
61 wiersze
3.3 KiB

"pad-not-found-error": "Map {{padId}} could not be found.",
"pad-read-not-found-error": "Map with read-only ID {{padId}} could not be found.",
"database": {
"type-not-found-error": "Type {{typeId}} does not exist.",
"object-not-found-in-pad-error": "{{type}} {{id}} of map {{padId}} could not be found.",
"old-pad-data-not-available-error": "Old map data not available.",
"unknown-type-error": "Unknown type \"{{type}}\".",
"route-points-not-an-array-error": "routePoints is not an array",
"route-points-less-than-two-points-error": "A line cannot have less than two route points.",
"cannot-use-type-for-line-error": "Cannot use {{type}} type for line.",
"cannot-use-type-for-marker-error": "Cannot use {{type}} type for marker.",
"unique-pad-ids-error": "Read-only, read-write and admin ID have to be different from each other.",
"unique-pad-ids-read-write-error": "Read-only and read-write ID cannot be the same.",
"unique-pad-ids-read-admin-error": "Read-only and admin ID cannot be the same.",
"unique-pad-ids-write-admin-error": "Read-write and admin ID cannot be the same.",
"pad-id-taken-error": "ID '{{id}}' is already taken.",
"pad-disappeared-error": "Map has disappeared after updating."
"frontend": {
"requires-javascript": "{{appName}} requires JavaScript to work.",
"loading": "Loading…",
"load-error": "Could not load {{appName}}!"
"routing": {
"ors-token-warning": "No ORS token configured. Please ask the administrator to set ORS_TOKEN in the environment or in config.env.",
"too-much-distance-error": "Too much distance between route points. Consider adding some via points.",
"invalid-response-error": "Invalid response from routing server.",
"mapbox-token-warning": "No Mapbox token configured. Please ask the administrator to set MAPBOX_TOKEN in the environment or in config.env.",
"mapbox-error": "Route could not be calculated ({{code}})."
"socket": {
"only-in-admin-error": "Only available in admin mode.",
"only-in-write-error": "Only available in write mode.",
"pad-id-set-error": "Map ID already set.",
"pad-not-exist-error": "This map does not exist.",
"pad-already-loaded-error": "Map already loaded.",
"no-map-open-error": "No map opened.",
"unknown-format-error": "Unknown format",
"route-not-available-error": "Route not available.",
"route-name": "FacilMap route",
"already-listening-to-history-error": "Already listening to history.",
"not-listening-to-history-error": "Not listening to history.",
"admin-revert-error": "This kind of change can only be reverted in admin mode."
"search": {
"url-request-error": "Request to \"{{url}}\" failed with status {{status}}.",
"url-response-error": "Invalid response from server.",
"url-unknown-format-error": "Unknown file format."
"tabular": {
"field-name": "Name",
"field-position": "Position",
"field-distance": "Distance",
"field-time": "Time"
"webserver": {
"map-not-found-error": "Map with ID {{padId}} could not be found."