
368 wiersze
11 KiB

var Promise = require("bluebird");
var Sequelize = require("sequelize");
var stream = require("stream");
var underscore = require("underscore");
var utils = require("../utils");
const ITEMS_PER_BATCH = 5000;
module.exports = function(Database) {
utils.extend(Database.prototype, {
get lat() {
return {
type: Sequelize.FLOAT(9, 6),
allowNull: false,
validate: {
min: -90,
max: 90
get lon() {
return {
type: Sequelize.FLOAT(9, 6),
allowNull: false,
validate: {
min: -180,
max: 180
validateColour: { is: /^[a-fA-F0-9]{3}([a-fA-F0-9]{3})?$/ },
dataDefinition: {
"name" : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
"value" : { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false }
_updateObjectStyles(objectStream, isLine) {
var t = this;
if(!(objectStream instanceof stream.Readable))
objectStream = new utils.ArrayStream([ objectStream ]);
var types = { };
return utils.streamEachPromise(objectStream, (object) => {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if(!types[object.typeId]) {
return t.getType(object.padId, object.typeId).then((type) => {
if(type == null)
throw "Type "+object.typeId+" does not exist.";
return types[object.typeId] = type;
} else
return types[object.typeId];
}).then((type) => {
var update = { };
if(type.colourFixed && object.colour != type.defaultColour)
update.colour = type.defaultColour;
if(!isLine && type.sizeFixed && object.size != type.defaultSize)
update.size = type.defaultSize;
if(!isLine && type.symbolFixed && object.symbol != type.defaultSymbol)
update.symbol = type.defaultSymbol;
if(isLine && type.widthFixed && object.width != type.defaultWidth)
update.width = type.defaultWidth;
if(isLine && type.modeFixed && object.mode != "track" && object.mode != type.defaultMode)
update.mode = type.defaultMode;
types[object.typeId].fields.forEach((field) => {
if(field.type == "dropdown" && (field.controlColour || (!isLine && field.controlSize) || (!isLine && field.controlSymbol) || (isLine && field.controlWidth))) {
var _find = (value) => (field.options.filter((option) => option.value == value)[0] || null);
var option = _find(object.data[field.name]) || _find(field.default) || field.options[0];
if(option != null) {
if(field.controlColour && object.colour != option.colour)
update.colour = option.colour;
if(!isLine && field.controlSize && object.size != option.size)
update.size = option.size;
if(!isLine && field.controlSymbol && object.symbol != option.symbol)
update.symbol = option.symbol;
if(isLine && field.controlWidth && object.width != option.width)
update.width = option.width;
var ret = [ ];
if(Object.keys(update).length > 0) {
utils.extend(object, update);
if(object.id) // Objects from getLineTemplate() do not have an ID
ret.push((isLine ? t.updateLine : t.updateMarker).call(t, object.padId, object.id, update, true));
if(object.id && isLine && "mode" in update) {
ret.push(t._calculateRouting(object).then(function(trackPoints) {
return t._setLinePoints(object.padId, object.id, trackPoints);
return Promise.all(ret);
_makeNotNullForeignKey(type, field, error) {
return {
as: type,
onDelete: error ? "RESTRICT" : "CASCADE",
foreignKey: { name: field, allowNull: false }
_padObjectExists(type, padId, id) {
return this._conn.model(type).count({ where: { padId: padId, id: id }, limit: 1 }).then(num => num > 0);
_getPadObject(type, padId, id) {
var includeData = [ "Marker", "Line" ].includes(type);
var cond = { where: { id: id, padId: padId }, include: includeData ? [ this._conn.model(type + "Data") ] : [ ] };
return this._conn.model(type).findOne(cond).then(data => {
if(data == null)
throw new Error(type + " " + id + " of pad " + padId + " could not be found.");
if(includeData) {
data.data = this._dataFromArr(data[type+"Data"]);
data.setDataValue("data", data.data); // For JSON.stringify()
data.setDataValue(type+"Data", undefined);
return data;
_getPadObjects(type, padId, condition) {
var includeData = [ "Marker", "Line" ].includes(type);
if(includeData) {
condition = condition || { };
condition.include = [ ...(condition.include || [ ]), this._conn.model(type + "Data") ];
var ret = new utils.ArrayStream();
this._conn.model("Pad").build({ id: padId })["get" + this._conn.model(type).getTableName()](condition).then((objs) => {
objs.forEach((it) => {
if(includeData) {
it.data = this._dataFromArr(it[type+"Data"]);
it.setDataValue("data", it.data); // For JSON.stringify()
it.setDataValue(type+"Data", undefined);
ret.receiveArray(null, objs);
}, (err) => {
return ret;
_createPadObject(type, padId, data) {
var includeData = [ "Marker", "Line" ].includes(type);
var makeHistory = [ "Marker", "Line", "View", "Type" ].includes(type);
return utils.promiseAuto({
create: () => {
var obj = this._conn.model(type).build(data);
obj.padId = padId;
return obj.save();
data: (create) => {
if(includeData) {
create.data = data.data || { };
create.setDataValue("data", create.data); // For JSON.stringify()
if(data.data != null)
return this._setObjectData(type, create.id, data.data);
history: (create, data) => {
return this.addHistoryEntry(padId, { type: type, action: "create", objectId: create.id, objectAfter: create });
}).then(res => res.create);
_updatePadObject(type, padId, objId, data, _noHistory) {
var includeData = [ "Marker", "Line" ].includes(type);
var makeHistory = !_noHistory && [ "Marker", "Line", "View", "Type" ].includes(type);
return utils.promiseAuto({
oldData: () => {
// Fetch the old object for the history, but also to make sure that the object exists. Unfortunately,
// we cannot rely on the return value of the update() method, as on some platforms it returns 0 even
// if the object was found (but no fields were changed)
return this._getPadObject(type, padId, objId);
update: (oldData) => {
if(!includeData || !underscore.isEqual(Object.keys(data), ["data"]))
return this._conn.model(type).update(data, { where: { id: objId, padId: padId } });
newData: (update) => {
return this._getPadObject(type, padId, objId);
updateData: (newData) => {
if(includeData) {
return (data.data != null ? this._setObjectData(type, objId, data.data) : this._getObjectData(type, objId)).then((dataData) => {
newData.data = (data.data != null ? data.data : dataData);
return newData.setDataValue("data", newData.data); // For JSON.stringify()
history: (oldData, newData, updateData) => {
return this.addHistoryEntry(padId, { type: type, action: "update", objectId: objId, objectBefore: oldData, objectAfter: newData });
}).then(res => res.newData);
_deletePadObject(type, padId, objId) {
var includeData = [ "Marker", "Line" ].includes(type);
var makeHistory = [ "Marker", "Line", "View", "Type" ].includes(type);
return utils.promiseAuto({
oldData: () => {
return this._getPadObject(type, padId, objId);
destroyData: (oldData) => {
return this._setObjectData(type, objId, { });
destroy: (oldData, destroyData) => {
return oldData.destroy();
history: (destroy, oldData) => {
return this.addHistoryEntry(padId, { type: type, action: "delete", objectId: objId, objectBefore: oldData });
}).then(res => res.oldData);
_dataToArr(data, extend) {
var dataArr = [ ];
for(var i in data) {
if(data[i] != null) {
dataArr.push(utils.extend({ name: i, value: data[i] }, extend));
return dataArr;
_dataFromArr(dataArr) {
var data = { };
for(var i=0; i<dataArr.length; i++)
data[dataArr[i].name] = dataArr[i].value;
return data;
_getObjectData(type, objId) {
var filter = { };
filter[type.toLowerCase()+"Id"] = objId;
return this._conn.model(type+"Data").findAll({ where: filter}).then((dataArr) => {
return this._dataFromArr(dataArr);
_setObjectData(type, objId, data) {
var model = this._conn.model(type+"Data");
var idObj = { };
idObj[type.toLowerCase()+"Id"] = objId;
return model.destroy({ where: idObj}).then(() => {
return model.bulkCreate(this._dataToArr(data, idObj));
renameObjectDataField(padId, typeId, rename, isLine) {
let objectStream = isLine ? this.getPadLinesByType(padId, typeId) : this.getPadMarkersByType(padId, typeId);
return utils.streamEachPromise(objectStream, (object) => {
let newData = underscore.clone(object.data);
let newNames = [ ];
for(let oldName in rename) {
if(rename[oldName].name) {
newData[rename[oldName].name] = object.data[oldName];
delete newData[oldName];
for(let oldValue in (rename[oldName].values || { })) {
if(object.data[oldName] == oldValue)
newData[rename[oldName].name || oldName] = rename[oldName].values[oldValue];
if(!underscore.isEqual(object.data, newData)) {
return this.updateLine(object.padId, object.id, {data: newData}, true); // Last param true to not create history entry
return this.updateMarker(object.padId, object.id, {data: newData}, true); // Last param true to not create history entry
_makeBboxCondition(bbox, prefix) {
return { };
prefix = prefix || "";
var cond = (key, value) => {
var ret = { };
ret[prefix+key] = value;
return ret;
var conditions = [ ];
conditions.push(cond("lat", { lte: bbox.top, gte: bbox.bottom }));
if(bbox.right < bbox.left) // Bbox spans over lon=180
conditions.push(Sequelize.or(cond("lon", { gte: bbox.left }), cond("lon", { lte: bbox.right })));
conditions.push(cond("lon", { gte: bbox.left, lte: bbox.right }));
if(bbox.except) {
var exceptConditions = [ ];
exceptConditions.push(Sequelize.or(cond("lat", { gt: bbox.except.top }), cond("lat", { lt: bbox.except.bottom })));
if(bbox.except.right < bbox.except.left)
exceptConditions.push(cond("lon", { lt: bbox.except.left, gt: bbox.except.right }));
exceptConditions.push(Sequelize.or(cond("lon", { lt: bbox.except.left }), cond("lon", { gt: bbox.except.right })));
conditions.push(Sequelize.or.apply(Sequelize, exceptConditions));
return Sequelize.and.apply(Sequelize, conditions);
_bulkCreateInBatches(model, data) {
let ret = Promise.resolve([]);
for(let i=0; i<data.length; i+=ITEMS_PER_BATCH) {
ret = ret.then((result) => {
return model.bulkCreate(data.slice(i, i+ITEMS_PER_BATCH)).then((result2) => result.concat(result2));
return ret;