
132 wiersze
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/// <reference types="vite/client" />
import { type i18n } from "i18next";
import { defineComponent, ref, type Directive } from "vue";
import messagesEn from "../../i18n/en.json";
import messagesDe from "../../i18n/de.json";
import messagesEs from "../../i18n/es.json";
import messagesNbNo from "../../i18n/nb-NO.json";
import messagesRu from "../../i18n/ru.json";
import { LANG_COOKIE, LANG_QUERY, decodeQueryString, getAcceptHotI18n, getRawI18n, onI18nReady, setCurrentUnitsGetter } from "facilmap-utils";
import { cookies } from "./cookies";
import { unitsValidator } from "facilmap-types";
const namespace = "facilmap-frontend";
onI18nReady((i18n) => {
i18n.addResourceBundle("en", namespace, messagesEn);
i18n.addResourceBundle("de", namespace, messagesDe);
i18n.addResourceBundle("es", namespace, messagesEs);
i18n.addResourceBundle("nb-NO", namespace, messagesNbNo);
i18n.addResourceBundle("ru", namespace, messagesRu);
if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot!.accept(`../../i18n/en.json`, getAcceptHotI18n("en", namespace));
import.meta.hot!.accept(`../../i18n/de.json`, getAcceptHotI18n("de", namespace));
import.meta.hot!.accept(`../../i18n/es.json`, getAcceptHotI18n("es", namespace));
import.meta.hot!.accept(`../../i18n/nb-NO.json`, getAcceptHotI18n("nb-NO", namespace));
import.meta.hot!.accept(`../../i18n/ru.json`, getAcceptHotI18n("ru", namespace));
export const i18nResourceChangeCounter = ref(0);
const onI18nResourceChange = () => {
onI18nReady((i18n) => {
i18n.store.on("added", onI18nResourceChange);
i18n.store.on("removed", onI18nResourceChange);
i18n.on("languageChanged", onI18nResourceChange);
i18n.on("loaded", onI18nResourceChange);
let tBkp = i18n.t;
i18n.t = function(this: any, ...args: any) {
// Consume resource change counter to make calls to t() reactive to i18n resource changes
return tBkp.apply(this, args);
} as any;
const UNITS_COOKIE = "units";
const UNITS_QUERY = "units";
setCurrentUnitsGetter(() => {
const queryParams = decodeQueryString(location.search);
const query = queryParams.format ? unitsValidator.safeParse(queryParams[UNITS_QUERY]) : undefined;
return query?.success ? query.data : cookies[UNITS_COOKIE];
export function getI18n(): {
t: i18n["t"];
changeLanguage: (lang: string) => Promise<void>;
} {
return {
t: getRawI18n().getFixedT(null, namespace),
changeLanguage: async (lang) => {
await getRawI18n().changeLanguage(lang);
export function useI18n(): ReturnType<typeof getI18n> {
return getI18n();
* Renders a translated message. Each interpolation variable needs to be specified as a slot, making it possible to interpolate
* components and rich text.
export const T = defineComponent({
props: {
k: { type: String, required: true }
setup(props, { slots }) {
const i18n = useI18n();
return () => {
const mappedSlots = Object.entries(slots).map(([name, slot], i) => ({ name, placeholder: `%___SLOT_${i}___%`, slot }));
const placeholderByName = Object.fromEntries(mappedSlots.map(({ name, placeholder }) => [name, placeholder]));
const slotByPlaceholder = Object.fromEntries(mappedSlots.map(({ placeholder, slot }) => [placeholder, slot]));
const message = i18n.t(props.k, placeholderByName);
return message.split(/(%___SLOT_\d+___%)/g).map((v, i) => {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
return v;
} else {
return slotByPlaceholder[v]!();
* Replaces all descendent links of the element that match the given URLs with the given link configuration. This allows
* replacing links in translation texts using markdown with custom functionality (such as opening a dialog).
export const vReplaceLinks: Directive<HTMLElement, Record<string, { onClick: (e: Event) => void }>> = (el, binding) => {
for (const link of el.querySelectorAll("a[href]")) {
const href = link.getAttribute("href");
if (binding.value[href!]) {
link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:");
link.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
export function isLanguageExplicit(): boolean {
const queryParams = decodeQueryString(location.search);
return !!queryParams[LANG_QUERY] || !!queryParams[LANG_COOKIE];
export function isUnitsExplicit(): boolean {
const queryParams = decodeQueryString(location.search);
return !!queryParams[UNITS_QUERY] || !!queryParams[UNITS_COOKIE];