
135 wiersze
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import { compileExpression as filtrexCompileExpression } from "filtrex";
import { flattenObject, getProperty, quoteRegExp } from "./utils.js";
import { type ID, type Marker, type Line, type Type, type CRU, currentMarkerToLegacyV2 } from "facilmap-types";
import { cloneDeep } from "lodash-es";
import { normalizeFieldValue } from "./objects";
export type FilterFunc = (obj: Marker<CRU> | Line<CRU>, type: Type) => boolean;
const customFuncs = {
prop(obj: any, key: string) {
return obj && getProperty(obj, key);
random() { }, // Does not work well with angular digest cycles
lower(obj: any) {
if (typeof obj == "string")
return obj.toLowerCase();
return obj;
export function filterHasError(expr: string): Error | undefined {
try {
if(expr && expr.trim())
filtrexCompileExpression(expr, { extraFunctions: customFuncs });
} catch(e: any) {
return e;
export function compileExpression(expr?: string): FilterFunc {
if(!expr || !expr.trim())
return () => true;
else {
const filterFunc = filtrexCompileExpression(expr, { extraFunctions: customFuncs });
return (obj, type) => filterFunc(prepareObject(obj, type));
export function quote(str: string): string {
return '"' + (""+str).replace(/["\\]/g, '\\$1').replace(/\n/g, "\\n") + '"';
export function _getMatchesWithBrackets(str: string, regexp: string): string[] {
const ret: string[] = [ ];
(str || "").replace(new RegExp(regexp, "gi"), (match, ...args) => {
const offset = args[args.length-2];
const open = match.match(/\(/g);
const close = match.match(/\)/g);
let needBraces = (open ? open.length : 0) - (close ? close.length : 0);
let i = offset+match.length;
for(; i<str.length && needBraces > 0; i++) {
if(str[i] == "(")
else if(str[i] == ")")
ret.push(str.substring(offset, i));
return match;
return ret;
export function makeTypeFilter(previousFilter: string = "", typeId: ID, filteredData: boolean | Record<string, Record<string, boolean>>): string {
function removePart(str: string, regexp: string[]) {
str = str || "";
for (const r of regexp) {
str = str
.replace(new RegExp("^" + r + "($|\\s+and\\s+|\\s+or\\s+)", "ig"), "")
.replace(new RegExp("\\s+(and|or)\\s+" + r + "($|[^0-9a-z])", "ig"), (...args) => args[args.length-3])
return str;
let ret = removePart(previousFilter,
_getMatchesWithBrackets(previousFilter, "(not\\s+)?\\(typeId\\s*==\\s*" + typeId).map(quoteRegExp)
.concat([ "typeId\\s*[!=]=\\s*" + typeId ]));
if(typeof filteredData == "boolean") {
ret = (ret ? ret + " and " : "") + "typeId!=" + typeId;
} else {
const append = [ ];
for(const i in filteredData) {
const no = Object.keys(filteredData[i]).filter(function(it) { return !filteredData[i][it]; });
const yes = Object.keys(filteredData[i]).filter(function(it) { return filteredData[i][it]; });
if(no.length == 0) // No item is not filtered, so we can filter the whole type
return (ret ? ret + " and " : "") + "typeId!=" + typeId;
if(yes.length > 0) {
const negative = "prop(data," + quote(i) + ")" + (no.length > 1 ? " not in (" + no.map(quote).join(",") + ")" : "!=" + quote(no[0]));
const positive = "prop(data," + quote(i) + ")" + (yes.length > 1 ? " in (" + yes.map(quote).join(",") + ")" : "==" + quote(yes[0]));
append.push(negative.length < positive.length ? negative : positive);
if(append.length > 0)
ret = (ret ? ret + " and " : "") + "not (typeId=="+typeId+" and " + (append.length > 1 ? "(" + append.join(" or ") + ")" : append[0]) + ")";
return ret;
export function prepareObject(obj: Marker<CRU> | Line<CRU>, type: Type): any {
const fixedObj: any = cloneDeep(obj);
if (!fixedObj.data) {
fixedObj.data = Object.create(null) as {};
for (const field of type.fields) {
fixedObj.data[field.name] = normalizeFieldValue(field, fixedObj.data[field.name]);
let ret = {
// Backwards compatibility for filter expressions that were created before "symbol" was renamed to "icon" (keep old and new properties)
ret = currentMarkerToLegacyV2(ret, true);
ret.type = type.type;
return ret;