Merge pull request from annando/api-documentation

Some small API documentation rearrangements
Hypolite Petovan 2022-04-27 10:36:22 -04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit dc05172272
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 12 usunięć

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@ -135,6 +135,17 @@ These endpoints use the [Mastodon API entities](
These emdpoints are planned to be implemented somewhere in the future.
- [`PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials`](
- [`POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/remove_from_followers`](
- [`GET /api/v1/accounts/familiar_followers`](
- [`GET /api/v1/accounts/lookup`](
- [`GET /api/v1/trends/links`](
- [`GET /api/v1/trends/statuses`](
- [`GET /api/v1/trends/tags`](
- [`POST /api/v1/polls/:id/votes`](
- [`GET /api/v1/statuses/{id:\d+}/source`](
- [`GET /api/v1/featured_tags`](
- [`POST /api/v1/featured_tags`](
- [`DELETE /api/v1/featured_tags/:id`](
## Dummy endpoints
@ -157,9 +168,6 @@ They refer to features or data that don't exist in Friendica yet.
- [`GET /api/v1/accounts/:id/featured_tags`](
- [`POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/pin`](
- [`POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/unpin`](
- [`POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/remove_from_followers`](
- [`GET /api/v1/accounts/familiar_followers`](
- [`GET /api/v1/accounts/lookup`](
- [`GET /api/v1/admin/accounts`](
- [`GET /api/v1/admin/accounts/:id`](
- [`POST /api/v1/admin/accounts/:id/{action}`](
@ -173,9 +181,6 @@ They refer to features or data that don't exist in Friendica yet.
- [`POST /api/v1/domain_blocks`](
- [`DELETE /api/v1/domain_blocks`](
- [`DELETE /api/v1/emails/confirmations`](
- [`GET /api/v1/featured_tags`](
- [`POST /api/v1/featured_tags`](
- [`DELETE /api/v1/featured_tags/:id`](
- [`GET /api/v1/featured_tags/suggestions`](
- [`GET /api/v1/filters/:id`](
- [`POST /api/v1/filters/:id`](
@ -183,13 +188,8 @@ They refer to features or data that don't exist in Friendica yet.
- [`DELETE /api/v1/filters/:id`](
- [`GET /api/v1/instance/activity`](
- [`POST /api/v1/markers`](
- [`POST /api/v1/polls/:id/votes`](
- [`POST /api/v1/reports`](
- [`PUT /api/v1/scheduled_statuses/:id`](
- [`GET /api/v1/statuses/{id:\d+}/history'](
- [`GET /api/v1/statuses/{id:\d+}/source'](
- [`GET /api/v1/statuses/{id:\d+}/history`](
- [`GET /api/v1/streaming`](
- [`DELETE /api/v1/suggestions/:id`](
- [`GET /api/v1/trends/links'](
- [`GET /api/v1/trends/statuses'](
- [`GET /api/v1/trends/tags'](