defmodule Backend.Crawler.Crawlers.Mastodon do require Logger import Backend.Crawler.Util import Backend.Util alias Backend.Crawler.ApiCrawler @behaviour ApiCrawler @impl ApiCrawler def is_instance_type?(domain) do case get("https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance") do {:ok, response} -> if is_http_200?(response), do: has_title?(response.body), else: false {:error, _error} -> false end end @impl ApiCrawler def allows_crawling?(domain) do [ "/api/v1/instance", "/api/v1/instance/peers", "/api/v1/timelines/public" ] |> endpoint -> "https://#{domain}#{endpoint}" end) |> urls_are_crawlable?() end @impl ApiCrawler def crawl(domain) do instance = Jason.decode!(get!("https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance").body) user_count = get_in(instance, ["stats", "user_count"]) if is_above_user_threshold?(user_count) or has_opted_in?(domain) do crawl_large_instance(domain, instance) else Map.merge( Map.take(instance["stats"], ["user_count"]) |> convert_keys_to_atoms(), %{ peers: [], interactions: %{}, statuses_seen: 0, instance_type: nil, description: nil, version: nil, status_count: nil } ) end end @spec crawl_large_instance(String.t(), any()) :: ApiCrawler.t() defp crawl_large_instance(domain, instance) do # servers may not publish peers peers = case get("https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance/peers") do {:ok, response} -> if is_http_200?(response), do: Jason.decode!(response.body), else: [] {:error, _error} -> [] end Logger.debug("Found #{length(peers)} peers.") {interactions, statuses_seen} = get_interactions(domain) Logger.debug( "#{domain}: found #{ interactions |> Map.values() |> Enum.reduce(0, fn count, acc -> count + acc end) } mentions in #{statuses_seen} statuses." ) instance_type = cond do Map.get(instance, "version") |> String.downcase() =~ "pleroma" -> :pleroma is_gab?(instance) -> :gab true -> :mastodon end Map.merge( Map.merge( Map.take(instance, ["version", "description"]), Map.take(instance["stats"], ["user_count", "status_count"]) ) |> convert_keys_to_atoms(), %{ peers: peers, interactions: interactions, statuses_seen: statuses_seen, instance_type: instance_type } ) end @spec get_interactions( String.t(), String.t() | nil, Calendar.naive_datetime() | nil, ApiCrawler.instance_interactions(), integer ) :: {ApiCrawler.instance_interactions(), integer} defp get_interactions( domain, max_id \\ nil, min_timestamp \\ nil, interactions \\ %{}, statuses_seen \\ 0 ) do # If `statuses_seen == 0`, it's the first call of this function, which means we want to query the database for the # most recent status we have. min_timestamp = if statuses_seen == 0 do get_last_crawl_timestamp(domain) else min_timestamp end endpoint = "https://#{domain}/api/v1/timelines/public?local=true" endpoint = if max_id do endpoint <> "&max_id=#{max_id}" else endpoint end Logger.debug("Crawling #{endpoint}") statuses = endpoint |> get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!() filtered_statuses = statuses |> Enum.filter(fn s -> is_after?(s["created_at"], min_timestamp) end) if length(filtered_statuses) > 0 do # get statuses that are eligible (i.e. users don't have #nobot in their profile) and have mentions interactions = filtered_statuses |> statuses_to_interactions() |> merge_count_maps(interactions) statuses_seen = statuses_seen + length(filtered_statuses) status_datetime_threshold = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.add(get_config(:status_age_limit_days) * 24 * 3600 * -1, :second) oldest_status =, -1) oldest_status_datetime = oldest_status |> (fn s -> s["created_at"] end).() |> NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!() if, status_datetime_threshold) == :gt and statuses_seen < get_config(:status_count_limit) and length(filtered_statuses) == length(statuses) do get_interactions(domain, oldest_status["id"], min_timestamp, interactions, statuses_seen) else {interactions, statuses_seen} end else {interactions, statuses_seen} end end # To check if the endpoint works as expected @spec has_title?(String.t()) :: boolean defp has_title?(body) do case Jason.decode(body) do {:ok, decoded} -> Map.has_key?(decoded, "title") {:error, _error} -> false end end # Checks whether the status contains one or more mentions defp is_mention?(status) do case status["mentions"] do [] -> false nil -> false _ -> true end end # Checks if the author of the status has "nobot" in their profile defp has_nobot?(status) do account = status["account"] fields = account["fields"] |> %{"name" => name, "value" => value} -> name <> value end) |> Enum.join("") # this also means that any users who mentioned ethnobotany in their profiles will be excluded lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (account["note"] <> fields) |> String.downcase() |> String.contains?("nobot") end # This checks if the status # a) contains one or more mentions, and # b) that the person posting doesn't have "nobot" in their profile defp is_eligible?(status) do is_mention?(status) and not has_nobot?(status) end @spec extract_mentions_from_status(any()) :: ApiCrawler.instance_interactions() defp extract_mentions_from_status(status) do status["mentions"] |> mention -> get_domain(mention["url"]) end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn domain, acc -> Map.update(acc, domain, 1, &(&1 + 1)) end) end @spec statuses_to_interactions(any()) :: ApiCrawler.instance_interactions() defp statuses_to_interactions(statuses) do statuses |> Enum.filter(fn status -> is_eligible?(status) end) |> status -> extract_mentions_from_status(status) end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn map, acc -> Map.merge(acc, map) end) end defp is_gab?(instance) do title_is_gab = Map.get(instance, "title") |> String.downcase() == "gab social" contact_account = Map.get(instance, "contact_account") if contact_account != nil do gab_keys = ["is_pro", "is_verified", "is_donor", "is_investor"] has_gab_keys = gab_keys |> Enum.any?(&Map.has_key?(contact_account, &1)) title_is_gab or has_gab_keys else title_is_gab end end end