
608 wiersze
17 KiB

var Sequelize = require("sequelize");
var config = require("../config");
var utils = require("./utils");
var Promise = require("promise");
var conn = new Sequelize(config.db.database, config.db.user, config.db.password, {
dialect: config.db.type,
host: config.db.host,
port: config.db.port,
define: {
timestamps: false
/* Types and Helpers */
function getLatType() {
return {
type: Sequelize.FLOAT(9, 6),
allowNull: false,
validate: {
min: -90,
max: 90
function getLonType() {
return {
type: Sequelize.FLOAT(9, 6),
allowNull: false,
validate: {
min: -180,
max: 180
var validateColour = { is: /^[a-fA-F0-9]{3}([a-fA-F0-9]{3})?$/ };
var dataDefinition = {
"name" : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
"value" : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false }
function _makeNotNullForeignKey(type, field, error) {
return {
as: type,
onDelete: error ? "RESTRICT" : "CASCADE",
foreignKey: { name: field, allowNull: false }
/* Tables */
/* Pads */
var Pad = conn.define("Pad", {
id : { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, primaryKey: true, validate: { is: /^.+$/ } },
name: { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true, get: function() { return this.getDataValue("name") || "New FacilMap"; } },
writeId: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { is: /^.+$/ } }
/* Markers */
var Marker = conn.define("Marker", {
"lat" : getLatType(),
"lon" : getLonType(),
name : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true, get: function() { return this.getDataValue("name") || "Untitled marker"; } },
colour : { type: Sequelize.STRING(6), allowNull: false, defaultValue: "ff0000", validate: validateColour }
Pad.hasMany(Marker, { foreignKey: "padId" });
Marker.belongsTo(Pad, _makeNotNullForeignKey("pad", "padId"));
var MarkerData = conn.define("MarkerData", dataDefinition);
MarkerData.belongsTo(Marker, _makeNotNullForeignKey("marker", "markerId"));
Marker.hasMany(MarkerData, { foreignKey: "markerId" });
/* Lines */
var Line = conn.define("Line", {
routePoints : {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
get: function() {
var routePoints = this.getDataValue("routePoints");
return routePoints != null ? JSON.parse(routePoints) : routePoints;
set: function(v) {
for(var i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
v[i].lat = 1*v[i].lat.toFixed(6);
v[i].lon = 1*v[i].lon.toFixed(6);
this.setDataValue("routePoints", JSON.stringify(v));
validate: {
minTwo: function(val) {
var routePoints = JSON.parse(val);
throw new Error("routePoints is not an array");
if(routePoints.length < 2)
throw new Error("A line cannot have less than two route points.");
mode : { type: Sequelize.ENUM("", "car", "bicycle", "pedestrian", "track"), allowNull: false, defaultValue: "" },
colour : { type: Sequelize.STRING(6), allowNull: false, defaultValue: "0000ff", validate: validateColour },
width : { type: Sequelize.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false, defaultValue: 4, validate: { min: 1 } },
name : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true, get: function() { return this.getDataValue("name") || "Untitled line"; } },
distance : { type: Sequelize.FLOAT(24, 2).UNSIGNED, allowNull: true },
time : { type: Sequelize.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: true }
Pad.hasMany(Line, { foreignKey: "padId" });
Line.belongsTo(Pad, _makeNotNullForeignKey("pad", "padId"));
var LinePoint = conn.define("LinePoint", {
lat: getLatType(),
lon: getLonType(),
zoom: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false, validate: { min: 1, max: 20 } },
idx: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false }
LinePoint.belongsTo(Line, _makeNotNullForeignKey("line", "lineId"));
Line.hasMany(LinePoint, { foreignKey: "lineId" });
var LineData = conn.define("LineData", dataDefinition);
LineData.belongsTo(Line, _makeNotNullForeignKey("line", "lineId"));
Line.hasMany(LineData, { foreignKey: "lineId" });
/* Views */
var View = conn.define("View", {
name : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
baseLayer : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
layers : {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
get: function() {
return JSON.parse(this.getDataValue("layers"));
set: function(v) {
this.setDataValue("layers", JSON.stringify(v));
top : getLatType(),
bottom : getLatType(),
left : getLonType(),
right : getLonType()
Pad.hasMany(View, { foreignKey: "padId" });
View.belongsTo(Pad, _makeNotNullForeignKey("pad", "padId"));
Pad.belongsTo(View, { as: "defaultView", foreignKey: "defaultViewId", constraints: false });
/* Types */
var Type = conn.define("Type", {
name: { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
type: { type: Sequelize.ENUM("marker", "line"), allowNull: false },
fields: {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
get: function() {
return JSON.parse(this.getDataValue("fields"));
set: function(v) {
return this.setDataValue("fields", JSON.stringify(v));
validate: {
checkUniqueFieldName: function(obj) {
obj = JSON.parse(obj);
var fields = { };
for(var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
if(obj[i].name.trim().length == 0)
throw new Error("Empty field name.");
throw new Error("field name "+obj[i].name+" is not unique.");
fields[obj[i].name] = true;
if([ "textarea", "dropdown", "checkbox", "input" ].indexOf(obj[i].type) == -1)
throw new Error("Invalid field type "+obj[i].type+" for field "+obj[i].name+".");
if(obj[i].controlColour) {
if(!obj[i].options || obj[i].options.length < 1)
throw new Error("No options specified for colour-controlling field "+obj[i].name+".");
for(var j=0; j<obj[i].options.length; j++) {
if(!obj[i].options[j].colour || !obj[i].options[j].colour.match(/^[a-fA-F0-9]{6}$/))
throw new Error("Invalid colour "+obj[i].options[j].colour+" in field "+obj[i].name+".");
if(obj[i].controlWidth) {
if(!obj[i].options || obj[i].options.length < 1)
throw new Error("No options specified for width-controlling field "+obj[i].name+".");
for(var j=0; j<obj[i].options.length; j++) {
if(!obj[i].options[j].width || !(1*obj[i].options[j].width >= 1))
throw new Error("Invalid width "+obj[i].options[j].width+" in field "+obj[i].name+".");
Pad.hasMany(Type, { foreignKey: "padId" });
Type.belongsTo(Pad, _makeNotNullForeignKey("pad", "padId"));
Marker.belongsTo(Type, _makeNotNullForeignKey("type", "typeId", true));
Line.belongsTo(Type, _makeNotNullForeignKey("type", "typeId", true));
function connect(force) {
conn.authenticate().then(function() {
return conn.sync({ force: !!force });
}).then(function() {
// Migrations
var queryInterface = conn.getQueryInterface();
return Promise.all([
queryInterface.describeTable('Lines').then(function(attributes) {
var promises = [ ];
// Rename Line.points to Line.routePoints
if(attributes.points) {
promises.push(queryInterface.renameColumn('Lines', 'points', 'routePoints'));
// Change routing type "shortest" / "fastest" to "car", add type "track"
if(attributes.mode.type.indexOf("shortest") != -1) {
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return queryInterface.changeColumn('Lines', 'mode', {
type: Sequelize.ENUM("", "shortest", "fastest", "car", "bicycle", "pedestrian"), allowNull: false, defaultValue: ""
}).then(function() {
return Line.update({ mode: "car" }, { where: { mode: { $in: [ "fastest", "shortest" ] } } });
}).then(function() {
return queryInterface.changeColumn('Lines', 'mode', {
type: Sequelize.ENUM("", "car", "bicycle", "pedestrian", "track"), allowNull: false, defaultValue: ""
return Promise.all(promises);
].concat([ 'Pads', 'Markers', 'Lines' ].map(function(table) {
// allow null on Pad.name, Marker.name, Line.name
return queryInterface.describeTable(table).then(function(attributes) {
return queryInterface.changeColumn(table, 'name', { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true });
function padIdExists(padId) {
return Pad.count({ where: { $or: [ { id: padId }, { writeId: padId } ] } }).then(function(num) {
return num > 0;
function getPadData(padId) {
return Pad.findOne({ where: { id: padId }, include: [ { model: View, as: "defaultView" } ]});
function getPadDataByWriteId(writeId) {
return Pad.findOne({ where: { writeId: writeId }, include: [ { model: View, as: "defaultView" } ] });
function createPad(data) {
return Pad.create(data);
function updatePadData(padId, data) {
return Pad.update(data, { where: { id: padId } }).then(function() {
return getPadData(data.id || padId);
function _getPadObjects(type, padId, condition) {
var ret = new utils.ArrayStream();
Pad.build({ id: padId })["get"+type+"s"](condition).then(function(objs) {
objs.forEach(function(it) {
if(it[type+"Data"] != null) {
it.data = _dataFromArr(it[type+"Data"]);
it.setDataValue("data", it.data); // For JSON.stringify()
it.setDataValue(type+"Data", undefined);
ret.receiveArray(null, objs);
}, function(err) {
return ret;
function _createPadObject(type, padId, data) {
var obj = conn.model(type).build(data);
obj.padId = padId;
return obj.save();
function _createPadObjectWithData(type, padId, data) {
return _createPadObject(type, padId, data).then(function(obj) {
if(data.data != null) {
obj.data = data.data;
obj.setDataValue("data", obj.data); // For JSON.stringify()
return _setObjectData(type, obj.id, data.data).then(function() {
return obj;
} else {
obj.data = { };
obj.setDataValue("data", obj.data); // For JSON.stringify()
return obj;
function _updatePadObject(type, objId, data) {
return conn.model(type).update(data, { where: { id: objId } }).then(function() {
return conn.model(type).findById(objId);
function _updatePadObjectWithData(type, objId, data) {
return Promise.all([
_updatePadObject(type, objId, data),
data.data != null ? _setObjectData(type, objId, data.data) : _getObjectData(type, objId)
]).then(function(results) {
var obj = results[0];
obj.data = (data.data != null ? data.data : results[1]);
obj.setDataValue("data", obj.data); // For JSON.stringify()
return obj;
function _deletePadObject(type, objId) {
return conn.model(type).findById(objId).then(function(obj) {
return obj.destroy().then(function() {
return obj;
function _deletePadObjectWithData(type, objId) {
return _setObjectData(type, objId, { }).then(function() {
return _deletePadObject(type, objId); // Return the object
function _dataToArr(data, extend) {
var dataArr = [ ];
for(var i in data)
dataArr.push(utils.extend({ name: i, value: data[i] }, extend));
return dataArr;
function _dataFromArr(dataArr) {
var data = { };
for(var i=0; i<dataArr.length; i++)
data[dataArr[i].name] = dataArr[i].value;
return data;
function _getObjectData(type, objId) {
var filter = { };
filter[type.toLowerCase()+"Id"] = objId;
return conn.model(type+"Data").findAll({ where: filter}).then(function(dataArr) {
return _dataFromArr(dataArr);
function _setObjectData(type, objId, data) {
var model = conn.model(type+"Data");
var idObj = { };
idObj[type.toLowerCase()+"Id"] = objId;
return model.destroy({ where: idObj}).then(function() {
return model.bulkCreate(_dataToArr(data, idObj));
function getViews(padId) {
return _getPadObjects("View", padId);
function createView(padId, data) {
return _createPadObject("View", padId, data);
function updateView(viewId, data) {
return _updatePadObject("View", viewId, data);
function deleteView(viewId) {
return _deletePadObject("View", viewId);
function getType(typeId) {
return Type.findById(typeId);
function getTypes(padId) {
return _getPadObjects("Type", padId);
function createType(padId, data) {
return _createPadObject("Type", padId, data);
function updateType(typeId, data) {
return _updatePadObject("Type", typeId, data);
function deleteType(typeId) {
return _deletePadObject("Type", typeId);
function isTypeUsed(typeId) {
return Promise.all([
Marker.findOne({ where: { typeId: typeId } }),
Line.findOne({ where: { typeId: typeId } })
]).then(function(res) {
return res[0] != null || res[1] != null;
function getPadMarkers(padId, bbox) {
return _getPadObjects("Marker", padId, { where: _makeBboxCondition(bbox), include: [ MarkerData ] });
function getPadMarkersByType(padId, typeId) {
return _getPadObjects("Marker", padId, { where: { typeId: typeId }, include: [ MarkerData ] });
function createMarker(padId, data) {
return _createPadObjectWithData("Marker", padId, data);
function updateMarker(markerId, data) {
return _updatePadObjectWithData("Marker", markerId, data);
function deleteMarker(markerId) {
return _deletePadObjectWithData("Marker", markerId);
function getPadLines(padId, fields) {
var cond = { include: [ LineData ] };
cond.attributes = (typeof fields == "string" ? fields.split(/\s+/) : fields);
return _getPadObjects("Line", padId, cond);
function getPadLinesByType(padId, typeId) {
return _getPadObjects("Line", padId, { where: { typeId: typeId }, include: [ LineData ] });
function getLineTemplate(data) {
var line = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Line.build(data)));
line.data = data.data || { };
return Promise.resolve(line);
function getLine(lineId) {
return Line.findOne({ where: { id: lineId }, include: [ LineData ] });
function createLine(padId, data) {
return _createPadObjectWithData("Line", padId, data);
function updateLine(lineId, data) {
return _updatePadObjectWithData("Line", lineId, data);
function deleteLine(lineId) {
return _deletePadObjectWithData("Line", lineId);
function getLinePoints(lineId) {
return Line.build({ id: lineId }).getLinePoints();
function getLinePointsByBbox(lineId, bboxWithZoom) {
return Line.build({ id: lineId }).getLinePoints({
where: Sequelize.and(_makeBboxCondition(bboxWithZoom), bboxWithZoom ? { zoom: { lte: bboxWithZoom.zoom } } : null),
attributes: [ "idx" ],
order: "idx"
function getLinePointsByIdx(lineId, indexes) {
return Line.build({ id: lineId }).getLinePoints({
where: { idx: indexes },
attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx" ],
order: "idx"
function setLinePoints(lineId, trackPoints) {
return LinePoint.destroy({ where: { lineId: lineId } }).then(function() {
var create = [ ];
for(var i=0; i<trackPoints.length; i++) {
create.push(utils.extend({ }, trackPoints[i], { lineId: lineId }));
return LinePoint.bulkCreate(create);
function _makeBboxCondition(bbox, prefix) {
return { };
prefix = prefix || "";
function cond(key, value) {
var ret = { };
ret[prefix+key] = value;
return ret;
var conditions = [ ];
conditions.push(cond("lat", { lte: bbox.top, gte: bbox.bottom }));
if(bbox.right < bbox.left) // Bbox spans over lon=180
conditions.push(Sequelize.or(cond("lon", { gte: bbox.left }), cond("lon", { lte: bbox.right })));
conditions.push(cond("lon", { gte: bbox.left, lte: bbox.right }));
if(bbox.except) {
var exceptConditions = [ ];
exceptConditions.push(Sequelize.or(cond("lat", { gt: bbox.except.top }), cond("lat", { lt: bbox.except.bottom })));
if(bbox.except.right < bbox.except.left)
exceptConditions.push(cond("lon", { lt: bbox.except.left, gt: bbox.except.right }));
exceptConditions.push(Sequelize.or(cond("lon", { lt: bbox.except.left }), cond("lon", { gt: bbox.except.right })));
conditions.push(Sequelize.or.apply(Sequelize, exceptConditions));
return Sequelize.and.apply(Sequelize, conditions);
module.exports = {
connect : connect,
padIdExists : padIdExists,
getPadData : getPadData,
getPadDataByWriteId : getPadDataByWriteId,
createPad : createPad,
updatePadData : updatePadData,
getViews : getViews,
createView : createView,
updateView : updateView,
deleteView : deleteView,
getType : getType,
getTypes : getTypes,
createType : createType,
updateType : updateType,
deleteType : deleteType,
isTypeUsed : isTypeUsed,
getPadMarkers : getPadMarkers,
getPadMarkersByType : getPadMarkersByType,
createMarker : createMarker,
updateMarker : updateMarker,
deleteMarker : deleteMarker,
getPadLines : getPadLines,
getPadLinesByType : getPadLinesByType,
getLine : getLine,
getLineTemplate : getLineTemplate,
createLine : createLine,
updateLine : updateLine,
deleteLine : deleteLine,
getLinePoints : getLinePoints,
getLinePointsByBbox : getLinePointsByBbox,
getLinePointsByIdx : getLinePointsByIdx,
setLinePoints : setLinePoints,
_models : {
Pad: Pad,
Marker: Marker,
MarkerData: MarkerData,
Line: Line,
LineData: LineData,
LinePoint: LinePoint,
View: View,
Type: Type
_conn : conn