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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from urllib.parse import quote
from lxml import html
from xrd import XRD
from federation.entities.base import Profile
from federation.utils.network import fetch_document
logger = logging.getLogger("social-federation")
def retrieve_diaspora_hcard(handle):
Retrieve a remote Diaspora hCard document.
:arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve
:return: str (HTML document)
webfinger = retrieve_diaspora_webfinger(handle)
if not webfinger:
return None
url = webfinger.find_link(rels="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard").href
document, code, exception = fetch_document(url)
if exception:
return None
return document
def retrieve_diaspora_webfinger(handle):
Retrieve a remote Diaspora webfinger document.
:arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve
:returns: ``XRD`` instance
hostmeta = retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(handle.split("@")[1])
if not hostmeta:
return None
url = hostmeta.find_link(rels="lrdd").template.replace("{uri}", quote(handle))
document, code, exception = fetch_document(url)
if exception:
return None
xrd = XRD.parse_xrd(document)
return xrd
def retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host):
Retrieve a remote Diaspora host-meta document.
:arg host: Host to retrieve from
:returns: ``XRD`` instance
document, code, exception = fetch_document(host=host, path="/.well-known/host-meta")
if exception:
return None
xrd = XRD.parse_xrd(document)
return xrd
def _get_element_text_or_none(document, selector):
Using a CSS selector, get the element and return the text, or None if no element.
:arg document: ``HTMLElement`` document
:arg selector: CSS selector
:returns: str or None
element = document.cssselect(selector)
if element:
return element[0].text
return None
def _get_element_attr_or_none(document, selector, attribute):
Using a CSS selector, get the element and return the given attribute value, or None if no element.
document (HTMLElement) - HTMLElement document
selector (str) - CSS selector
attribute (str) - The attribute to get from the element
element = document.cssselect(selector)
if element:
return element[0].get(attribute)
return None
def parse_profile_from_hcard(hcard, handle):
Parse all the fields we can from a hCard document to get a Profile.
:arg hcard: HTML hcard document (str)
:arg handle: User handle in username@domain.tld format
:returns: ``federation.entities.Profile`` instance
doc = html.fromstring(hcard)
profile = Profile(
name=_get_element_text_or_none(doc, ".fn"),
"small": _get_element_attr_or_none(doc, ".entity_photo_small .photo", "src"),
"medium": _get_element_attr_or_none(doc, ".entity_photo_medium .photo", "src"),
"large": _get_element_attr_or_none(doc, ".entity_photo .photo", "src"),
public=True if _get_element_text_or_none(doc, ".searchable") == "true" else False,
guid=_get_element_text_or_none(doc, ".uid"),
public_key=_get_element_text_or_none(doc, ".key"),
return profile
def retrieve_and_parse_profile(handle):
Retrieve the remote user and return a Profile object.
:arg handle: User handle in username@domain.tld format
:returns: ``federation.entities.Profile`` instance or None
hcard = retrieve_diaspora_hcard(handle)
if not hcard:
return None
profile = parse_profile_from_hcard(hcard, handle)
except ValueError as ex:
logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_profile - found profile %s but it didn't validate: %s",
profile, ex)
return None
return profile