
224 wiersze
9.5 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ID, Type } from "facilmap-types";
import type { FileResult, FileResultObject } from "../../utils/files";
import { isLineResult, isMarkerResult, typeExists } from "../../utils/search";
import { mapValues, pickBy, uniq } from "lodash-es";
import ModalDialog from "../ui/modal-dialog.vue";
import { getUniqueId } from "../../utils/utils";
import { computed, ref } from "vue";
import { useToasts } from "../ui/toasts/toasts.vue";
import { injectContextRequired, requireClientContext } from "../facil-map-context-provider/facil-map-context-provider.vue";
import { type LineWithTags, type MarkerWithTags, addToMap, searchResultToLineWithTags, searchResultToMarkerWithTags } from "../../utils/add";
import { formatTypeName, getOrderedTypes } from "facilmap-utils";
import { useI18n } from "../../utils/i18n";
const context = injectContextRequired();
const client = requireClientContext(context);
const toasts = useToasts();
const i18n = useI18n();
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
customTypes?: FileResultObject["types"];
results: FileResult[];
}>(), {
customTypes: () => ({})
const emit = defineEmits<{
hidden: [];
const id = getUniqueId("fm-custom-import-dialog");
const modalRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ModalDialog>>();
const activeFileResultsByType = computed(() => {
return mapValues(props.customTypes, (type, id) => props.results.filter((result) => result.fmTypeId != null && `${result.fmTypeId}` == `${id}`));
type Option = { key: string; value: string | false; text: string; disabled?: boolean };
const orderedTypes = computed(() => getOrderedTypes(client.value.types));
const customMappingOptions = computed(() => {
return mapValues(pickBy(props.customTypes, (customType, customTypeId) => activeFileResultsByType.value[customTypeId as any].length > 0), (customType, customTypeId): Option[] => {
const recommendedOptions: Option[] = [];
for (const type of orderedTypes.value) {
if (type.name == customType.name && type.type == customType.type)
recommendedOptions.push({ key: `e${type.id}`, value: `e${type.id}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.existing-type", { name: formatTypeName(type.name) }) });
if (client.value.writable == 2 && !typeExists(client.value, customType))
recommendedOptions.push({ key: `i${customTypeId}`, value: `i${customTypeId}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.import-type", { name: customType.name }) });
recommendedOptions.push({ key: "false1", value: false, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.no-import") });
const otherOptions: Option[] = [];
for (const type of orderedTypes.value) {
if (type.name != customType.name && type.type == customType.type)
otherOptions.push({ key: `e${type.id}`, value: `e${type.id}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.existing-type", { name: formatTypeName(type.name) }) });
for (const [customTypeId2, customType2] of Object.entries(props.customTypes)) {
if (client.value.writable == 2 && customType2.type == customType.type && customTypeId2 != customTypeId && !typeExists(client.value, customType2))
otherOptions.push({ key: `i${customTypeId2}`, value: `i${customTypeId2}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.import-type", { name: customType2.name }) });
return [
...(recommendedOptions.length > 0 && otherOptions.length > 0 ? [
{ key: "false2", value: false, text: "──────────", disabled: true } satisfies Option
] : []),
const customMapping = ref<Record<ID, false | string>>(mapValues(customMappingOptions.value, (options) => options[0].value));
const untypedMarkerMapping = ref<false | string>(false);
const untypedLineMapping = ref<false | string>(false);
const untypedMarkers = computed(() => {
return props.results.filter((result) => (result.fmTypeId == null || !props.customTypes[result.fmTypeId]) && isMarkerResult(result));
const untypedLines = computed(() => {
return props.results.filter((result) => (result.fmTypeId == null || !props.customTypes[result.fmTypeId]) && isLineResult(result));
const untypedMarkerMappingOptions = computed(() => {
const options: Array<{ key: string; value: string | false; text: string }> = [];
options.push({ key: "false", value: false, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.no-import") });
for (const customTypeId of Object.keys(props.customTypes)) {
const customType = props.customTypes[customTypeId as any];
if (client.value.writable && customType.type == "marker" && !typeExists(client.value, customType))
options.push({ key: `i${customTypeId}`, value: `i${customTypeId}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.import-type", { name: customType.name }) });
for (const type of orderedTypes.value) {
if (type.type == "marker")
options.push({ key: `e${type.id}`, value: `e${type.id}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.existing-type", { name: formatTypeName(type.name) }) });
return options;
const untypedLineMappingOptions = computed(() => {
const options: Array<{ key: string; value: string | false; text: string }> = [];
options.push({ key: "false", value: false, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.no-import") });
for (const customTypeId of Object.keys(props.customTypes)) {
const customType = props.customTypes[customTypeId as any];
if (client.value.writable && customType.type == "line")
options.push({ key: `i${customTypeId}`, value: `i${customTypeId}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.import-type", { name: customType.name }) });
for (const type of orderedTypes.value) {
if (type.type == "line")
options.push({ key: `e${type.id}`, value: `e${type.id}`, text: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.existing-type", { name: formatTypeName(type.name) }) });
return options;
async function save(): Promise<void> {
try {
const resolvedMapping: Record<string, Type> = {};
for (const id of uniq([...Object.values(customMapping.value), untypedMarkerMapping.value, untypedLineMapping.value])) {
if (id !== false) {
const m = id.match(/^([ei])(.*)$/);
if (m && m[1] == "e")
resolvedMapping[id] = client.value.types[m[2] as any];
else if (m && m[1] == "i")
resolvedMapping[id] = await client.value.addType(props.customTypes[m[2] as any]);
const add = props.results.flatMap((result) => {
const id = (result.fmTypeId && customMapping.value[result.fmTypeId]) ? customMapping.value[result.fmTypeId] : isMarkerResult(result) ? untypedMarkerMapping.value : untypedLineMapping.value;
return id !== false && resolvedMapping[id] ? [{ result, type: resolvedMapping[id] }] : [];
await addToMap(context, add.flatMap(({ result, type }): Array<({ marker: MarkerWithTags } | { line: LineWithTags }) & { type: Type }> => {
if (type.type === 'marker') {
const marker = searchResultToMarkerWithTags(result);
return marker ? [{ marker, type }] : [];
} else {
const line = searchResultToLineWithTags(result);
return line ? [{ line, type }] : [];
} catch(err) {
toasts.showErrorToast(`fm${context.id}-search-result-info-add-error`, () => i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.import-error"), err);
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-v-for-key -->
<tr v-for="(options, importTypeId) in customMappingOptions">
<label :for="`${id}-map-type-${importTypeId}`">
{{customTypes[importTypeId as number].type == 'marker'
? i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.markers", {
typeName: customTypes[importTypeId as number].name,
count: activeFileResultsByType[importTypeId as number].length
: i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.lines", {
typeName: customTypes[importTypeId as number].name,
count: activeFileResultsByType[importTypeId as number].length
<select :id="`${id}-map-type-${importTypeId}`" v-model="customMapping[importTypeId as number]">
<option v-for="option in options" :key="option.key" :value="option.value">{{option.text}}</option>
<tr v-if="untypedMarkers.length > 0">
<td><label :for="`${id}-map-untyped-markers`">{{i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.untyped-markers", { count: untypedMarkers.length })}}</label></td>
<select :id="`${id}-map-untyped-markers`" v-model="untypedMarkerMapping">
<option v-for="option in untypedMarkerMappingOptions" :key="option.key" :value="option.value">{{option.text}}</option>
<tr v-if="untypedLines.length > 0">
<td><label :for="`${id}-map-untyped-lines`">{{i18n.t("custom-import-dialog.untyped-lines", { count: untypedLines.length })}}</label></td>
<select :id="`${id}-map-untyped-lines`" v-model="untypedLineMapping">
<option v-for="option in untypedLineMappingOptions" :key="option.key" :value="option.value">{{option.text}}</option>