 22:52:53 +00:00
import type { Module } from 'vuex'
import type { RootState } from '~/store/index'
2022-07-21 23:19:16 +00:00
import type { RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router'
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2018-01-11 20:35:51 +00:00
import axios from 'axios'
import useLogger from '~/composables/useLogger'
import useFormData from '~/composables/useFormData'
import { clear as clearIDB } from 'idb-keyval'
import { useQueue } from '~/composables/audio/queue'
export type Permission = 'settings' | 'library' | 'moderation'
export interface State {
authenticated: boolean
username: string
fullUsername: string
availablePermissions: Record<Permission, boolean>,
2022-07-05 22:34:11 +00:00
profile: null | User
oauth: OAuthTokens
scopedTokens: ScopedTokens
2022-11-14 20:55:06 +00:00
applicationSecret: string | undefined
interface ScopedTokens {
listen: null | string
interface OAuthTokens {
clientId: null | string
clientSecret: null | string
accessToken: null | string
refreshToken: null | string
const NEEDED_SCOPES = 'read write'
const logger = useLogger()
function getDefaultScopedTokens (): ScopedTokens {
return {
listen: null
function getDefaultOauth (): OAuthTokens {
return {
clientId: null,
clientSecret: null,
accessToken: null,
refreshToken: null
async function createOauthApp () {
const payload = {
name: `Funkwhale web client at ${window.location.hostname}`,
website: location.origin,
redirect_uris: `${location.origin}/auth/callback`
return (await'oauth/apps/', payload)).data
const store: Module<State, RootState> = {
namespaced: true,
state: {
authenticated: false,
username: '',
fullUsername: '',
availablePermissions: {
settings: false,
library: false,
moderation: false
profile: null,
oauth: getDefaultOauth(),
2022-11-14 20:55:06 +00:00
scopedTokens: getDefaultScopedTokens(),
applicationSecret: undefined
getters: {
header: state => {
if (state.oauth.accessToken) {
return 'Bearer ' + state.oauth.accessToken
2020-02-25 16:26:39 +00:00
mutations: {
reset (state) {
state.authenticated = false
state.profile = null
state.username = ''
state.fullUsername = ''
state.scopedTokens = getDefaultScopedTokens()
state.oauth = getDefaultOauth()
state.availablePermissions = {
settings: false,
library: false,
moderation: false
2022-11-14 20:55:06 +00:00
state.applicationSecret = undefined
profile: (state, value) => {
state.profile = value
authenticated: (state, value) => {
state.authenticated = value
if (value === false) {
state.username = ''
state.fullUsername = ''
state.profile = null
state.scopedTokens = getDefaultScopedTokens()
state.availablePermissions = {
settings: false,
library: false,
moderation: false
username: (state, value) => {
state.username = value
fullUsername: (state, value) => {
state.fullUsername = value
2018-07-13 12:10:39 +00:00
avatar: (state, value) => {
if (state.profile) {
state.profile.avatar = value
scopedTokens: (state, value) => {
state.scopedTokens = { ...value }
permission: (state, { key, status }: { key: Permission, status: boolean }) => {
state.availablePermissions[key] = status
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profilePartialUpdate: (state, payload: User) => {
if (!state.profile) {
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state.profile = {} as User
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(payload)) {
2022-07-05 22:34:11 +00:00
state.profile[key as keyof User] = value as never
oauthApp: (state, payload) => {
state.oauth.clientId = payload.client_id
state.oauth.clientSecret = payload.client_secret
oauthToken: (state, payload) => {
state.oauth.accessToken = payload.access_token
state.oauth.refreshToken = payload.refresh_token
actions: {
// Send a request to the login URL and save the returned JWT
2022-07-21 23:19:16 +00:00
async login ({ dispatch }, { credentials }) {
const form = useFormData(credentials)
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await'users/login', form)'Successfully logged in as', credentials.username)
await dispatch('fetchUser')
async logout ({ commit }) {
try {
2022-02-21 18:52:16 +00:00
} catch (error) {
2023-09-01 12:09:58 +00:00
logger.error('Error while logging out, probably logged in via oauth', error)
const modules = [
for (const module of modules) {
commit(`${module}/reset`, null, { root: true })
// Clear session storage
// Clear track queue
await useQueue().clear()
// Clear all indexedDB data
await clearIDB()'Log out, goodbye!')
2022-07-21 23:19:16 +00:00
async fetchNotifications ({ dispatch, state }) {
return Promise.all([
dispatch('ui/fetchUnreadNotifications', null, { root: true }),
state.availablePermissions.library && dispatch('ui/fetchPendingReviewEdits', null, { root: true }),
state.availablePermissions.moderation && dispatch('ui/fetchPendingReviewReports', null, { root: true }),
state.availablePermissions.moderation && dispatch('ui/fetchPendingReviewRequests', null, { root: true })
async fetchUser ({ dispatch }) {
try {
const response = await axios.get('users/me/')'Successfully fetched user profile')
await Promise.all([
dispatch('favorites/fetch', null, { root: true }),
dispatch('playlists/fetchOwn', null, { root: true }),
dispatch('libraries/fetchFollows', null, { root: true }),
dispatch('channels/fetchSubscriptions', null, { root: true }),
2019-02-14 09:49:06 +00:00
dispatch('moderation/fetchContentFilters', null, { root: true })
2022-07-21 23:19:16 +00:00
} catch (error) {
if ((error as BackendError).response?.status === 401) {'User is not authenticated')
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logger.error('Error while fetching user profile', error)
2022-07-05 22:34:11 +00:00
updateUser ({ commit }, data) {
commit('authenticated', true)
commit('profile', data)
commit('username', data.username)
commit('fullUsername', data.full_username)
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if (data.tokens) {
commit('scopedTokens', data.tokens)
for (const [permission, hasPermission] of Object.entries(data.permissions)) {
// this makes it easier to check for permissions in templates
commit('permission', { key: permission, status: hasPermission })
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async oauthLogin ({ state, rootState, commit }, next: RouteLocationRaw) {
const app = await createOauthApp()
commit('oauthApp', app)
const redirectUri = encodeURIComponent(`${location.origin}/auth/callback`)
const params = `response_type=code&scope=${encodeURIComponent(NEEDED_SCOPES)}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}&state=${next}&client_id=${state.oauth.clientId}`
const authorizeUrl = `${rootState.instance.instanceUrl}authorize?${params}`
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logger.log('Redirecting user...', authorizeUrl)
window.location.href = authorizeUrl
async handleOauthCallback ({ state, commit, dispatch }, authorizationCode) {
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logger.log('Fetching token...')
const payload = {
client_id: state.oauth.clientId,
client_secret: state.oauth.clientSecret,
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: authorizationCode,
redirect_uri: `${location.origin}/auth/callback`
const response = await
{ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } }
2022-07-05 22:34:11 +00:00
await dispatch('fetchUser')
async refreshOauthToken ({ state, commit }) {
const payload = {
client_id: state.oauth.clientId,
client_secret: state.oauth.clientSecret,
grant_type: 'refresh_token',
refresh_token: state.oauth.refreshToken
const response = await
{ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } }
export default store