Fix multiple serialized values

Philipp 2023-02-19 12:57:39 +01:00
rodzic 7560939d75
commit d772331b91
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ID klucza GPG: 24A7501396EB5432
4 zmienionych plików z 71 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -61,15 +61,13 @@ class DatabaseConfig implements IManageConfigValues
foreach ($setCache->getAll() as $category => $data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$this->cache->set($category, $key, $value, Cache::SOURCE_DATA);
$this->database->insert('config', ['cat' => $category, 'k' => $key, 'v' => serialize($value)], Database::INSERT_UPDATE);
$this->set($category, $key, $value);
foreach ($delCache->getAll() as $category => $keys) {
foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
$this->cache->delete($category, $key);
$this->database->delete('config', ['cat' => $category, 'k' => $key]);
$this->delete($category, $key);
@ -85,6 +83,10 @@ class DatabaseConfig implements IManageConfigValues
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public function set(string $cat, string $key, $value): bool
// In case someone or something already serialized a config entry, unserialize it first
// We serialize values just once
$value = SerializeUtil::maybeUnserialize($value);
$this->cache->set($cat, $key, $value, Cache::SOURCE_DATA);
return $this->database->insert('config', ['cat' => $cat, 'k' => $key, 'v' => serialize($value)], Database::INSERT_UPDATE);

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@ -28,10 +28,24 @@ namespace Friendica\Core\Config\Util;
class SerializeUtil
* Checks if the value needs to get unserialized and returns the unserialized value
* @param mixed $value A possible serialized value
* @return mixed The unserialized value
public static function maybeUnserialize($value)
if (static::isSerialized($value)) {
return @unserialize(trim($value));
// This checks for possible multiple serialized values
while (SerializeUtil::isSerialized($value)) {
$oldValue = $value;
$value = @unserialize($value);
// If there's no change after the unserialize call, break the loop (avoid endless loops)
if ($oldValue === $value) {
return $value;

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@ -537,4 +537,33 @@ class ConfigTest extends DatabaseTest
self::assertEquals($assertion, $config->get($category));
public function dataSerialized(): array
return [
'default' => [
'value' => ['test' => ['array']],
'assertion' => ['test' => ['array']],
'issue-12803' => [
'value' => 's:48:"s:40:"s:32:"";";";',
'assertion' => '',
'double-serialized-array' => [
'value' => 's:53:"a:1:{s:9:"testArray";a:1:{s:4:"with";s:7:"entries";}}";',
'assertion' => ['testArray' => ['with' => 'entries']],
* @dataProvider dataSerialized
public function testSerializedValues($value, $assertion)
$config = $this->getInstance();
$config->set('test', 'it', $value);
self:self::assertEquals($assertion, $config->get('test', 'it'));

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@ -1295,3 +1295,23 @@ function update_1515()
DBA::update('verb', ['name' => Activity::VIEW], ['name' => '']);
return Update::SUCCESS;
function update_1516()
// Fixes
// de-serialize multiple serialized values
$configTrans = DI::config()->beginTransaction();
$configArray = DI::config()->getCache()->getDataBySource(Cache::SOURCE_DATA);
foreach ($configArray as $category => $keyValues) {
if (is_array($keyValues)) {
foreach ($keyValues as $key => $value) {
$configTrans->set($category, $key, $value);
return Update::SUCCESS;