Merge pull request #2431 from annando/1604-scrape-profile

Scrape: Changed detection for the profile link
Tobias Diekershoff 2016-04-03 19:52:23 +02:00
commit 477614df26
1 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -705,10 +705,14 @@ function probe_url($url, $mode = PROBE_NORMAL, $level = 1) {
if (($vcard["nick"] == "") AND ($data["header"]["author-nick"] != ""))
$vcard["nick"] = $data["header"]["author-nick"];
if (($network == NETWORK_OSTATUS) AND ($data["header"]["author-id"] != ""))
$alias = $data["header"]["author-id"];
if ($network == NETWORK_OSTATUS) {
if ($data["header"]["author-id"] != "")
$alias = $data["header"]["author-id"];
if(!$profile AND ($data["header"]["author-link"] != "") AND !in_array($network, array("", NETWORK_FEED)))
if ($data["header"]["author-link"] != "")
$profile = $data["header"]["author-link"];
} elseif(!$profile AND ($data["header"]["author-link"] != "") AND !in_array($network, array("", NETWORK_FEED)))
$profile = $data["header"]["author-link"];