using AmateurBandLib; using M0LTE.WsjtxUdpLib.Client; using M0LTE.WsjtxUdpLib.Messages.Out; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace ft8spotter { class Program { private const string connectionStringKey = "cloudlog_connection_string"; private const string urlKey = "cloudlog_url"; static ClublogCtyXml ctyXml; static int bandMetres; static void Main(string[] args) { httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.TryParseAdd("ft8spotter"); bool multicast = GetAndConsumeArg(args, "--multicast"); bool all = args.Any(a => a == "--all"); bool grids = args.Any(a => a == "--grids"); if (!all) { Console.WriteLine("Only showing needed spots. Pass --all for all spots."); } if (!grids) { Console.WriteLine("Not looking for unworked grids. Pass --grids to turn this on."); } if (args.Any(a => a == "--help" || a == "-h" || a == "/?")) { Console.WriteLine(@"A work in progress, that listens to udp://localhost:2237 for WSJT-X, works out the DXCC entity of every call heard using Clublog's cty.xml, then queries a Cloudlog instance via its API to see if it's a needed slot. If it is, it highlights the call in red in the console window."); return; } if (!File.Exists(configFile) || File.ReadAllText(configFile).Contains(connectionStringKey)) { Console.WriteLine("You need to provide a Cloudlog URL, e.g."); Console.WriteLine("in order for ft8spotter to check spots against Cloudlog. Please provide it now..."); string url = Console.ReadLine(); string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(configFile); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } File.WriteAllText(configFile, $"{urlKey}={url}"); } var config = GetConfig(); cloudLogUri = new Uri(new Uri(config[urlKey]), "index.php/api/"); var fi = new FileInfo("cty.xml"); bool isFresh = false; if (DateTime.Now - fi.LastWriteTime > TimeSpan.FromDays(1)) { var wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadFile("", ""); if (File.Exists("cty.xml.bak")) { File.Delete("cty.xml.bak"); } File.Move("cty.xml", "cty.xml.bak"); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("", "."); isFresh = true; File.Delete(""); } try { ctyXml = ClublogCtyXml.Parse(File.ReadAllText("cty.xml")); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isFresh) { File.Delete("cty.xml"); File.Move("cty.xml.bak", "cty.xml"); Console.WriteLine($"Failed to update cty.xml: {ex.Message}"); ctyXml = ClublogCtyXml.Parse(File.ReadAllText("cty.xml")); } } WsjtxClient wsjsxClient; if (multicast) { //TODO: make hard-coded group an argument wsjsxClient = new WsjtxClient(Callback, IPAddress.Parse(""), multicast: true); } else { wsjsxClient = new WsjtxClient(Callback, IPAddress.Loopback); } Console.WriteLine($"Listening for WSJT-X"); Thread.CurrentThread.Join(); void Callback(WsjtxMessage wsjtxMessage) { if (wsjtxMessage is StatusMessage statusMessage) { ProcessStatusMessage(statusMessage); return; } if (!(wsjtxMessage is DecodeMessage decodeMessage)) { return; } if (bandMetres == 0) { return; } var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); string heardCall = GetHeardCall(decodeMessage.Message); if (heardCall == null) { return; } var entity = GetEntity(heardCall); string grid = GetGrid(decodeMessage.Datagram); var needed = entity == null ? Needed.No : GetNeeded(bandMetres, entity.Adif, grids ? grid : null, "ft8"); if (all || !Needed.No.Equals(needed)) { if (sw.Elapsed > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) { Console.WriteLine($"--- {DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss} --------------------------"); sw.Restart(); } var colBefore = Console.ForegroundColor; if (needed.NewCountryOnAnyBand) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } else if (needed.NewCountryOnBand) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; } else if (needed.NewCountryOnBandOnMode) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; } else if (needed.NewGridOnAnyBand) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } else if (needed.NewGridOnBand) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; } else if (needed.NewGridOnBandOnMode) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; } WriteAtColumn(0, needed, 19); WriteAtColumn(19, heardCall, 10); WriteAtColumn(30, decodeMessage.Snr, 4); WriteAtColumn(34, IsGrid(grid) ? grid : String.Empty, 4); WriteAtColumn(39, entity?.Adif, 3); WriteAtColumn(43, (entity?.Entity) ?? "Unknown", 50); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = colBefore; } } } private static void ProcessStatusMessage(StatusMessage statusMessage) { var band = AmateurBand.FromHz((long)statusMessage.DialFrequency); if (band == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Not an amateur band: {statusMessage.DialFrequency / 1000000.0}MHz"); return; } if (int.TryParse(band.Name.Replace("m", ""), out int bm) && bm != bandMetres) { bandMetres = bm; Console.WriteLine($"Switched to {band.Name}"); } } private static bool GetAndConsumeArg(string[] args, string v) { bool present = args.Contains(v); args = args.Where(a => a != v).ToArray(); return present; } private static string GetHeardCall(string text) { string[] split = text.Split(' '); string heard; if (split.Length == 0) { heard = null; } else if (split.Length == 1) { heard = split[0]; } else if (split.Length == 2) { heard = split[split.Length - 1]; } else if (split.Length == 3) { heard = split[split.Length - 2]; } else if (split.Length == 4) { heard = split[split.Length - 2]; } else { heard = null; } if (heard != null) { heard = heard.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", ""); } return heard; } private static void WriteAtColumn(int col, object heardCall, int max) { Console.SetCursorPosition(col, Console.CursorTop); string toWrite; if (heardCall == null) { toWrite = ""; } else { string str = heardCall.ToString(); if (str == null) { toWrite = ""; } else if (str.Length <= max) { toWrite = str; } else { toWrite = str.Substring(0, max); } } Console.Write(toWrite); } private static string GetGrid(byte[] msg) { string text; try { text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Skip(52).SkipLast(2).ToArray()); } catch (Exception) { return null; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { return null; } string[] split = text.Split(' '); if (split.Length == 2 || split.Length == 3 || split.Length == 4) { string candidate = split.Last(); if (IsGrid(candidate)) { return candidate; } else { if (Debugger.IsAttached && split.Any(s => IsGrid(s))) { Debugger.Break(); } return null; } } else { if (Debugger.IsAttached && split.Any(s => IsGrid(s))) { Debugger.Break(); } return null; } } private static bool IsGrid(string v) { if (v == "RR73") return false; if (v == null || v.Length != 4) return false; if (!char.IsUpper(v[0]) || !char.IsUpper(v[1])) return false; if (!char.IsNumber(v[2]) || !char.IsNumber(v[3])) return false; return true; } private static string Pad(string heardCall, int v) { if (heardCall == null) { return new string(' ', v); } if (heardCall.Length >= v) { return heardCall.Substring(0, v); } return heardCall + new string(' ', v - heardCall.Length); } static string configFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), ".ft8spotter", "config"); private static Dictionary config; private static Dictionary GetConfig() { if (config == null) { config = File.ReadAllLines(configFile) .Where(line => line.Contains("=")) .Select(line => new { key = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf("=")), value = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 1) }) .Where(kvp => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kvp.key) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kvp.value)) .ToDictionary(line => line.key, line => line.value); } return config; } class Needed { public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!(obj is Needed other)) { return false; } if (obj == null) return false; return other.NewCountryOnBand == NewCountryOnBand && other.NewCountryOnBandOnMode == NewCountryOnBandOnMode && other.NewGridOnBand == NewGridOnBand && other.NewGridOnBandOnMode == NewGridOnBandOnMode && other.NewCountryOnAnyBand == NewCountryOnAnyBand && other.NewGridOnAnyBand == NewGridOnAnyBand; } public override int GetHashCode() { return NewCountryOnBand.GetHashCode() ^ NewCountryOnBandOnMode.GetHashCode() ^ NewGridOnBand.GetHashCode() ^ NewGridOnBandOnMode.GetHashCode() ^ NewCountryOnAnyBand.GetHashCode() ^ NewGridOnAnyBand.GetHashCode(); } public bool NewCountryOnBandOnMode { get; set; } public bool NewCountryOnBand { get; set; } public bool NewGridOnBand { get; set; } public bool NewGridOnBandOnMode { get; set; } public static Needed No { get { return new Needed(); } } public bool NewCountryOnAnyBand { get; set; } public bool NewGridOnAnyBand { get; set; } public override string ToString() { if (NewCountryOnAnyBand) { return "Country"; } if (NewCountryOnBand) { return "Country+Band"; } if (NewCountryOnBandOnMode) { return "Country+Band+Mode"; } if (NewGridOnAnyBand) { return "Grid"; } if (NewGridOnBand) { return "Grid+Band"; } if (NewGridOnBandOnMode) { return "Grid+Band+Mode"; } return null; } } private static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); private static Uri cloudLogUri; private static string HttpGet(string url) { int delay = 100; while (true) { try { return httpClient.GetStringAsync(new Uri(cloudLogUri, url)).Result; } catch (Exception ex) { string message; if (ex is AggregateException aggregateException) { message = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, aggregateException.InnerExceptions.Select(e => e.Message)); } else { message = ex.Message; } Console.WriteLine(message); Thread.Sleep(delay); if (delay < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds) { delay *= 2; } } } } private static Needed GetNeeded(int band, int? adif, string gridSquare, string mode) { if (!adif.HasValue) { return Needed.No; } int dxcc = adif.Value; int qsosWithThatCountryOnAnyBand = int.Parse(HttpGet($"country_worked/{dxcc}/all")); var result = new Needed(); if (qsosWithThatCountryOnAnyBand == 0) { result.NewCountryOnAnyBand = true; } else { int qsosWithThatCountryOnCurrentBand = int.Parse(HttpGet($"country_worked/{dxcc}/{band}m")); if (qsosWithThatCountryOnCurrentBand == 0) { result.NewCountryOnBand = true; } else { int qsosWithThatCountryOnThatBandInThisMode = int.Parse(HttpGet($"country_worked/{dxcc}/{band}m/{mode}")); if (qsosWithThatCountryOnThatBandInThisMode == 0) { result.NewCountryOnBandOnMode = true; } } } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gridSquare) && gridSquare.Length >= 4) { if (gridSquare.Length > 4) { gridSquare = gridSquare.Substring(0, 4); } int qsosWithThatGridOnAnyBand = int.Parse(HttpGet($"gridsquare_worked/{gridSquare}/all")); if (qsosWithThatGridOnAnyBand == 0) { result.NewGridOnAnyBand = true; } else { int qsosWithThatGridOnThatBand = int.Parse(HttpGet($"gridsquare_worked/{gridSquare}/{band}m")); if (qsosWithThatGridOnThatBand == 0) { result.NewGridOnBand = true; } else { int qsosWithThatGridOnThatBandInThisMode = int.Parse(HttpGet($"gridsquare_worked/{gridSquare}/{band}m/{mode}")); if (qsosWithThatGridOnThatBandInThisMode == 0) { result.NewGridOnBandOnMode = true; } } } } return result; } private static MatchingEntity GetEntity(string heardCall) { var possibleExceptions = ctyXml.Exceptions.Where(c => String.Equals(heardCall, c.Call, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (var possibleException in possibleExceptions) { if (possibleException.Start.HasValue) { if (possibleException.Start.Value.ToUniversalTime() > DateTime.UtcNow) { continue; } else { // matches } } if (possibleException.End.HasValue) { if (possibleException.End.Value.ToUniversalTime() < DateTime.UtcNow) { continue; } else { // matches } } return new MatchingEntity { Call = possibleException.Call, Adif = possibleException.Adif, Continent = possibleException.Continent, CqZone = possibleException.CqZone, Entity = possibleException.Entity, Latitude = possibleException.Latitude, Longitude = possibleException.Longitude, }; } var fragments = GetFragments(heardCall); foreach (var callFragement in fragments) { var possiblePrefixes = ctyXml.Prefixes.Where(p => String.Equals(callFragement, p.Call, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (var possiblePrefix in possiblePrefixes) { if (possiblePrefix.Start.HasValue) { if (possiblePrefix.Start.Value.ToUniversalTime() > DateTime.UtcNow) { continue; } else { // matches } } if (possiblePrefix.End.HasValue) { if (possiblePrefix.End.Value.ToUniversalTime() < DateTime.UtcNow) { continue; } else { // matches } } return new MatchingEntity { Call = possiblePrefix.Call, Adif = possiblePrefix.Adif, Continent = possiblePrefix.Continent, CqZone = possiblePrefix.CqZone, Entity = possiblePrefix.Entity, Latitude = possiblePrefix.Latitude, Longitude = possiblePrefix.Longitude, }; } } return null; } private static IEnumerable GetFragments(string call) { for (int i = call.Length; i > 0; i--) { yield return call.Substring(0, i); } } static string GetHeardCall(byte[] msg) { string text; try { text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Skip(52).SkipLast(2).ToArray()); } catch (Exception) { return null; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { return null; } return GetHeardCall(text); } } internal class MatchingEntity { public string Call { get; set; } public int? Adif { get; set; } public string Continent { get; set; } public int? CqZone { get; set; } private string _entity; public string Entity { get { return _entity; } set { _entity = Niceify(value); } } private string Niceify(string value) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { return null; } return string.Join(' ', value.Split(' ').Select(word => word == "OF" ? "of" : $"{word[0].ToString().ToUpper()}{(word.Length == 1 ? "" : new String(word.Skip(1).ToArray()).ToLower())}")); } public double? Latitude { get; set; } public double? Longitude { get; set; } } public static class Extensions { public static IEnumerable> Batch( this IEnumerable source, int size) { TSource[] bucket = null; var count = 0; foreach (var item in source) { if (bucket == null) bucket = new TSource[size]; bucket[count++] = item; if (count != size) continue; yield return bucket; bucket = null; count = 0; } if (bucket != null && count > 0) yield return bucket.Take(count); } } }