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2022-07-01 09:02:29 +00:00
# Configure LDAP
{abbr}`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)` is a protocol for providing directory services. It acts as a central authority for user login information. Funkwhale supports LDAP through the [Django LDAP authentication module](
LDAP users can't change their password in the app.
## Dependencies
LDAP support requires extra dependencies. We include these in our requirements files to make it easier to set up. If you aren't using LDAP, you can safely remove these.
```{dropdown} OS dependencies
- `libldap2-dev`
- `libsasl2-dev`
```{dropdown} Python dependencies
- `python-ldap`
- `python-django-auth-ldap`
## Environment variables
You can configure LDAP authentication using environment variables in your `.env` file.
### Basic features
```{py:data} LDAP_ENABLED
value: True
type: Boolean
2022-07-03 14:13:58 +00:00
noindex: True
2022-07-01 09:02:29 +00:00
Set this to `True` to enable LDAP support
```{py:data} LDAP_SERVER_URI
type: URI
value: ldap://
The LDAP {abbr}`URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)` of your authentication server.
```{py:data} LDAP_BIND_DN
type: String
value: cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com
LDAP user {abbr}`DN (Distinguised Name)` to bind on so you can perform searches.
type: String
value: bindpassword
LDAP user password for bind {abbr}`DN (Distinguised Name)`.
type: String
value: (|(cn={0})(mail={0}))
The LDAP user filter, using `{0}` as the username placeholder. Uses standard [LDAP search syntax](
```{py:data} LDAP_START_TLS
type: Boolean
value: False
Set to `True` to enable LDAP StartTLS support.
```{py:data} LDAP_ROOT_DN
type: String
value: dc=domain,dc=com
The LDAP search root {abbr}`DN (Distinguised Name)`. Supports several entries in a comma-delimited list.
```{py:data} LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP
type: String
value: first_name:givenName, last_name:sn, username:cn, email:mail
A mapping of Django user attributes to LDAP values.
type: Boolean
value: False
Controls whether to use direct binding.
### Group features
LDAP provides extra features for working with groups. Group configuration is an advanced feature. Most users don't need to configure these settings.
[Django's LDAP documentation]( for groups.
```{py:data} LDAP_GROUP_DN
type: String
value: ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com
The LDAP group search root {abbr}`DN (Distinguised Name)`. This needs to be set to `True` to enable group features.
```{py:data} LDAP_GROUP_FILTER
type: String
value: objectClass=groupOfNames
The LDAP group filter.
type: String
value: cn=enabled,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com
The group that users need to be a member of to authenticate.
```{py:data} LDAP_DENY_GROUP
type: String
value: cn=disabled,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com
A group whose members can't authenticate.