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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import collections
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from . import models
def get_tags_from_foreign_key(
ids, foreign_key_model, foreign_key_attr, tagged_items_attr="tagged_items"
Cf #988, this is useful to tag an artist with #Rock if all its tracks are tagged with
#Rock, for instance.
data = {}
objs = foreign_key_model.objects.filter(
**{"{}__pk__in".format(foreign_key_attr): ids}
objs = objs.only("id", "{}_id".format(foreign_key_attr)).prefetch_related(
for obj in objs.iterator():
# loop on all objects, store the objs tags + counter on the corresponding foreign key
row_data = data.setdefault(
getattr(obj, "{}_id".format(foreign_key_attr)),
{"total_objs": 0, "tags": []},
row_data["total_objs"] += 1
for ti in getattr(obj, tagged_items_attr).all():
# now, keep only tags that are present on all objects, i.e tags where the count
# matches total_objs
final_data = {}
for key, row_data in data.items():
counter = collections.Counter(row_data["tags"])
tags_to_keep = sorted(
[t for t, c in counter.items() if c >= row_data["total_objs"]]
if tags_to_keep:
final_data[key] = tags_to_keep
return final_data
def add_tags_batch(data, model, tagged_items_attr="tagged_items"):
model_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
tagged_items = [
models.TaggedItem(tag_id=tag_id, content_type=model_ct, object_id=obj_id)
for obj_id, tag_ids in data.items()
for tag_id in tag_ids
return models.TaggedItem.objects.bulk_create(tagged_items, batch_size=2000)