
761 wiersze
24 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, markRaw, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref, toRaw, watch, watchEffect } from "vue";
import Icon from "../ui/icon.vue";
import { decodeRouteQuery, encodeRouteQuery, formatCoordinates, formatDistance, formatRouteMode, formatRouteTime, formatTypeName, isSearchId, normalizeMarkerName } from "facilmap-utils";
import { useToasts } from "../ui/toasts/toasts.vue";
import type { ExportFormat, FindOnMapResult, SearchResult } from "facilmap-types";
import { getMarkerIcon, type HashQuery, MarkerLayer, RouteLayer } from "facilmap-leaflet";
import { getZoomDestinationForRoute, flyTo, normalizeZoomDestination } from "../../utils/zoom";
import { latLng, type LatLng } from "leaflet";
import Draggable from "vuedraggable";
import RouteMode from "../ui/route-mode.vue";
import DraggableLines from "leaflet-draggable-lines";
import { cloneDeep, throttle } from "lodash-es";
import ElevationStats from "../ui/elevation-stats.vue";
import ElevationPlot from "../ui/elevation-plot.vue";
import { isMapResult } from "../../utils/search";
import type { LineWithTags } from "../../utils/add";
import vTooltip from "../../utils/tooltip";
import DropdownMenu from "../ui/dropdown-menu.vue";
import ZoomToObjectButton from "../ui/zoom-to-object-button.vue";
import type { RouteDestination } from "../facil-map-context-provider/route-form-tab-context";
import { injectContextRequired, requireClientContext, requireMapContext } from "../facil-map-context-provider/facil-map-context-provider.vue";
import AddToMapDropdown from "../ui/add-to-map-dropdown.vue";
import ExportDropdown from "../ui/export-dropdown.vue";
import { useI18n } from "../../utils/i18n";
type SearchSuggestion = SearchResult;
type MapSuggestion = FindOnMapResult & { kind: "marker" };
type Suggestion = SearchSuggestion | MapSuggestion;
interface Destination extends RouteDestination {
query: string;
loadingQuery?: string;
loadingPromise?: Promise<void>;
loadedQuery?: string;
searchSuggestions?: SearchSuggestion[];
mapSuggestions?: MapSuggestion[];
selectedSuggestion?: Suggestion;
function makeCoordDestination(latlng: LatLng) {
const disp = formatCoordinates({ lat: latlng.lat, lon: latlng.lng });
let suggestion = {
lat: latlng.lat,
lon: latlng.lng,
display_name: disp,
short_name: disp,
type: "coordinates",
id: disp
return {
query: disp,
loadingQuery: disp,
loadedQuery: disp,
selectedSuggestion: suggestion,
searchSuggestions: [ suggestion ]
function makeDestination({ query, searchSuggestions, mapSuggestions, selectedSuggestion }: { query: string; searchSuggestions?: SearchResult[]; mapSuggestions?: FindOnMapResult[]; selectedSuggestion?: SearchResult | FindOnMapResult }): Destination {
return {
loadedQuery: searchSuggestions || mapSuggestions ? query : undefined,
mapSuggestions: mapSuggestions?.filter((result) => result.kind == "marker") as MapSuggestion[],
selectedSuggestion: selectedSuggestion as MapSuggestion
const startMarkerColour = "00ff00";
const dragMarkerColour = "ffd700";
const endMarkerColour = "ff0000";
function getIcon(i: number, length: number, highlight = false) {
return getMarkerIcon(i == 0 ? `#${startMarkerColour}` : i == length - 1 ? `#${endMarkerColour}` : `#${dragMarkerColour}`, 35, undefined, undefined, highlight);
const context = injectContextRequired();
const client = requireClientContext(context);
const mapContext = requireMapContext(context);
const toasts = useToasts();
const i18n = useI18n();
const submitButton = ref<HTMLButtonElement>();
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
/** If false, the route layer will be opaque and not draggable. */
active?: boolean;
routeId?: string;
showToolbar?: boolean;
noClear?: boolean;
}>(), {
active: true,
showToolbar: true
const emit = defineEmits<{
activate: [];
"hash-query-change": [hashQuery: HashQuery | undefined];
const routeObj = computed(() => props.routeId ? client.value.routes[props.routeId] : client.value.route);
const hasRoute = computed(() => !!routeObj.value);
const routeMode = ref(routeObj.value?.mode ?? "car");
const destinations = ref<Destination[]>(routeObj.value ? (
routeObj.value.routePoints.map((point) => makeCoordDestination(latLng(point.lat, point.lon)))
) : (
[{ query: "" }, { query: "" }]
const submittedQuery = ref<{ destinations: Destination[]; mode: string }>();
const routeError = ref<string>();
const hoverDestinationIdx = ref<number>();
const hoverInsertIdx = ref<number>();
const suggestionMarker = ref<MarkerLayer>();
// TODO: Handle client.value change
const routeLayer = new RouteLayer(client.value, props.routeId, { weight: 7, opacity: 1, raised: true });
routeLayer.on("click", (e) => {
if (!props.active && !(e.originalEvent as any).ctrlKey) {
const draggable = new DraggableLines(mapContext.value.components.map, {
enableForLayer: false,
tempMarkerOptions: () => ({
icon: getMarkerIcon(`#${dragMarkerColour}`, 35),
pane: "fm-raised-marker"
plusTempMarkerOptions: () => ({
icon: getMarkerIcon(`#${dragMarkerColour}`, 35),
pane: "fm-raised-marker"
dragMarkerOptions: (layer, i, length) => ({
icon: getIcon(i, length),
pane: "fm-raised-marker"
insert: (e: any) => {
destinations.value.splice(e.idx, 0, makeCoordDestination(e.latlng));
void reroute(false);
dragstart: (e: any) => {
hoverDestinationIdx.value = e.idx;
hoverInsertIdx.value = undefined;
if (e.isNew)
destinations.value.splice(e.idx, 0, makeCoordDestination(e.to));
drag: throttle((e: any) => {
destinations.value[e.idx] = makeCoordDestination(e.to);
}, 300),
dragend: (e: any) => {
destinations.value[e.idx] = makeCoordDestination(e.to);
void reroute(false);
remove: (e: any) => {
hoverDestinationIdx.value = undefined;
destinations.value.splice(e.idx, 1);
void reroute(false);
dragmouseover: (e: any) => {
dragmouseout: (e: any) => {
plusmouseover: (e: any) => {
hoverInsertIdx.value = e.idx;
plusmouseout: (e: any) => {
hoverInsertIdx.value = undefined;
tempmouseover: (e: any) => {
hoverInsertIdx.value = e.idx;
tempmousemove: (e: any) => {
if (e.idx != hoverInsertIdx.value)
hoverInsertIdx.value = e.idx;
tempmouseout: (e: any) => {
hoverInsertIdx.value = undefined;
} as any);
onMounted(() => {
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
const zoomDestination = computed(() => routeObj.value && getZoomDestinationForRoute(routeObj.value));
const hashQuery = computed(() => {
if (submittedQuery.value) {
return {
query: encodeRouteQuery({
queries: submittedQuery.value.destinations.map((dest) => (getSelectedSuggestionId(dest) ?? dest.query)),
mode: submittedQuery.value.mode
...(zoomDestination.value ? normalizeZoomDestination(mapContext.value.components.map, zoomDestination.value) : {}),
description: i18n.t("route-form.route-description-outer", {
inner: i18n.t("route-form.route-description-inner", {
destinations: submittedQuery.value.destinations.map((dest) => (getSelectedSuggestionName(dest) ?? dest.query)).join(i18n.t("route-form.route-description-inner-joiner")),
mode: formatRouteMode(submittedQuery.value.mode)
} else
return undefined;
const destinationsMeta = computed(() => destinations.value.map((destination) => ({
isInvalid: getValidationState(destination) === false
watchEffect(() => {
if (hasRoute.value)
routeLayer.setStyle({ opacity: props.active ? 1 : 0.35, raised: props.active });
// Enable dragging after updating the style, since that might re-add the layer to the map
if (props.active)
watch(hashQuery, (hashQuery) => {
emit("hash-query-change", hashQuery);
watch(routeMode, () => {
void reroute(false);
function addDestination(): void {
query: ""
function removeDestination(idx: number): void {
if (destinations.value.length > 2)
destinations.value.splice(idx, 1);
function getSelectedSuggestion(dest: Destination): Suggestion | undefined {
if(dest.selectedSuggestion && [...(dest.searchSuggestions || []), ...(dest.mapSuggestions || [])].includes(dest.selectedSuggestion))
return dest.selectedSuggestion;
else if(dest.mapSuggestions && dest.mapSuggestions.length > 0 && (dest.mapSuggestions[0].similarity == 1 || (dest.searchSuggestions || []).length == 0))
return dest.mapSuggestions[0];
else if((dest.searchSuggestions || []).length > 0)
return dest.searchSuggestions![0];
return undefined;
function getSelectedSuggestionId(dest: Destination): string | undefined {
const sugg = getSelectedSuggestion(dest);
if (!sugg)
return undefined;
if (isMapResult(sugg))
return (sugg.kind == "marker" ? "m" : "l") + sugg.id;
return sugg.id;
function getSelectedSuggestionName(dest: Destination): string | undefined {
const sugg = getSelectedSuggestion(dest);
if (!sugg)
return undefined;
if (isMapResult(sugg))
return sugg.name;
return sugg.short_name;
async function loadSuggestions(dest: Destination): Promise<void> {
if (dest.loadingQuery == dest.query.trim()) {
await dest.loadingPromise;
} else if (dest.loadedQuery == dest.query.trim())
const idx = destinations.value.indexOf(dest);
dest.searchSuggestions = undefined;
dest.mapSuggestions = undefined;
dest.selectedSuggestion = undefined;
dest.loadingQuery = undefined;
dest.loadingPromise = undefined;
dest.loadedQuery = undefined;
const query = dest.query.trim();
if(query != "") {
dest.loadingQuery = query;
let resolveLoadingPromise = (): void => undefined;
dest.loadingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { resolveLoadingPromise = resolve; });
try {
const [searchResults, mapResults] = await Promise.all([
client.value.find({ query: query }),
(async () => {
if (client.value.padData) {
const m = query.match(/^m(\d+)$/);
if (m) {
const marker = await client.value.getMarker({ id: Number(m[1]) });
return marker ? [{ kind: "marker" as const, similarity: 1, ...marker }] : [];
} else
return (await client.value.findOnMap({ query })).filter((res) => res.kind == "marker") as MapSuggestion[];
if(query != dest.loadingQuery)
return; // The destination has changed in the meantime
dest.loadingQuery = undefined;
dest.loadedQuery = query;
dest.searchSuggestions = searchResults;
dest.mapSuggestions = mapResults;
if(isSearchId(query) && searchResults.length > 0 && searchResults[0].display_name) {
if (dest.query == query)
dest.query = searchResults[0].display_name;
dest.loadedQuery = searchResults[0].display_name;
dest.selectedSuggestion = searchResults[0];
if(mapResults) {
const referencedMapResult = mapResults.find((res) => query == `m${res.id}`);
if(referencedMapResult) {
if (dest.query == query)
dest.query = normalizeMarkerName(referencedMapResult.name);
dest.loadedQuery = referencedMapResult.name;
dest.selectedSuggestion = referencedMapResult;
if(dest.selectedSuggestion == null)
dest.selectedSuggestion = getSelectedSuggestion(dest);
} catch (err: any) {
if(query != dest.loadingQuery)
return; // The destination has changed in the meantime
console.warn(err.stack || err);
toasts.showErrorToast(`fm${context.id}-route-form-suggestion-error-${idx}`, () => i18n.t("route-form.find-destination-error", { query }), err);
} finally {
function suggestionMouseOver(suggestion: Suggestion): void {
suggestionMarker.value = markRaw((new MarkerLayer([ suggestion.lat!, suggestion.lon! ], {
highlight: true,
marker: {
colour: dragMarkerColour,
size: 35,
symbol: "",
shape: "drop"
function suggestionMouseOut(): void {
if(suggestionMarker.value) {
suggestionMarker.value = undefined;
function suggestionZoom(suggestion: Suggestion): void {
mapContext.value.components.map.flyTo([suggestion.lat!, suggestion.lon!]);
function destinationMouseOver(idx: number): void {
const marker = routeLayer._draggableLines?.dragMarkers[idx];
if (marker) {
hoverDestinationIdx.value = idx;
marker.setIcon(getIcon(idx, routeLayer._draggableLines!.dragMarkers.length, true));
function destinationMouseOut(idx: number): void {
hoverDestinationIdx.value = undefined;
const marker = routeLayer._draggableLines?.dragMarkers[idx];
if (marker) {
void Promise.resolve().then(() => {
// If mouseout event is directly followed by a dragend event, the marker will be removed. Only update the icon if the marker is not removed.
if (marker["_map"])
marker.setIcon(getIcon(idx, routeLayer._draggableLines!.dragMarkers.length));
function getValidationState(destination: Destination): boolean | null {
if (routeError.value && destination.query.trim() == '')
return false;
else if (destination.loadedQuery && destination.query == destination.loadedQuery && getSelectedSuggestion(destination) == null)
return false;
return null;
async function route(zoom: boolean, smooth = true): Promise<void> {
try {
const mode = routeMode.value;
submittedQuery.value = { destinations: cloneDeep(toRaw(destinations.value)), mode };
await Promise.all(destinations.value.map((dest) => loadSuggestions(dest)));
const points = destinations.value.map((dest) => getSelectedSuggestion(dest));
submittedQuery.value = { destinations: cloneDeep(toRaw(destinations.value)), mode };
if(points.some((point) => point == null)) {
routeError.value = i18n.t("route-form.some-destinations-not-found");
const route = await client.value.setRoute({
routePoints: points.map((point) => ({ lat: point!.lat!, lon: point!.lon! })),
routeId: props.routeId
if (route && zoom)
flyTo(mapContext.value.components.map, getZoomDestinationForRoute(route), smooth);
} catch (err: any) {
toasts.showErrorToast(`fm${context.id}-route-form-error`, () => i18n.t("route-form.route-calculation-error"), err);
async function reroute(zoom: boolean, smooth = true): Promise<void> {
if(hasRoute.value) {
await Promise.all(destinations.value.map((dest) => loadSuggestions(dest)));
const points = destinations.value.map((dest) => getSelectedSuggestion(dest));
if(!points.some((point) => point == null))
await route(zoom, smooth);
function reset(): void {
submittedQuery.value = undefined;
routeError.value = undefined;
if(suggestionMarker.value) {
suggestionMarker.value = undefined;
client.value.clearRoute({ routeId: props.routeId });
function clear(): void {
destinations.value = [
{ query: "" },
{ query: "" }
function handleSubmit(event: Event): void {
void route(true);
const linesWithTags = computed((): LineWithTags[] | undefined => routeObj.value && [{
routePoints: routeObj.value.routePoints,
mode: routeObj.value.mode
async function getExport(format: ExportFormat): Promise<string> {
return await client.value.exportRoute({ format });
function setQuery(query: string, zoom = true, smooth = true): void {
const split = decodeRouteQuery(query);
destinations.value = split.queries.map((query) => ({ query }));
while (destinations.value.length < 2)
destinations.value.push({ query: "" });
routeMode.value = split.mode ?? "car";
void route(zoom, smooth);
function setFrom(data: Parameters<typeof makeDestination>[0]): void {
destinations.value[0] = makeDestination(data);
void reroute(true);
function addVia(data: Parameters<typeof makeDestination>[0]): void {
destinations.value.splice(destinations.value.length - 1, 0, makeDestination(data));
void reroute(true);
function setTo(data: Parameters<typeof makeDestination>[0]): void {
destinations.value[destinations.value.length - 1] = makeDestination(data);
void reroute(true);
defineExpose({ setQuery, setFrom, addVia, setTo });
<div class="fm-route-form">
<form action="javascript:" @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
:itemKey="(destination: any) => destinations.indexOf(destination)"
<template #item="{ element: destination, index: idx }">
<div class="destination" :class="{ active: hoverDestinationIdx == idx }">
<hr class="fm-route-form-hover-insert" :class="{ active: hoverInsertIdx === idx }"/>
<span class="input-group-text px-2">
<a href="javascript:" class="fm-drag-handle" @contextmenu.prevent>
<Icon icon="resize-vertical" :alt="i18n.t('route-form.reorder-alt')"></Icon>
:placeholder="idx == 0 ? i18n.t('route-form.from-placeholder') : idx == destinations.length-1 ? i18n.t('route-form.to-placeholder') : i18n.t('route-form.via-placeholder')"
'is-invalid': destinationsMeta[idx].isInvalid,
'fm-autofocus': idx === 0
<template v-if="destination.query.trim() != ''">
@update:isOpen="$event && loadSuggestions(destination)"
:isLoading="!destination.searchSuggestions && !destination.mapSuggestions"
<template v-for="suggestion in destination.mapSuggestions" :key="suggestion.id">
class="dropdown-item fm-route-form-suggestions-zoom"
:class="{ active: suggestion === getSelectedSuggestion(destination) }"
><Icon icon="zoom-in" :alt="i18n.t('route-form.zoom-alt')"></Icon></a>
:class="{ active: suggestion === getSelectedSuggestion(destination) }"
@click="destination.selectedSuggestion = suggestion; reroute(true)"
>{{suggestion.name}} ({{formatTypeName(client.types[suggestion.typeId].name)}})</a>
<li v-if="(destination.searchSuggestions || []).length > 0 && (destination.mapSuggestions || []).length > 0">
<hr class="dropdown-divider fm-route-form-suggestions-divider">
<template v-for="suggestion in destination.searchSuggestions" :key="suggestion.id">
class="dropdown-item fm-route-form-suggestions-zoom"
:class="{ active: suggestion === getSelectedSuggestion(destination) }"
><Icon icon="zoom-in" :alt="i18n.t('route-form.zoom-alt')"></Icon></a>
:class="{ active: suggestion === getSelectedSuggestion(destination) }"
@click="destination.selectedSuggestion = suggestion; reroute(true)"
>{{suggestion.display_name}}<span v-if="suggestion.type"> ({{suggestion.type}})</span></a>
v-if="destinations.length > 2"
class="btn btn-secondary"
@click="removeDestination(idx); reroute(false)"
<Icon icon="minus" :alt="i18n.t('route-form.remove-destination-alt')" size="1.0em"></Icon>
<template #footer>
<hr class="fm-route-form-hover-insert" :class="{ active: hoverInsertIdx === destinations.length }"/>
<div class="btn-toolbar">
class="btn btn-secondary"
<Icon icon="plus" :alt="i18n.t('route-form.add-destination-alt')"></Icon>
<RouteMode v-if="context.settings.routing" v-model="routeMode" :tabindex="destinations.length+2" tooltip-placement="bottom"></RouteMode>
class="btn btn-primary flex-grow-1"
v-if="hasRoute && !props.noClear"
class="btn btn-secondary"
<Icon icon="remove" :alt="i18n.t('route-form.clear-route-alt')"></Icon>
<template v-if="routeError">
<hr />
<div class="alert alert-danger">{{routeError}}</div>
<template v-if="routeObj">
<hr />
<dl class="fm-search-box-dl">
<dd>{{formatDistance(routeObj.distance)}} <span v-if="routeObj.time != null">({{formatRouteTime(routeObj.time, routeObj.mode)}})</span></dd>
<template v-if="routeObj.ascent != null">
<dd><ElevationStats :route="routeObj"></ElevationStats></dd>
<ElevationPlot :route="routeObj" v-if="routeObj.ascent != null"></ElevationPlot>
<div v-if="showToolbar && !client.readonly" class="btn-toolbar" role="group">
<style lang="scss">
.fm-route-form {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
min-height: 0;
flex-grow: 1;
form {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex-grow: 1;
.destination.active .input-group {
box-shadow: 0 0 3px;
border-radius: 0.25rem;
.destination:first-child {
margin-top: calc(-0.5rem + 2px); // Offset space of first fm-route-form-hover-insert
&#{&} hr.fm-route-form-hover-insert {
margin: 0.1rem -0.5rem;
width: auto;
border-width: 2px;
border-color: inherit;
border-top-style: dashed;
&:not(.active) {
border-color: transparent;
.fm-elevation-plot {
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
.dropdown-menu.fm-route-form-suggestions.show {
opacity: 0.6;
> li {
display: flex;
> :nth-child(2) {
flex-grow: 1;
.dropdown-item {
width: auto;
padding: 0.25rem 0.75rem 0.25rem 0.25rem;
&.fm-route-form-suggestions-zoom {
padding: 0.25rem 0.25rem 0.25rem 0.75rem;