
192 wiersze
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import { generateRandomId } from "../utils/utils";
import { DataTypes, Model, Op } from "sequelize";
import Database from "./database";
import { BboxWithZoom, ID, Latitude, Longitude, PadId, Point, Route, RouteMode, TrackPoint } from "../../../types/src";
import { BboxWithExcept, getLatType, getLonType, makeBboxCondition } from "./helpers";
import { WhereOptions } from "sequelize/types/lib/model";
import { calculateRouteForLine } from "../routing/routing";
const updateTimes: Record<string, number> = {};
function createRoutePointModel() {
return class RoutePointModel extends Model {
routeId!: string;
lat!: Latitude;
lon!: Longitude;
zoom!: number;
idx!: number;
ele!: number | null;
toJSON!: () => TrackPoint;
export interface RouteWithId extends Route {
id: string;
export default class DatabaseRoutes {
RoutePointModel = createRoutePointModel();
_db: Database;
constructor(database: Database) {
this._db = database;
routeId: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false },
lat: getLatType(),
lon: getLonType(),
zoom: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false, validate: { min: 1, max: 20 } },
idx: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false },
ele: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: true }
}, {
sequelize: this._db._conn,
indexes: [
{ fields: [ "routeId", "zoom" ] }
modelName: "Route"
async getRoutePoints(routeId: string, bboxWithZoom?: BboxWithZoom & BboxWithExcept, getCompleteBasicRoute = false): Promise<TrackPoint[]> {
const cond: WhereOptions = {
...(!bboxWithZoom ? {} : {
[Op.or]: [
{ [Op.and]: [ makeBboxCondition(bboxWithZoom), { zoom: { [Op.lte]: bboxWithZoom.zoom } } ] },
...(!getCompleteBasicRoute ? [] : [
{ zoom: { [Op.lte]: 5 } }
return (await this.RoutePointModel.findAll({
where: cond,
attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx", "ele"],
order: [[ "idx", "ASC" ]]
})).map((point) => point.toJSON());
async generateRouteId(): Promise<string> {
// TODO: Check if exists
return generateRandomId(20);
async createRoute(routePoints: Point[], mode: RouteMode): Promise<RouteWithId | undefined> {
const routeId = await this.generateRouteId();
return await this.updateRoute(routeId, routePoints, mode, true);
async updateRoute(routeId: string, routePoints: Point[], mode: RouteMode, _noClear = false): Promise<RouteWithId | undefined> {
const thisTime = Date.now();
const routeInfoP = calculateRouteForLine({ mode, routePoints });
await this.deleteRoute(routeId);
if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId])
await this.RoutePointModel.destroy({
where: { routeId }
if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId])
const routeInfo = await routeInfoP;
if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId])
const create = [ ];
for(const trackPoint of routeInfo.trackPoints) {
create.push({ ...trackPoint, routeId: routeId });
await this._db.helpers._bulkCreateInBatches(this.RoutePointModel, create);
if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId])
updateTimes[routeId] = thisTime;
return {
id: routeId,
async lineToRoute(routeId: string | undefined, padId: PadId, lineId: ID): Promise<RouteWithId> {
if(routeId) {
await this.RoutePointModel.destroy({
where: { routeId }
} else
routeId = await this.generateRouteId();
const line = await this._db.lines.getLine(padId, lineId);
const linePoints = await this._db.lines.getAllLinePoints(lineId);
const create = [];
for(const linePoint of linePoints) {
lat: linePoint.lat,
lon: linePoint.lon,
ele: linePoint.ele,
zoom: linePoint.zoom,
idx: linePoint.idx
await this._db.helpers._bulkCreateInBatches(this.RoutePointModel, create);
updateTimes[routeId] = Date.now();
return {
id: routeId,
mode: line.mode,
routePoints: line.routePoints,
trackPoints: linePoints,
distance: line.distance,
time: line.time,
ascent: line.ascent,
descent: line.descent,
extraInfo: line.extraInfo
async deleteRoute(routeId: string): Promise<void> {
delete updateTimes[routeId];
await this.RoutePointModel.destroy({
where: {
async getRoutePointsByIdx(routeId: string, indexes: number[]): Promise<TrackPoint[]> {
const data = await this.RoutePointModel.findAll({
where: { routeId, idx: indexes },
attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx", "ele" ],
order: [[ "idx", "ASC" ]]
return data.map((d) => d.toJSON());
async getAllRoutePoints(routeId: string): Promise<TrackPoint[]> {
const data = await this.RoutePointModel.findAll({
where: {routeId},
attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx", "ele", "zoom"]
return data.map((d) => d.toJSON());