defmodule Backend.Application do # See # for more information on OTP Applications @moduledoc false use Application import Backend.Util def start(_type, _args) do crawl_worker_count = get_config(:crawl_workers) children = [ # Start the Ecto repository Backend.Repo, # Start the endpoint when the application starts BackendWeb.Endpoint, # Crawler children :hackney_pool.child_spec(:crawler, timeout: 15_000, max_connections: crawl_worker_count), Supervisor.child_spec( {Task, fn -> Honeydew.start_queue(:crawl_queue, failure_mode: Honeydew.FailureMode.Abandon) Honeydew.start_workers(:crawl_queue, Backend.Crawler, num: crawl_worker_count) end}, id: :start_honeydew ), Supervisor.child_spec({Task, fn -> HTTPoison.start() end}, id: :start_httpoison), Backend.Scheduler, Backend.Elasticsearch.Cluster, Graph.Cache ] children = if Enum.member?(["true", 1, "1"], System.get_env("SKIP_CRAWL")) or Application.get_env(:backend, :environment) == :test do children else children ++ [Backend.Crawler.StaleInstanceManager] end add_appsignal_probes() # See # for other strategies and supported options opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Backend.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end # Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration # whenever the application is updated. def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do BackendWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed) :ok end defp add_appsignal_probes do Appsignal.Probes.register(:crawler, fn -> %{ queue: %{ mnesia: mnesia } } = Honeydew.status(:crawl_queue) # How much memory the mnesia queue in using memory = mnesia |> Map.get(:"honeydew_:crawl_queue") |> Keyword.get(:memory) Appsignal.set_gauge("mnesia_memory", memory) # How many jobs are pending in the queue queue_length = Honeydew.filter( :crawl_queue, &match?(%Honeydew.Job{completed_at: nil, task: {:run, _}}, &1) ) |> Enum.count() Appsignal.set_gauge("queue_length", queue_length) end) end end