Funkwhale has a reasonable memory footprint. If you're running Funkwhale on a limited device, you can use these tweaks to reduce the footprint.
## Reduce workers concurrency
Funkwhale uses Celery to handle asynchronous tasks. By default, Celery spawns a worker per CPU core. This can lead to higher memory usage.
You can set the number of workers using the `CELERYD_CONCURRENCY` variable in your `.env` file. For example, a value of `CELERYD_CONCURRENCY=1` spawns a single worker.
Reducing the number of celery workers slows down the handling of asynchronous tasks. On larger instances, this can cause performance problems.
## Switch to solo pool execution
Celery uses a `prefork` pool by default. This enables the server to process many tasks at the same time. You can switch to a `solo` pool which handles tasks one at a time. This reduces memory overhead but removes the ability to process tasks concurrently.