Remove the unused tables

Michael 2020-08-03 18:26:23 +00:00
rodzic ee1cb93f3a
commit 76705664cd
6 zmienionych plików z 1 dodań i 182 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- ------------------------------------------
-- Friendica 2020.09-dev (Red Hot Poker)
-- ------------------------------------------
@ -465,67 +465,6 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fsuggest` (
) DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='friend suggestion stuff';
-- TABLE gcontact
`id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'sequential ID',
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Name that this contact is known by',
`nick` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Nick- and user name of the contact',
`url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Link to the contacts profile page',
`nurl` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '',
`photo` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Link to the profile photo',
`connect` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '',
`created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT '',
`updated` datetime DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT '',
`last_contact` datetime DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT '',
`last_failure` datetime DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT '',
`last_discovery` datetime DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Date of the last contact discovery',
`failed` boolean COMMENT 'Connection failed',
`archive_date` datetime DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT '',
`archived` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '',
`location` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '',
`about` text COMMENT '',
`keywords` text COMMENT 'puplic keywords (interests)',
`gender` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Deprecated',
`birthday` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01' COMMENT '',
`community` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 if contact is forum account',
`contact-type` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT '',
`hide` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 = should be hidden from search',
`nsfw` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 = contact posts nsfw content',
`network` char(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'social network protocol',
`addr` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '',
`notify` varchar(255) COMMENT '',
`alias` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '',
`generation` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '',
`server_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'baseurl of the contacts server',
`gsid` int unsigned COMMENT 'Global Server ID',
UNIQUE INDEX `nurl` (`nurl`(190)),
INDEX `name` (`name`(64)),
INDEX `nick` (`nick`(32)),
INDEX `addr` (`addr`(64)),
INDEX `hide_network_updated` (`hide`,`network`,`updated`),
INDEX `updated` (`updated`),
INDEX `gsid` (`gsid`),
) DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='global contacts';
-- TABLE glink
`id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'sequential ID',
`cid` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '',
`uid` mediumint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'User id',
`gcid` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '',
`zcid` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '',
`updated` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT '',
UNIQUE INDEX `cid_uid_gcid_zcid` (`cid`,`uid`,`gcid`,`zcid`),
INDEX `gcid` (`gcid`)
) DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='\'friends of friends\' linkages derived from poco';
-- TABLE group

Wyświetl plik

@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ Database Tables
| [event](help/database/db_event) | Events |
| [fcontact](help/database/db_fcontact) | friend suggestion stuff |
| [fsuggest](help/database/db_fsuggest) | friend suggestion stuff |
| [gcign](help/database/db_gcign) | contacts ignored by friend suggestions |
| [gcontact](help/database/db_gcontact) | global contacts |
| [glink](help/database/db_glink) | "friends of friends" linkages derived from poco |
| [group](help/database/db_group) | privacy groups, group info |
| [group_member](help/database/db_group_member) | privacy groups, member info |
| [gserver](help/database/db_gserver) | |

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
Table gcign
| Field | Description | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ----- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---- | --- | ------- | --------------- |
| id | sequential ID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| uid | local | int(11) | NO | MUL | 0 | |
| gcid | of ignored contact | int(11) | NO | MUL | 0 | |
Return to [database documentation](help/database)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
Table gcontact
| Field |Description | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | sequential ID | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | Name that this contact is known by | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| nick | Nick- and user name of the contact | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| url | Link to the contacts profile page | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| nurl | | varchar(255) | NO | MUL | | |
| photo | Link to the profile photo | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| connect | | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| created | | datetime | NO | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| updated | | datetime | YES | MUL | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| last_contact | | datetime | YES | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| last_failure | | datetime | YES | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| location | | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| about | | text | NO | | NULL | |
| keywords | puplic keywords (interests) | text | NO | | NULL | |
| gender | | varchar(32) | NO | | | |
| birthday | | varchar(32) | NO | | 0001-01-01 | |
| community | 1 if contact is forum account | tinyint(1) | NO | | 0 | |
| hide | 1 = should be hidden from search | tinyint(1) | NO | | 0 | |
| nsfw | 1 = contact posts nsfw content | tinyint(1) | NO | | 0 | |
| network | social network protocol | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| addr | | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| notify | | text | NO | | | |
| alias | | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| generation | | tinyint(3) | NO | | 0 | |
| server_url | baseurl of the contacts server | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
Return to [database documentation](help/database)

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Table glink
| Field | Description | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | sequential ID | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| cid | | int(11) | NO | MUL | 0 | |
| uid | | int(11) | NO | | 0 | |
| gcid | | int(11) | NO | MUL | 0 | |
| zcid | | int(11) | NO | MUL | 0 | |
| updated | | datetime | NO | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
Return to [database documentation](help/database)

Wyświetl plik

@ -538,68 +538,6 @@ return [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"gcontact" => [
"comment" => "global contacts",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Name that this contact is known by"],
"nick" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Nick- and user name of the contact"],
"url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the contacts profile page"],
"nurl" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"photo" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the profile photo"],
"connect" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_contact" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_failure" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_discovery" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last contact discovery"],
"failed" => ["type" => "boolean", "comment" => "Connection failed"],
"archive_date" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"archived" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"location" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"about" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"keywords" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "puplic keywords (interests)"],
"gender" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"birthday" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATE, "comment" => ""],
"community" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 if contact is forum account"],
"contact-type" => ["type" => "tinyint", "not null" => "1", "default" => "-1", "comment" => ""],
"hide" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 = should be hidden from search"],
"nsfw" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 = contact posts nsfw content"],
"network" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "social network protocol"],
"addr" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"notify" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"alias" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"generation" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"server_url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "baseurl of the contacts server"],
"gsid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["gserver" => "id", "on delete" => "restrict"], "comment" => "Global Server ID"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"nurl" => ["UNIQUE", "nurl(190)"],
"name" => ["name(64)"],
"nick" => ["nick(32)"],
"addr" => ["addr(64)"],
"hide_network_updated" => ["hide", "network", "updated"],
"updated" => ["updated"],
"gsid" => ["gsid"]
"glink" => [
"comment" => "'friends of friends' linkages derived from poco",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"cid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User id"],
"gcid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["gcontact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"zcid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["gcontact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"cid_uid_gcid_zcid" => ["UNIQUE", "cid", "uid", "gcid", "zcid"],
"gcid" => ["gcid"],
"group" => [
"comment" => "privacy groups, group info",
"fields" => [