- Api functions can define an HTTP method to use to call them. "405 Method Not Allowed" is returned on error
- Api function that modify data accepts only POST as method.
- A list of HTTP return code related exception is added
- Api functions throw HTTP exceptions instead of return false or die()
- api_call() catches HTTP exceptions and return error message with corret HTTP response code
- api_format_items() returns also item activities count (# of like/dislike etc)
- api/friendica/photos/list return more info about photos. xml format added.
- api/friendica/photo/detail return more info, links to all sizes, no data except if 'size' parameter is passed. xml format added.
- new api api/friendica/activity/<verb> and api/friendica/activity/un<verb> to add or remove like/dislike/attend status
fabrixxm 2015-12-27 17:45:20 +01:00
rodzic 835ad28d83
commit 6b60560ea2
5 zmienionych plików z 771 dodań i 446 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* Throwable exceptions to return HTTP status code
* This list of Exception has be extracted from
* here http://racksburg.com/choosing-an-http-status-code/
class HTTPException extends Exception {
var $httpcode = 200;
var $httpdesc = "";
public function __construct($message="", $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
if ($this->httpdesc=="") {
$this->httpdesc = preg_replace("|([a-z])([A-Z])|",'$1 $2', str_replace("Exception","",get_class($this)));
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
// 4xx
class TooManyRequestsException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 429;
class UnauthorizedException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 401;
class ForbiddenException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 403;
class NotFoundException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 404;
class GoneException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 410;
class MethodNotAllowedException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 405;
class NonAcceptableException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 406;
class LenghtRequiredException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 411;
class PreconditionFailedException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 412;
class UnsupportedMediaTypeException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 415;
class ExpetationFailesException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 417;
class ConflictException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 409;
class UnprocessableEntityException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 422;
class ImATeapotException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 418;
var $httpdesc = "I'm A Teapot";
class BadRequestException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 400;
// 5xx
class ServiceUnavaiableException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 503;
class BadGatewayException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 502;
class GatewayTimeoutException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 504;
class NotImplementedException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 501;
class InternalServerErrorException extends HTTPException {
var $httpcode = 500;

Plik diff jest za duży Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<url>{{foreach $photo.link as $scale => $url}}
<link type="{{$photo.type}}" scale="{{$scale}}" href="{{$url}}" />
{{if $photo.data}}
<data encode="base64">{{$photo.data}}</data>

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<photos type="array">
{{foreach $photos as $photo}}
<photo id="{{$photo.id}}" album="{{$photo.album}}" filename="{{$photo.filename}}" type="{{$photo.type}}">{{$photo.thumb}}</photo>

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
<statuses type="array" xmlns:statusnet="http://status.net/schema/api/1/">
<statuses type="array"
{{foreach $statuses as $status}} <status>
@ -17,5 +19,8 @@
<friendica:activities>{{foreach $status.friendica_activities as $k=>$v}}