Fixing issue L10n::t()

Philipp Holzer 2018-10-31 12:37:01 +01:00
rodzic d75cc0cb34
commit 764e1a3cb6
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ID klucza GPG: 517BE60E2CE5C8A5
2 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ trait AppMockTrait
public function mockApp($root)
/// @todo This mock is ugly. We return an empty string for each translation - no workaround yet
// simply returning the input when using L10n::t()
$l10nMock = \Mockery::mock('alias:Friendica\Core\L10n');
->andReturnUsing(function ($arg) { return $arg; });
$this->mockConfigGet('system', 'theme', 'testtheme');

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@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Creating config file...
Checking database...
[Error] --------
Could not connect to database.: