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<script lang="ts">
import { type InjectionKey, type Ref, inject, onScopeDispose, provide, shallowReactive, toRef, watch, reactive, readonly, shallowReadonly } from "vue";
import { useMaxBreakpoint } from "../../utils/bootstrap";
import type { FacilMapComponents, FacilMapContext, FacilMapSettings } from "./facil-map-context";
const contextInject = Symbol("contextInject") as InjectionKey<FacilMapContext>;
export function injectContextOptional(): FacilMapContext | undefined {
return inject(contextInject);
export function injectContextRequired(): FacilMapContext {
const context = injectContextOptional();
if (!context) {
throw new Error("No context injected.");
return context;
function getRequireContext<K extends keyof FacilMapComponents>(key: K, componentName: string): (context: FacilMapContext) => Ref<NonNullable<FacilMapComponents[K]>> {
return (context) => {
return toRef(() => {
if (!context.components[key]) {
throw new Error(`${key} component is not available. Make sure to have a <${componentName}> within your <FacilMapContextProvider>.`);
return context.components[key] as NonNullable<FacilMapComponents[K]>;
export const requireClientContext = getRequireContext("client", "ClientProvider");
export const requireMapContext = getRequireContext("map", "LeafletMap");
export const requireSearchBoxContext = getRequireContext("searchBox", "SearchBox");
let idCounter = 1;
<script setup lang="ts">
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
baseUrl: string;
appName?: string;
hideCommercialMapLinks?: boolean;
settings?: Partial<FacilMapSettings>;
}>(), {
appName: "FacilMap"
const isNarrow = useMaxBreakpoint("sm");
const components = shallowReactive<FacilMapComponents>({});
function provideComponent<K extends keyof FacilMapComponents>(key: K, componentRef: Readonly<Ref<FacilMapComponents[K]>>) {
if (key in components) {
throw new Error(`Component "${key}" is already provided.`);
watch(componentRef, (component) => {
components[key] = component;
}, { immediate: true });
onScopeDispose(() => {
delete components[key];
const context: FacilMapContext = shallowReadonly(reactive({
id: idCounter++,
baseUrl: toRef(() => props.baseUrl),
appName: toRef(() => props.appName),
hideCommercialMapLinks: toRef(() => props.hideCommercialMapLinks),
settings: readonly(toRef(() => ({
toolbox: true,
search: true,
route: true,
pois: true,
locate: true,
autofocus: false,
legend: true,
interactive: true,
linkLogo: false,
updateHash: false,
routing: true,
advancedRouting: true,
components: shallowReadonly(components),
provide(contextInject, context)