import datetime import importlib import re import warnings from typing import List, Set, Union, Dict, Tuple from commonmark import commonmark from federation.entities.activitypub.enums import ActivityType from federation.entities.utils import get_name_for_profile from federation.utils.text import process_text_links, find_tags class BaseEntity: _allowed_children: tuple = () _children: List = None _mentions: Set = None _receivers: List = None _source_protocol: str = "" # Contains the original object from payload as a string _source_object: Union[str, Dict] = None _sender_key: str = "" # ActivityType activity: ActivityType = None activity_id: str = "" actor_id: str = "" # Server base url base_url: str = "" guid: str = "" handle: str = "" id: str = "" mxid: str = "" signature: str = "" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._required = ["id", "actor_id"] self._children = [] self._mentions = set() self._receivers = [] # make the assumption that if a schema is being used, the payload # is deserialized and validated properly if kwargs.get('has_schema'): for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) else: for key, value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, value) else: warnings.warn("%s.__init__ got parameter %s which this class does not support - ignoring." % ( self.__class__.__name__, key )) if not self.activity: # Fill a default activity if not given and type of entity class has one self.activity = getattr(self, "_default_activity", None) def as_protocol(self, protocol): entities = importlib.import_module(f"federation.entities.{protocol}.entities") klass = getattr(entities, f"{protocol.title()}{self.__class__.__name__}") return klass.from_base(self) def post_receive(self): """ Run any actions after deserializing the payload into an entity. """ pass def pre_send(self): """ Run any actions before serializing the entity for sending. """ pass def validate(self, direction: str = "inbound") -> None: """Do validation. 1) Check `_required` have been given 2) Make sure all attrs in required have a non-empty value 3) Loop through attributes and call their `validate_` methods, if any. 4) Validate allowed children 5) Validate signatures (if inbound) """ attributes = [] validates = [] # Collect attributes and validation methods for attr in dir(self): if not attr.startswith("_"): attr_type = type(getattr(self, attr)) if attr_type != "method": if getattr(self, "validate_{attr}".format(attr=attr), None): validates.append(getattr(self, "validate_{attr}".format(attr=attr))) attributes.append(attr) self._validate_empty_attributes(attributes) self._validate_required(attributes) self._validate_attributes(validates) self._validate_children() if direction == "inbound": self._validate_signatures() def _validate_required(self, attributes): """Ensure required attributes are present.""" required_fulfilled = set(self._required).issubset(set(attributes)) if not required_fulfilled: raise ValueError( "Not all required attributes fulfilled. Required: {required}".format(required=set(self._required)) ) def _validate_attributes(self, validates): """Call individual attribute validators.""" for validator in validates: validator() def _validate_empty_attributes(self, attributes): """Check that required attributes are not empty.""" attrs_to_check = set(self._required) & set(attributes) for attr in attrs_to_check: value = getattr(self, attr) # We should always have a value here if value is None or value == "": raise ValueError( "Attribute %s cannot be None or an empty string since it is required." % attr ) def _validate_children(self): """Check that the children we have are allowed here.""" for child in self._children: if not isinstance(child, self._allowed_children): raise ValueError( "Child %s is not allowed as a children for this %s type entity." % ( child, self.__class__ ) ) def _validate_signatures(self): """Override in subclasses where necessary""" pass def sign(self, private_key): """Implement in subclasses if needed.""" pass def sign_with_parent(self, private_key): """Implement in subclasses if needed.""" pass class PublicMixin(BaseEntity): public = False def validate_public(self): if not isinstance(self.public, bool): raise ValueError("Public is not valid - it should be True or False") class TargetIDMixin(BaseEntity): target_id = "" target_handle = "" target_guid = "" def validate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().validate(*args, **kwargs) # Ensure one of the target attributes is filled at least if not self.target_id and not self.target_handle and not self.target_guid: raise ValueError("Must give one of the target attributes for TargetIDMixin.") class RootTargetIDMixin(BaseEntity): root_target_id = "" root_target_handle = "" root_target_guid = "" class ParticipationMixin(TargetIDMixin): """Reflects a participation to something.""" participation = "" _participation_valid_values = ["reaction", "subscription", "comment"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._required += ["participation"] def validate_participation(self): """Ensure participation is of a certain type.""" if self.participation not in self._participation_valid_values: raise ValueError("participation should be one of: {valid}".format( valid=", ".join(self._participation_valid_values) )) class CreatedAtMixin(BaseEntity): created_at = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._required += ["created_at"] if not "created_at" in kwargs: self.created_at = class RawContentMixin(BaseEntity): _media_type: str = "text/markdown" _mentions: Set = None _rendered_content: str = "" raw_content: str = "" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._mentions = set() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._required += ["raw_content"] @property def embedded_images(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Returns a list of images from the raw_content. Currently only markdown supported. Returns a Tuple of (url, filename). """ images = [] if self._media_type != "text/markdown" or self.raw_content is None: return images regex = r"!\[([\w ]*)\]\((https?://[\w\d\-\./]+\.[\w]*((?<=jpg)|(?<=gif)|(?<=png)|(?<=jpeg)))\)" matches = re.finditer(regex, self.raw_content, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) for match in matches: groups = match.groups() images.append((groups[1], groups[0] or "")) return images @property def rendered_content(self) -> str: """Returns the rendered version of raw_content, or just raw_content.""" from federation.utils.django import get_configuration try: config = get_configuration() if config["tags_path"]: def linkifier(tag: str) -> str: return f'' \ f'#{tag}' else: linkifier = None except ImportError: linkifier = None if self._rendered_content: return self._rendered_content elif self._media_type == "text/markdown" and self.raw_content: # Do tags _tags, rendered = find_tags(self.raw_content, replacer=linkifier) # Render markdown to HTML rendered = commonmark(rendered).strip() # Do mentions if self._mentions: for mention in self._mentions: # Only linkify mentions that are URL's if not mention.startswith("http"): continue display_name = get_name_for_profile(mention) if not display_name: display_name = mention rendered = rendered.replace( "@{%s}" % mention, f'@{display_name}', ) # Finally linkify remaining URL's that are not links rendered = process_text_links(rendered) return rendered return self.raw_content @property def tags(self) -> List[str]: """Returns a `list` of unique tags contained in `raw_content`.""" if not self.raw_content: return [] tags, _text = find_tags(self.raw_content) return sorted(tags) def extract_mentions(self): matches = re.findall(r'@{([\S ][^{}]+)}', self.raw_content) if not matches: return for mention in matches: splits = mention.split(";") if len(splits) == 1: self._mentions.add(splits[0].strip(' }')) elif len(splits) == 2: self._mentions.add(splits[1].strip(' }')) class OptionalRawContentMixin(RawContentMixin): """A version of the RawContentMixin where `raw_content` is not required.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._required.remove("raw_content") class EntityTypeMixin(BaseEntity): """ Provides a field for entity type. """ entity_type = "" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._required += ["entity_type"] class ProviderDisplayNameMixin(BaseEntity): """Provides a field for provider display name.""" provider_display_name = ""