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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import logging
from typing import List, Callable, Dict, Union, Optional
from markdownify import markdownify
from federation.entities.activitypub.constants import NAMESPACE_PUBLIC
from federation.entities.activitypub.entities import (
ActivitypubFollow, ActivitypubProfile, ActivitypubAccept, ActivitypubPost, ActivitypubComment,
ActivitypubRetraction, ActivitypubShare, ActivitypubImage)
from federation.entities.base import Follow, Profile, Accept, Post, Comment, Retraction, Share, Image
from federation.entities.mixins import BaseEntity
from federation.types import UserType, ReceiverVariant
logger = logging.getLogger("federation")
"Accept": ActivitypubAccept,
"Announce": ActivitypubShare,
"Application": ActivitypubProfile,
"Article": ActivitypubPost,
"Delete": ActivitypubRetraction,
"Follow": ActivitypubFollow, # Technically not correct, but for now we support only following profiles
"Group": ActivitypubProfile,
"Image": ActivitypubImage,
"Note": ActivitypubPost,
"Organization": ActivitypubProfile,
"Page": ActivitypubPost,
"Person": ActivitypubProfile,
"Service": ActivitypubProfile,
"Follow": ActivitypubFollow,
"Announce": ActivitypubRetraction,
def element_to_objects(payload: Dict) -> List:
Transform an Element to a list of entities.
cls = None
entities = []
is_object = True if payload.get('type') in OBJECTS else False
if payload.get('type') == "Delete":
cls = ActivitypubRetraction
elif payload.get('type') == "Undo":
if isinstance(payload.get('object'), dict):
cls = UNDO_MAPPINGS.get(payload["object"]["type"])
elif isinstance(payload.get('object'), dict) and payload["object"].get('type'):
if payload["object"]["type"] == "Note" and payload["object"].get("inReplyTo"):
cls = ActivitypubComment
cls = MAPPINGS.get(payload["object"]["type"])
cls = MAPPINGS.get(payload.get('type'))
if not cls:
return []
transformed = transform_attributes(payload, cls, is_object=is_object)
entity = cls(**transformed)
# Add protocol name
entity._source_protocol = "activitypub"
# Save element object to entity for possible later use
entity._source_object = payload
# Extract receivers
entity._receivers = extract_receivers(payload)
# Extract children
if payload.get("object") and isinstance(payload.get("object"), dict):
# Try object if exists
entity._children = extract_attachments(payload.get("object"))
# Try payload itself
entity._children = extract_attachments(payload)
if hasattr(entity, "post_receive"):
except ValueError as ex:
logger.error("Failed to validate entity %s: %s", entity, ex, extra={
"transformed": transformed,
return []
# Extract mentions
if hasattr(entity, "extract_mentions"):
return entities
def extract_attachments(payload: Dict) -> List[Image]:
Extract images from attachments.
There could be other attachments, but currently we only extract images.
attachments = []
for item in payload.get('attachment', []):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if item.get("type") in ("Document", "Image") and item.get("mediaType") in Image._valid_media_types:
if item.get('pyfed:inlineImage', False):
# Skip this image as it's indicated to be inline in content and source already
name=item.get('name') or "",
return attachments
def extract_receiver(payload: Dict, receiver: str) -> Optional[UserType]:
Transform a single receiver ID to a UserType.
2019-08-05 22:13:24 +00:00
actor = payload.get("actor") or payload.get("attributedTo") or ""
if receiver == NAMESPACE_PUBLIC:
# Ignore since we already store "public" as a boolean on the entity
# Check for this being a list reference to followers of an actor?
# TODO: terrible hack! the way some platforms deliver to sharedInbox using just
# the followers collection as a target is annoying to us since we would have to
# store the followers collection references on application side, which we don't
# want to do since it would make application development another step more complex.
# So for now we're going to do a terrible assumption that
# 1) if "followers" in ID and
# 2) if ID starts with actor ID
# then; assume this is the followers collection of said actor ID.
# When we have a caching system, just fetch each receiver and check what it is.
# Without caching this would be too expensive to do.
2019-08-05 22:13:24 +00:00
elif receiver.find("followers") > -1 and receiver.startswith(actor):
return UserType(id=actor, receiver_variant=ReceiverVariant.FOLLOWERS)
# Assume actor ID
return UserType(id=receiver, receiver_variant=ReceiverVariant.ACTOR)
def extract_receivers(payload: Dict) -> List[UserType]:
Exctract receivers from a payload.
receivers = []
for key in ("to", "cc"):
receiver = payload.get(key)
if isinstance(receiver, list):
for item in receiver:
extracted = extract_receiver(payload, item)
if extracted:
elif isinstance(receiver, str):
extracted = extract_receiver(payload, receiver)
if extracted:
return receivers
def get_outbound_entity(entity: BaseEntity, private_key):
"""Get the correct outbound entity for this protocol.
We might have to look at entity values to decide the correct outbound entity.
If we cannot find one, we should raise as conversion cannot be guaranteed to the given protocol.
Private key of author is needed to be passed for signing the outbound entity.
:arg entity: An entity instance which can be of a base or protocol entity class.
:arg private_key: Private key of sender in str format
:returns: Protocol specific entity class instance.
:raises ValueError: If conversion cannot be done.
if getattr(entity, "outbound_doc", None):
# If the entity already has an outbound doc, just return the entity as is
return entity
outbound = None
cls = entity.__class__
if cls in [
ActivitypubAccept, ActivitypubFollow, ActivitypubProfile, ActivitypubPost, ActivitypubComment,
ActivitypubRetraction, ActivitypubShare,
# Already fine
outbound = entity
elif cls == Accept:
outbound = ActivitypubAccept.from_base(entity)
elif cls == Follow:
outbound = ActivitypubFollow.from_base(entity)
elif cls == Post:
outbound = ActivitypubPost.from_base(entity)
elif cls == Profile:
outbound = ActivitypubProfile.from_base(entity)
elif cls == Retraction:
outbound = ActivitypubRetraction.from_base(entity)
elif cls == Comment:
outbound = ActivitypubComment.from_base(entity)
elif cls == Share:
outbound = ActivitypubShare.from_base(entity)
if not outbound:
raise ValueError("Don't know how to convert this base entity to ActivityPub protocol entities.")
# TODO LDS signing
# if isinstance(outbound, DiasporaRelayableMixin) and not outbound.signature:
# # Sign by author if not signed yet. We don't want to overwrite any existing signature in the case
# # that this is being sent by the parent author
# outbound.sign(private_key)
# # If missing, also add same signature to `parent_author_signature`. This is required at the moment
# # in all situations but is apparently being removed.
# # TODO: remove this once Diaspora removes the extra signature
# outbound.parent_signature = outbound.signature
2019-08-18 00:20:35 +00:00
if hasattr(outbound, "pre_send"):
return outbound
def message_to_objects(
message: Dict, sender: str, sender_key_fetcher: Callable[[str], str] = None, user: UserType = None,
) -> List:
Takes in a message extracted by a protocol and maps it to entities.
# We only really expect one element here for ActivityPub.
return element_to_objects(message)
def transform_attribute(
key: str, value: Union[str, Dict, int], transformed: Dict, cls, is_object: bool, payload: Dict,
) -> None:
if value is None:
value = ""
if key == "id":
if is_object:
if cls == ActivitypubRetraction:
transformed["target_id"] = value
transformed["entity_type"] = "Object"
transformed["id"] = value
elif cls in (ActivitypubProfile, ActivitypubShare):
transformed["id"] = value
transformed["activity_id"] = value
elif key == "actor":
transformed["actor_id"] = value
elif key == "attributedTo" and is_object:
transformed["actor_id"] = value
elif key in ("content", "source"):
if payload.get('source') and isinstance(payload.get("source"), dict):
transformed["_rendered_content"] = payload.get('content').strip()
if payload.get('source').get('mediaType') == "text/markdown":
transformed["_media_type"] = "text/markdown"
transformed["raw_content"] = payload.get('source').get('content').strip()
transformed["raw_content"] = markdownify(payload.get('content').strip())
transformed["_media_type"] = payload.get('source').get('mediaType')
transformed["raw_content"] = markdownify(payload.get('content').strip()).strip()
# Assume HTML by convention
transformed["_rendered_content"] = payload.get('content').strip()
transformed["_media_type"] = "text/html"
elif key == "inboxes" and isinstance(value, dict):
if "inboxes" not in transformed:
transformed["inboxes"] = {"private": None, "public": None}
if value.get('sharedInbox'):
transformed["endpoints"]["public"] = value.get("sharedInbox")
elif key == "icon":
# TODO maybe we should ditch these size constants and instead have a more flexible dict for images
# so based on protocol there would either be one url or many by size name
if isinstance(value, dict):
transformed["image_urls"] = {
"small": value['url'],
"medium": value['url'],
"large": value['url'],
transformed["image_urls"] = {
"small": value,
"medium": value,
"large": value,
elif key == "inbox":
if "inboxes" not in transformed:
transformed["inboxes"] = {"private": None, "public": None}
transformed["inboxes"]["private"] = value
if not transformed["inboxes"]["public"]:
transformed["inboxes"]["public"] = value
elif key == "inReplyTo":
transformed["target_id"] = value
elif key == "name":
transformed["name"] = value or ""
elif key == "object" and not is_object:
if isinstance(value, dict):
if cls == ActivitypubAccept:
transformed["target_id"] = value.get("id")
elif cls == ActivitypubFollow:
transformed["target_id"] = value.get("object")
transform_attributes(value, cls, transformed, is_object=True)
transformed["target_id"] = value
elif key == "preferredUsername":
transformed["username"] = value
elif key == "publicKey":
transformed["public_key"] = value.get('publicKeyPem', '')
elif key == "summary" and cls == ActivitypubProfile:
transformed["raw_content"] = value
elif key in ("to", "cc"):
if isinstance(value, list) and NAMESPACE_PUBLIC in value:
transformed["public"] = True
elif value == NAMESPACE_PUBLIC:
transformed["public"] = True
elif key == "type":
if value == "Undo":
transformed["following"] = False
transformed[key] = value
def transform_attributes(payload: Dict, cls, transformed: Dict = None, is_object: bool = False) -> Dict:
if not transformed:
transformed = {}
for key, value in payload.items():
transform_attribute(key, value, transformed, cls, is_object, payload)
return transformed