switching from JsonLDSchema to JsonLDAnnotation, hopefully making the code easier to read

Alain St-Denis 2022-04-02 20:20:02 +00:00
rodzic 05aa678cf2
commit 05334870b6
3 zmienionych plików z 641 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from federation.entities.activitypub.entities import (
from federation.entities.base import Follow, Profile, Accept, Post, Comment, Retraction, Share, Image
from federation.entities.mixins import BaseEntity
from federation.types import UserType, ReceiverVariant
from federation.entities.activitypub.schemas import schema_to_objects
from federation.entities.activitypub.models import model_to_objects
logger = logging.getLogger("federation")
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def element_to_objects(payload: Dict) -> List:
# Initial attempt at handling json-ld with calamus
# Fall back to legacy if AP payload is not supported yet
entity = schema_to_objects(payload)
entity = model_to_objects(payload)
if entity and isinstance(entity, BaseEntity):
logger.warning('Entity type "%s" was handled through the json-ld processor', entity.__class__.__name__)
entity._source_protocol = "activitypub"

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@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
import logging
from calamus import fields
from calamus.schema import JsonLDAnnotation, JsonLDSchema, JsonLDSchemaOpts
from calamus.utils import normalize_value
from marshmallow import pre_load, post_load, pre_dump, post_dump
from marshmallow.fields import Integer
from pyld import jsonld, documentloader
import json
import requests_cache
from pprint import pprint
from federation.entities.mixins import BaseEntity
from federation.entities.base import Image as BaseImage
from federation.entities.activitypub.entities import ActivitypubAccept, ActivitypubPost, ActivitypubComment, ActivitypubProfile, ActivitypubImage, ActivitypubFollow, ActivitypubShare, ActivitypubRetraction
from federation.utils.text import with_slash, validate_handle
from federation.entities.activitypub.constants import NAMESPACE_PUBLIC
logger = logging.getLogger("federation")
# This is required to workaround a bug in pyld that has the Accept header
# accept other content types. From what I understand, precedence handling
# is broken
def myloader(*args, **kwargs):
requests_cache.install_cache('ld_cache', backend='redis') # this will require some configuration mechanism
requests_loader = documentloader.requests.requests_document_loader(*args, **kwargs)
def loader(url, options={}):
options['headers']['Accept'] = 'application/ld+json'
return requests_loader(url, options)
return loader
class AddedSchemaOpts(JsonLDSchemaOpts):
def __init__(self, meta, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(meta, *args, **kwargs)
self.inherit_parent_types = False
JsonLDSchema.OPTIONS_CLASS = AddedSchemaOpts
# Not sure how exhaustive this needs to be...
as2 = fields.Namespace("https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#")
toot = fields.Namespace("http://joinmastodon.org/ns#")
ostatus = fields.Namespace("http://ostatus.org#")
schema = fields.Namespace("http://schema.org#")
sec = fields.Namespace("https://w3id.org/security#")
dc = fields.Namespace("http://purl.org/dc/terms/")
xsd = fields.Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#")
ldp = fields.Namespace("http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#")
vcard = fields.Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#")
pt = fields.Namespace("https://joinpeertube.org/ns#")
pyfed = fields.Namespace("https://docs.jasonrobinson.me/ns/python-federation#")
diaspora = fields.Namespace("https://diasporafoundation.org/ns/")
# Maybe this is food for an issue with calamus. pyld expands IRIs in an array,
# marshmallow then barfs with an invalid string value.
# Workaround: get rid of the array.
class IRI(fields.IRI):
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0: return None
value = normalize_value(value)
if isinstance(value, list):
# no call to super() in list comprehensions...
ret = []
for val in value:
v = super()._deserialize(val, attr, data, **kwargs)
return ret
return super()._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
# Don't want expanded IRIs to be exposed as dict keys
class Dict(fields.Dict):
ctx = ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1"]
# may or may not be needed
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
if isinstance(value, dict):
value['@context'] = self.ctx
value = jsonld.expand(value)[0]
return super()._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
ret = super()._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
ret = jsonld.compact(ret, self.ctx)
return ret
# calamus sets a XMLSchema#integer type, but different definitions
# maybe used, hence the flavor property
# TODO: handle non negative types
class Integer(fields._JsonLDField, Integer):
flavor = None # add fields.IRIReference type hint
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.flavor = kwargs.get('flavor')
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
value = super()._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
flavor = str(self.flavor) if self.flavor else "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
if self.parent.opts.add_value_types or self.add_value_types:
value = {"@value": value, "@type": flavor}
return value
# calamus doesn't implement json-ld langage maps
class LanguageMap(Dict):
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
ret = super()._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
if not ret: return ret
value = []
for k,v in ret.items():
if k == 'orig':
value.append({'@language': k, '@value':v})
return value
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
ret = {}
for i,c in enumerate(value):
lang = c.pop('@language', None)
lang = '_:'+lang if lang else '_:orig'
ret[lang] = [c]
return super()._deserialize(ret, attr, data, **kwargs)
class MixedField(fields.Nested):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.iri = IRI(self.field_name, add_value_types=False)
def _bind_to_schema(self, field_name, schema):
super()._bind_to_schema(field_name, schema)
self.iri.parent = self.parent
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
if isinstance(value, str):
return self.iri._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
return super()._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
if isinstance(value, list):
# this is just so the ACTIVITYPUB_POST_OBJECT_IMAGES test payload passes
if len(value) > 0 and value[0] == {}:
return None
return super()._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
return self.iri._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
def set_public(entity):
for attr in [getattr(entity, 'to', []), getattr(entity, 'cc' ,[])]:
if isinstance(attr, list):
if NAMESPACE_PUBLIC in attr: entity.public = True
elif attr == NAMESPACE_PUBLIC: entity.public = True
class Object(metaclass=JsonLDAnnotation):
atom_url = fields.String(ostatus.atomUri)
icon = MixedField(as2.icon, nested='ImageSchema', many=True)
image = MixedField(as2.image, nested='ImageSchema', many=True)
tag_list = MixedField(as2.tag, nested=['HashtagSchema','MentionSchema'], many=True)
_children = MixedField(as2.attachment, nested=['ImageSchema', 'DocumentSchema','PropertyValueSchema'], many=True)
content_map = LanguageMap(as2.content) # language maps are not implemented in calamus
context = IRI(as2.context)
guid = fields.String(diaspora.guid)
name = fields.String(as2.name)
generator = MixedField(as2.generator, nested='ServiceSchema')
#generator = Dict(as2.generator)
created_at = fields.DateTime(as2.published, add_value_types=True)
replies = MixedField(as2.replies, nested='CollectionSchema')
startTime = fields.DateTime(as2.startTime, add_value_types=True)
updated = fields.DateTime(as2.updated, add_value_types=True)
to = IRI(as2.to, many=True)
cc = IRI(as2.cc, many=True)
media_type = fields.String(as2.mediaType)
sensitive = fields.Boolean(as2.sensitive)
source = Dict(as2.source)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self, k):
setattr(self, k, v)
self.has_schema = True
# noop to avoid isinstance tests
def to_base(self):
return self
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Object
def pre_load(self, data, **kwargs):
# add a # at the end of the python-federation string
# for socialhome payloads
s = json.dumps(data.get('@context'))
if 'python-federation"' in s:
data['@context'] = json.loads(s.replace('python-federation', 'python-federation#', 1))
return data
A node without an id isn't true json-ld, but many payloads have
id-less nodes. Since calamus forces random ids on such nodes,
this removes it.
def noid(self, data, **kwargs):
if data['@id'].startswith('_:'): data.pop('@id')
return data
class Home(metaclass=JsonLDAnnotation):
country_name = fields.String(fields.IRIReference("http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#","country-name"))
region = fields.String(vcard.region)
locality = fields.String(vcard.locality)
class Meta:
rdf_type = vcard.Home
class Collection(Object):
items = MixedField(as2.items, nested=OBJECTS, many=True)
first = MixedField(as2.first, nested='CollectionPageSchema')
current = IRI(as2.current)
last = IRI(as2.last)
totalItems = Integer(as2.totalItems, flavor=xsd.nonNegativeInteger, add_value_types=True)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Collection
class CollectionPage(Collection):
partOf = IRI(as2.partOf)
next_ = IRI(as2.next)
prev = IRI(as2.prev)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.CollectionPage
# This mimics that federation currently handles AP Document as AP Image
class Document(Object):
inline = fields.Boolean(pyfed.inlineImage)
height = Integer(as2.height, flavor=xsd.nonNegativeInteger, add_value_types=True)
width = Integer(as2.width, flavor=xsd.nonNegativeInteger, add_value_types=True)
url = IRI(as2.url)
blurhash = fields.String(toot.blurhash)
def to_base(self):
if getattr(self, 'media_type', None) in BaseImage._valid_media_types:
return ActivitypubImage(**self.__dict__)
return None # until more medias are supported
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Document
class Image(Document):
def from_base(cls, entity):
return cls(**entity.__dict__)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Image
class Infohash(Object):
name = fields.String(as2.name)
class Meta:
rdf_type = pt.Infohash
class Link(metaclass=JsonLDAnnotation):
href = IRI(as2.href)
rel = fields.List(as2.rel, cls_or_instance=fields.String(as2.rel))
mediaType = fields.String(as2.mediaType)
name = fields.String(as2.name)
hrefLang = fields.String(as2.hrefLang)
height = Integer(as2.height, flavor=xsd.nonNegativeInteger, add_value_types=True)
width = Integer(as2.width, flavor=xsd.nonNegativeInteger, add_value_types=True)
fps = Integer(pt.fps, flavor=schema.Number, add_value_types=True)
size = Integer(pt.size, flavor=schema.Number, add_value_types=True)
#preview : variable type?
tag = MixedField(as2.tag, nested=['InfohashSchema', 'LinkSchema'], many=True)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Link
def make_instance(self, data, **kwargs):
data.pop('@id', None)
return super().make_instance(data, **kwargs)
class Hashtag(Link):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Hashtag
class Mention(Link):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Mention
class PropertyValue(Object):
name = fields.String(as2.name)
value = fields.String(schema.value)
class Meta:
rdf_type = schema.PropertyValue
class Person(Object):
id = fields.Id()
inbox = IRI(ldp.inbox)
outbox = IRI(as2.outbox)
following = IRI(as2.following)
followers = IRI(as2.followers)
#liked is a collection
username = fields.String(as2.preferredUsername)
endpoints = Dict(as2.endpoints)
url = IRI(as2.url)
playlists = IRI(pt.playlists)
featured = IRI(toot.featured)
featuredTags = IRI(toot.featuredTags)
manuallyApprovesFollowers = fields.Boolean(as2.manuallyApprovesFollowers, dump_default=False)
discoverable = fields.Boolean(toot.discoverable)
devices = IRI(toot.devices)
publicKey = Dict(sec.publicKey)
guid = fields.String(diaspora.guid)
handle = fields.String(diaspora.handle)
raw_content = fields.String(as2.summary)
has_address = MixedField(vcard.hasAddress, nested='HomeSchema')
def from_base(cls, entity):
ret = cls(**entity.__dict__)
if not hasattr(entity, 'inboxes'): return ret
ret.inbox = entity.inboxes["private"]
ret.outbox = f"{with_slash(ret.id)}outbox/"
ret.followers = f"{with_slash(ret.id)}followers/"
ret.following = f"{with_slash(ret.id)}following/"
ret.endpoints = {'sharedInbox': entity.inboxes["public"]}
ret.publicKey = {
"id": f"{ret.id}#main-key",
"owner": ret.id,
"publicKeyPem": entity.public_key
if entity.image_urls.get('large'):
profile_icon = ActivitypubImage(url=entity.image_urls.get('large'))
if profile_icon.media_type:
ret.icon = [Image.from_base(profile_icon)]
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning("ActivitypubProfile.to_as2 - failed to set profile icon: %s", ex)
return ret
def to_base(self):
entity = ActivitypubProfile(**self.__dict__)
entity.inboxes = {
'private': getattr(self, 'inbox', None),
'public': getattr(self,'endpoints',None).get('sharedInbox', None)
entity.public_key = getattr(self,'publicKey',None).get('publicKeyPem', None)
entity.image_urls = {}
if hasattr(self, 'icon') and isinstance(self.icon, list):
entity.image_urls = {
'small': self.icon[0].url,
'medium': self.icon[0].url,
'large': self.icon[0].url
return entity
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Person
class Group(Person):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Group
class Application(Person):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Application
class Organization(Person):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Organization
class Service(Person):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Service
The to_base method is used to handle cases where an AP object type matches multiple
classes depending on the existence/value of specific propertie(s) or
when the same class is used both as an object or an activity or
when a property can't be directly deserialized from the payload.
calamus Nested field can't handle using the same model
or the same type in multiple schemas
class Note(Object):
id = fields.Id()
actor_id = IRI(as2.attributedTo, many=True)
target_id = IRI(as2.inReplyTo)
conversation = fields.String(ostatus.conversation)
inReplyToAtomUri = IRI(ostatus.inReplyToAtomUri)
url = IRI(as2.url)
def to_base(self):
entity = ActivitypubComment(**self.__dict__) if getattr(self, 'target_id') else ActivitypubPost(**self.__dict__)
if hasattr(self, 'content_map'):
entity._rendered_content = self.content_map.get('orig', "").strip()
if getattr(self, 'source') and self.source.get('mediaType') == 'text/markdown':
entity._media_type = self.source['mediaType']
entity.raw_content = self.source.get('content').strip()
entity._media_type = 'text/html'
entity.raw_content = self.content_map.get('orig', "")
children = []
for child in entity._children:
img = child.to_base()
if img: children.append(img)
entity._children = children
return entity
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Note
class Article(Note):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Article
class Page(Note):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Page
# peertube uses a lot of properties differently...
class Video(Object):
urls = MixedField(as2.url, nested='LinkSchema', many=True)
actor_id = MixedField(as2.attributedTo, nested=['PersonSchema', 'GroupSchema'], many=True)
class Meta:
unknown = 'EXCLUDE' # required until all the pt fields are defined
rdf_type = as2.Video
class Signature(Object):
created = fields.DateTime(dc.created, add_value_types=True)
creator = IRI(dc.creator)
key = fields.String(sec.signatureValue)
nonce = fields.String(sec.nonce)
class Meta:
rdf_type = sec.RsaSignature2017
class Activity(Object):
actor_id = IRI(as2.actor)
#target_id = IRI(as2.target)
instrument = MixedField(as2.instrument, nested='ServiceSchema')
# don't have a clear idea of which activities are signed and which are not
signature = MixedField(sec.signature, nested = 'SignatureSchema')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.activity = self
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Activity
def pre_load(self, data, **kwargs):
data = super().pre_load(data, **kwargs)
# AP activities may be signed, but some platforms don't
# define RsaSignature2017. add it to the context
if data.get('signature'):
ctx = data.get('@context')
if not isinstance(ctx, list):
ctx = [ctx, {}]
w3id = 'https://w3id.org/security/v1'
if w3id not in ctx: ctx.insert(0,w3id)
idx = [i for i,v in enumerate(ctx) if isinstance(v, dict)]
found = False
for i in idx:
if ctx[i].get('RsaSignature2017'):
found = True
if not found: ctx[idx[0]]['RsaSignature2017'] = 'sec:RsaSignature2017'
data['@context'] = ctx
return data
# @post_load
# def make_instance(self, data, **kwargs):
# data['activity'] = entity
# entity = super().make_instance(data, **kwargs)
# return entity
class Follow(Activity):
activity_id = fields.Id()
target_id = IRI(as2.object)
def to_base(self):
entity = ActivitypubFollow(**self.__dict__)
# This is assuming Follow can only be the object of an Undo activity. Lazy.
if self.activity != self:
entity.following = False
return entity
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Follow
class Announce(Activity):
id = fields.Id()
target_id = IRI(as2.object)
def to_base(self):
if self.activity == self:
entity = ActivitypubShare(**self.__dict__)
self.target_id = self.id
self.entity_type = 'Object'
entity = ActivitypubRetraction(**self.__dict__)
return entity
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Announce
class Tombstone(Object):
target_id = fields.Id()
def to_base(self):
if self.activity != self: self.actor_id = self.activity.actor_id
self.entity_type = 'Object'
return ActivitypubRetraction(**self.__dict__)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Tombstone
class Create(Activity):
activity_id = fields.Id()
object_ = MixedField(as2.object, nested=OBJECTS)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Create
class Like(Create):
like = fields.String(diaspora.like)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Like
# inbound Accept is a noop...
class Accept(Create):
def to_base(self):
del self.object_
return ActivitypubAccept(**self.__dict__)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Accept
class Delete(Create):
def to_base(self):
if hasattr(self, 'object_') and not isinstance(self.object_, Tombstone):
self.target_id = self.object_
return ActivitypubRetraction(**self.__dict__)
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Delete
class Update(Create):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Update
class Undo(Create):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.Undo
class View(Create):
class Meta:
rdf_type = as2.View
def model_to_objects(payload):
model = globals().get(payload.get('type'))
if model and issubclass(model, Object):
entity = model.schema().load(payload)
except jsonld.JsonLdError: # Just give u for now. This must be made robust
logger.warning("Invalid jsonld payload, falling through mappers for now")
return None
if hasattr(entity, 'object_') and (isinstance(entity.object_, Object) or isinstance(entity.object_, BaseEntity)):
entity.object_.activity = entity
entity = entity.object_
return entity.to_base()
return None

Wyświetl plik

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class BaseEntity:
# make the assumption that if a schema is being used, the payload
# is deserialized and validated properly
if kwargs.get('schema'):
if kwargs.get('has_schema'):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)