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Instance configuration
General configuration is achieved using two type of settings.
Environment variables
Those are located in your ``.env`` file, which you should have created
during installation.
Options from this file are heavily commented, and usually target lower level
and technical aspects of your instance, such as database credentials.
.. note::
You should restart all Funkwhale processes when you change the values
on environment variables.
.. note::
Some characters are unsafe to use in configuration variables that are URLs,
such as the user and password in the database and SMTP sections.
If those variables contain such characters, they must be urlencoded, for
instance using the following command:
``python3 -c 'import urllib.parse; print(urllib.parse.quote_plus("p@ssword"))``
.. _instance-settings:
Instance settings
Those settings are stored in database and do not require a restart of your
instance after modification. They typically relate to higher level configuration,
such your instance description, signup policy and so on.
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You can edit those settings directly from the web application, assuming
you have the required permissions. The URL is ``/manage/settings``, and
you will also find a link to this page in the sidebar.
If you plan to use acoustid and external imports
(e.g. with the youtube backends), you should edit the corresponding
settings in this interface.
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.. note::
If you have any issue with the web application, a management interface is also
available for those settings from :doc:`Django's administration interface <django>`. It's
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less user friendly, though, and we recommend you use the web app interface
whenever possible.
The URL should be ``/api/admin/dynamic_preferences/globalpreferencemodel/`` (prepend your domain in front of it, of course).
Configuration reference
.. _setting-EMAIL_CONFIG:
Determine how emails are sent.
Default: ``consolemail://``
Possible values:
- ``consolemail://``: Output sent emails to stdout
- ``dummymail://``: Completely discard sent emails
- ``smtp://``: Send emails via SMTP via on port 25, without encryption, authenticating as user "user" with password "password"
- ``smtp+ssl://``: Send emails via SMTP via on port 465, using SSL encryption, authenticating as user "user" with password "password"
- ``smtp+tls://``: Send emails via SMTP via on port 587, using TLS encryption, authenticating as user "user" with password "password"
.. note::
If ``user`` or ``password`` contain special characters (eg.
```` as ``user``), be sure to urlencode them, using
for example the command:
``python3 -c 'import urllib.parse; print(urllib.parse.quote_plus(""))'``
(returns ````)
The email address to use to send email.
Default: ``Funkwhale <noreply@yourdomain>``
.. note::
Both the forms ``Funkwhale <noreply@yourdomain>`` and
``noreply@yourdomain`` work.
Default: ``None``
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The path on your server where Funkwhale can import files using :ref:`in-place import
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<in-place-import>`. It must be readable by the webserver and Funkwhale
api and worker processes.
On docker installations, we recommend you use the default of ``/music``
for this value. For non-docker installation, you can use any absolute path.
``/srv/funkwhale/data/music`` is a safe choice if you don't know what to use.
.. note:: This path should not include any trailing slash
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.. warning::
You need to adapt your :ref:`reverse-proxy configuration<reverse-proxy-setup>` to
serve the directory pointed by ``MUSIC_DIRECTORY_PATH`` on
``/_protected/music`` URL.
Default: :ref:`setting-MUSIC_DIRECTORY_PATH`
When using Docker, the value of :ref:`setting-MUSIC_DIRECTORY_PATH` in your containers
may differ from the real path on your host. Assuming you have the following directive
in your :file:`docker-compose.yml` file::
- /srv/funkwhale/data/music:/music:ro
Then, the value of :ref:`setting-MUSIC_DIRECTORY_SERVE_PATH` should be
``/srv/funkwhale/data/music``. This must be readable by the webserver.
On non-docker setup, you don't need to configure this setting.
.. note:: This path should not include any trailing slash
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Default: ``nginx``
The type of reverse-proxy behind which Funkwhale is served. Either ``apache2``
or ``nginx``. This is only used if you are using in-place import.
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User permissions
Funkwhale's permission model works as follows:
- Anonymous users cannot do anything unless configured specifically
- Logged-in users can use the application, but cannot do things that affect
the whole instance
- Superusers can do anything
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To make things more granular and allow some delegation of responsibility,
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superusers can grant specific permissions to specific users. Available
permissions are:
- **Manage instance-level settings**: users with this permission can edit instance
settings as described in :ref:`instance-settings`
- **Manage library**: users with this permission can import new music in the
- **Manage library federation**: users with this permission can ask to federate with
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other instances, and accept/deny federation requests from other instances
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There is no dedicated interface to manage users permissions, but superusers
can login on the :doc:`Django's admin <django>` at ``/api/admin/`` and grant permissions
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to users at ``/api/admin/users/user/``.
Front-end settings
We offer a basic mechanism to customize the behaviour and look and feel of Funkwhale's Web UI.
To use any of the options below, you will need to create a custom JSON configuration file and serve it
on ``https://yourinstanceurl/settings.json``.
On typical deployments, this url returns a 404 error, which is simply ignored.
First, create the settings file:
.. code-block:: shell
cd /srv/funkwhale/
# create a directory for your configuration file
# you can use a different name / path of course
mkdir custom
# populate the configuration file with default values
cat <<EOF > custom/settings.json
"additionalStylesheets": [],
"defaultServerUrl": null
Once the ``settings.json`` file is created, you will need to serve it from your reverse proxy.
If you are using nginx, add the following snippet to your vhost configuration::
location /settings.json {
alias /srv/funkwhale/custom/settings.json;
On apache, add the following to your vhost configuration::
Alias /settings.json /srv/funkwhale/custom/settings.json
Then reload your reverse proxy.
At this point, visiting ``https://yourinstanceurl/settings.json`` should serve the content
of the settings.json file.
.. warning::
The settings.json file must be a valid JSON file. If you have any issue, try linting
the file with a tool such as `<>`_ to detect potential
syntax issues.
Available configuration options
Your :file:`settings.json` can contain the following options:
| Name | Type | Example value | Description |
| ``additionalStylesheets`` | Array of URLs | ``["https://test/theme.css"]`` | A list of stylesheets URL (absolute or relative) |
| | | (default: ``[]``) | that the web UI should load. see the "Theming" section |
| | | | below for a detailed explanation |
| | | | |
| ``defaultServerUrl`` | URL | ``""`` | The URL of the API server this front-end should |
| | | (default: ``null``) | connect with. If null, the UI will use |
| | | | the value of VUE_APP_INSTANCE_URL |
| | | | (specified during build) or fallback to the current domain |
Missing options or options with a ``null`` value in the ``settings.json`` file are ignored.
To theme your Funkwhale instance, you need:
1. A CSS file for your theme, that can be loaded by the front-end
2. To update the value of ``additionalStylesheets`` in your settings.json file to point to your CSS file URL
.. code-block:: shell
cd /srv/funkwhale/custom
nano settings.json
# append
# "additionalStylesheets": ["/front/custom/custom.css"]
# to the configuration or replace the existing value, if any
# create a basic theming file changing the background to red
cat <<EOF > custom.css
body {
background-color: red;
The last step to make this work is to ensure your CSS file is served by the reverse proxy.
On nginx, add the following snippet to your vhost config::
location /custom {
alias /srv/funkwhale/custom;
On apache, use the following one::
Alias /custom /srv/funkwhale/custom
<Directory "/srv/funkwhale/custom">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Once done, reload your reverse proxy, refresh Funkwhale in your web browser, and you should see
a red background.
.. note::
You can reference external urls as well in ``additionalStylesheets``, simply use
the full urls. Be especially careful with external urls as they may affect your users
.. warning::
Loading additional stylesheets and CSS rules can affect the performance and
usability of your instance. If you encounter issues with the interfaces and use
custom stylesheets, try to disable those to ensure the issue is not caused
by your customizations.