
177 wiersze
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import { lineValidator, markerValidator, type CRU, type Field, type FieldOption, type Line, type LineTemplate, type Marker, type Type } from "facilmap-types";
import { omit } from "lodash-es";
import { getI18n } from "./i18n.js";
export function isMarker<Mode extends CRU.READ | CRU.CREATE>(object: Marker<Mode> | Line<Mode>): object is Marker<Mode> {
return "lat" in object && object.lat != null;
export function isLine<Mode extends CRU.READ | CRU.CREATE>(object: Marker<Mode> | Line<Mode>): object is Line<Mode> {
return "routePoints" in object && object.routePoints != null;
export function canControl<T extends Marker | Line = Marker | Line>(type: Type<CRU.READ | CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED>, ignoreField?: Field | null): Array<T extends any ? keyof T : never /* https://stackoverflow.com/a/62085569/242365 */> {
const props: string[] = type.type == "marker" ? ["colour", "size", "icon", "shape"] : type.type == "line" ? ["colour", "width", "stroke", "mode"] : [];
return props.filter((prop) => {
if((type as any)[prop+"Fixed"] && ignoreField !== null)
return false;
const idx = "control"+prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1);
for (const field of type.fields ?? []) {
if ((field as any)[idx] && (!ignoreField || field !== ignoreField))
return false;
return true;
}) as Array<T extends any ? keyof T : never>;
export function getSelectedOption(field: Field, value: string | undefined, ignoreDefault = false): FieldOption | undefined {
const get = (val: string) => {
if (field.type === "dropdown") {
return field.options?.find((option) => option.value == val);
} else if (field.type === "checkbox") {
return field.options?.[Number(val)];
return (value != null && get(value)) || (!ignoreDefault && field.default != null && get(field.default)) || field.options?.[0];
export function normalizeFieldValue(field: Field, value: string | undefined, ignoreDefault = false): string {
if (field.type === "dropdown") {
return getSelectedOption(field, value, ignoreDefault)?.value ?? "";
} else if (field.type === "checkbox") {
return value === "1" ? "1" : "0";
} else {
return value ?? "";
export function applyMarkerStyles(marker: Marker<CRU.READ | CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED>, type: Type): Marker<CRU.UPDATE_VALIDATED> {
const update: Marker<CRU.UPDATE_VALIDATED> = {};
if(type.colourFixed && marker.colour != type.defaultColour)
update.colour = type.defaultColour;
if(type.sizeFixed && marker.size != type.defaultSize)
update.size = type.defaultSize;
if(type.iconFixed && marker.icon != type.defaultIcon)
update.icon = type.defaultIcon;
if(type.shapeFixed && marker.shape != type.defaultShape)
update.shape = type.defaultShape;
for(const field of type.fields) {
if(field.controlColour || field.controlSize || field.controlIcon || field.controlShape) {
const option = getSelectedOption(field, marker.data?.[field.name]);
if(option) {
if(field.controlColour && marker.colour != (option.colour ?? type.defaultColour))
update.colour = option.colour ?? type.defaultColour;
if(field.controlSize && marker.size != (option.size ?? type.defaultSize))
update.size = option.size ?? type.defaultSize;
if(field.controlIcon && marker.icon != (option.icon ?? type.defaultIcon))
update.icon = option.icon ?? type.defaultIcon;
if(field.controlShape && marker.shape != (option.shape ?? type.defaultShape))
update.shape = option.shape ?? type.defaultShape;
return update;
export function resolveCreateMarker(marker: Marker<CRU.CREATE>, type: Type): Marker<CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED> {
const parsed = markerValidator.create.parse(marker);
const result: Marker<CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED> = {
colour: parsed.colour ?? type.defaultColour,
size: parsed.size ?? type.defaultSize,
icon: parsed.icon ?? type.defaultIcon,
shape: parsed.shape ?? type.defaultShape
Object.assign(result, applyMarkerStyles(result, type));
return result;
export function resolveUpdateMarker(marker: Marker, update: Marker<CRU.UPDATE>, newType: Type): Marker<CRU.UPDATE_VALIDATED> {
const resolvedUpdate = markerValidator.update.parse(update);
return {
...applyMarkerStyles({ ...marker, ...resolvedUpdate }, newType)
export function applyLineStyles(line: Line<CRU.READ | CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED>, type: Type): Line<CRU.UPDATE_VALIDATED> {
const update: Line<CRU.UPDATE_VALIDATED> = {};
if(type.colourFixed && line.colour != type.defaultColour) {
update.colour = type.defaultColour;
if(type.widthFixed && line.width != type.defaultWidth) {
update.width = type.defaultWidth;
if (type.strokeFixed && line.stroke !== type.defaultStroke) {
update.stroke = type.defaultStroke;
if(type.modeFixed && line.mode != type.defaultMode) {
update.mode = type.defaultMode;
for(const field of type.fields) {
if(field.controlColour || field.controlWidth || field.controlStroke) {
const option = getSelectedOption(field, line.data?.[field.name]);
if(option) {
if(field.controlColour && line.colour != (option.colour ?? type.defaultColour)) {
update.colour = option.colour ?? type.defaultColour;
if(field.controlWidth && line.width != (option.width ?? type.defaultWidth)) {
update.width = option.width ?? type.defaultWidth;
if (field.controlStroke && line.stroke !== (option.stroke ?? type.defaultStroke)) {
update.stroke = option.stroke ?? type.defaultStroke;
return update;
export function resolveCreateLine(line: Line<CRU.CREATE>, type: Type): Line<CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED> {
const parsed = lineValidator.create.parse(line);
const result: Line<CRU.CREATE_VALIDATED> = {
colour: line.colour ?? type.defaultColour,
width: line.width ?? type.defaultWidth,
stroke: line.stroke ?? type.defaultStroke,
mode: line.mode ?? type.defaultMode
Object.assign(result, applyLineStyles(result, type));
return result;
export function resolveUpdateLine(line: Line, update: Line<CRU.UPDATE>, newType: Type): Line<CRU.UPDATE_VALIDATED> {
const resolvedUpdate = lineValidator.update.parse(update);
return {
...applyLineStyles({ ...line, ...resolvedUpdate }, newType)
export function getLineTemplate(type: Type): LineTemplate {
return {
data: {},
typeId: type.id,
routePoints: [{ lat: 0, lon: 0 }, { lat: 0, lon: 0 }]
}, type), ["routePoints", "extraInfo", "trackPoints"]),
} as LineTemplate;
export function normalizeMarkerName(name: string | undefined): string {
return name || getI18n().t("objects.untitled-marker");
export function normalizeLineName(name: string | undefined): string {
return name || getI18n().t("objects.untitled-line");