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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

Changing Your Instance URL
At some point, you may wish to change your instance URL. In order to
do this, you will need to change the following:
- The instance URL in your .env file
- The instance URL in your ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` or ``/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` depending on your web server setup
- Any references to the old URL in your database
The changes to the database can be achieved with the ``fix_federation_ids`` script in the ````
Example output:
.. code-block:: shell
# For Docker setups
docker-compose run --rm api python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input
# For non-Docker setups
python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input
# Output
Will replace 108 found occurences of 'https://old-url' by 'https://new-url':
- 20 music.Artist
- 13 music.Album
- 39 music.Track
- 31 music.Upload
- 1 music.Library
- 4 federation.Actor
- 0 federation.Activity
- 0 federation.Follow
- 0 federation.LibraryFollow
Replacing on 20 music.Artist…
Replacing on 13 music.Album…
Replacing on 39 music.Track…
Replacing on 31 music.Upload…
Replacing on 1 music.Library…
Replacing on 4 federation.Actor…
Replacing on 0 federation.Activity…
Replacing on 0 federation.Follow…
Replacing on 0 federation.LibraryFollow…
On Docker Installations
If you have followed the :doc:`Docker installation instructions <../installation/docker>`, you
will need to do the following:
- Edit your .env file to change the ``FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME`` and ``DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS`` value to your new URL
- Edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` file to change the ``server_name`` values to your new URL
- Run the following command to change all mentions of your old instance URL in the database:
.. code-block:: shell
docker-compose run --rm api python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input
- Restart Nginx or Apache to pick up the new changes
.. code-block:: shell
# For Nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
# For Apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2
On Non-Docker Installations
If you have followed the :doc:`non-docker setup <../installation/debian>`, you will need to do the following:
- Edit your .env file to change the ``FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME`` and ``DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS`` value to your new URL
- Edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` file to change the ``server_name`` values to your new URL
- Run the following command to change all mentions of your old instance URL in the database:
.. code-block:: shell
python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input
- Restart Nginx or Apache to pick up the new changes
.. code-block:: shell
# For Nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
# For Apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2