
55 wiersze
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import { decodeQueryString, encodeQueryString } from "facilmap-utils";
import Vue from "vue";
const queryParams = decodeQueryString(location.search);
const toBoolean = (val: string, def: boolean) => (val == null ? def : val != "0" && val != "false" && val != "no");
const isNarrow = () => window.innerWidth < 768;
const context = Vue.observable({
activePadId: decodeURIComponent(location.pathname.match(/[^/]*$/)![0]),
urlPrefix: location.protocol + "//" + location.host + location.pathname.replace(/[^/]*$/, ""),
toolbox: toBoolean(queryParams.toolbox, true),
search: toBoolean(queryParams.search, true),
autofocus: toBoolean(queryParams.autofocus, parent === window),
legend: toBoolean(queryParams.legend, true),
interactive: toBoolean(queryParams.interactive, parent === window),
isNarrow: isNarrow()
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
context.isNarrow = isNarrow();
export default context;
if(!location.hash || location.hash == "#") {
const moveKeys = Object.keys(queryParams).filter((key) => ([ "zoom", "lat", "lon", "layer", "l", "q", "s", "c" ].includes(key)));
if(moveKeys.length > 0) {
const hashParams: Record<string, string> = { };
for (const key of moveKeys) {
hashParams[key] = queryParams[key];
delete queryParams[key];
const query = encodeQueryString(queryParams);
const hash = encodeQueryString(hashParams);
history.replaceState(null, "", context.urlPrefix + (context.activePadId || "") + (query ? "?" + query : "") + "#" + hash);
export function updatePadId(padId: string): void {
context.activePadId = padId;
if (padId)
history.replaceState(null, "", context.urlPrefix + padId + location.search + location.hash);
export function updatePadName(padName: string): void {
const title = padName ? padName + ' – FacilMap' : 'FacilMap';
// We have to call history.replaceState() in order for the new title to end up in the browser history
window.history && history.replaceState({ }, title);
document.title = title;