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import { type LatLng, latLng, type LatLngBounds, latLngBounds, type Map } from "leaflet";
import { fmToLeafletBbox, type HashQuery, type OverpassElement } from "facilmap-leaflet";
import type { RouteWithTrackPoints } from "facilmap-client";
import type { SelectedItem } from "./selection";
import type { FindOnMapLine, FindOnMapMarker, FindOnMapResult, Line, Marker, SearchResult } from "facilmap-types";
import type { Geometry } from "geojson";
import { isMapResult } from "./search";
import { decodeLonLatUrl, decodeRouteQuery, encodeRouteQuery, normalizeLineName, normalizeMarkerName, parseRouteQuery } from "facilmap-utils";
import type { ClientContext } from "../components/facil-map-context-provider/client-context";
import type { FacilMapContext } from "../components/facil-map-context-provider/facil-map-context";
import { requireClientContext, requireMapContext } from "../components/facil-map-context-provider/facil-map-context-provider.vue";
import { toRef, type DeepReadonly } from "vue";
export type ZoomDestination = {
center?: LatLng;
zoom?: number;
bounds?: LatLngBounds;
export function getZoomDestinationForGeoJSON(geojson: DeepReadonly<Geometry>): ZoomDestination | undefined {
if (geojson.type == "GeometryCollection")
return combineZoomDestinations(geojson.geometries.map((geo) => getZoomDestinationForGeoJSON(geo)));
else if (geojson.type == "Point")
return { center: latLng(geojson.coordinates[1], geojson.coordinates[0]) };
else if (geojson.type == "LineString" || geojson.type == "MultiPoint")
return combineZoomDestinations(geojson.coordinates.map((pos) => ({ center: latLng(pos[1], pos[0]) })));
else if (geojson.type == "Polygon" || geojson.type == "MultiLineString")
return combineZoomDestinations(geojson.coordinates.flat().map((pos) => ({ center: latLng(pos[1], pos[0]) })));
else if (geojson.type == "MultiPolygon")
return combineZoomDestinations(geojson.coordinates.flat().flat().map((pos) => ({ center: latLng(pos[1], pos[0]) })));
return undefined;
export function getZoomDestinationForMarker(marker: Marker | FindOnMapMarker | OverpassElement): ZoomDestination {
return { center: latLng(marker.lat, marker.lon), zoom: 15 };
export function getZoomDestinationForLine(line: Line | FindOnMapLine): ZoomDestination {
return { bounds: fmToLeafletBbox(line) };
export function getZoomDestinationForRoute(route: RouteWithTrackPoints): ZoomDestination {
return { bounds: fmToLeafletBbox(route) };
export function getZoomDestinationForSearchResult(result: DeepReadonly<SearchResult>): ZoomDestination | undefined {
const dest: ZoomDestination = {};
if (result.boundingbox)
dest.bounds = latLngBounds([[result.boundingbox[0], result.boundingbox[3]], [result.boundingbox[1], result.boundingbox[2]]]);
else if (result.geojson)
dest.bounds = getZoomDestinationForGeoJSON(result.geojson)?.bounds;
if (result.lat && result.lon)
dest.center = latLng(Number(result.lat), Number(result.lon));
else if (result.geojson)
dest.center = getZoomDestinationForGeoJSON(result.geojson)?.center;
if (result.zoom != null)
dest.zoom = result.zoom;
return Object.keys(dest).length == 0 ? undefined : dest;
export function getZoomDestinationForMapResult(result: FindOnMapResult): ZoomDestination {
if (result.kind == "marker")
return getZoomDestinationForMarker(result);
return getZoomDestinationForLine(result);
export function getZoomDestinationForResults(results: Array<SearchResult | FindOnMapResult>): ZoomDestination | undefined {
return combineZoomDestinations(results
.map((result) => (isMapResult(result) ? getZoomDestinationForMapResult(result) : getZoomDestinationForSearchResult(result)))
.filter((result) => !!result) as ZoomDestination[]
export function combineZoomDestinations(destinations: Array<ZoomDestination | undefined>): ZoomDestination | undefined {
if (destinations.length == 0)
return undefined;
else if (destinations.length == 1)
return destinations[0];
const bounds = latLngBounds(undefined as any);
for (const destination of destinations) {
if (destination)
bounds.extend((destination.bounds || destination.center)!);
return { bounds };
export function normalizeZoomDestination(map: Map, destination: ZoomDestination): Required<ZoomDestination> & Pick<ZoomDestination, "bounds"> {
const result = { ...destination };
if (result.center == null)
result.center = destination.bounds!.getCenter();
if (result.zoom == null)
result.zoom = result.bounds ? Math.min(15, map.getBoundsZoom(result.bounds)) : 15;
return result as any;
export function flyTo(map: Map, destination: ZoomDestination, smooth = true): void {
const dest = normalizeZoomDestination(map, destination);
if (map._loaded && smooth)
map.flyTo(dest.center, dest.zoom);
map.setView(dest.center, dest.zoom, { animate: false });
export function getHashQuery(map: Map, client: ClientContext, items: DeepReadonly<SelectedItem>[]): HashQuery | undefined {
if (items.length == 1) {
if (items[0].type == "searchResult") {
const destination = getZoomDestinationForSearchResult(items[0].result);
if (items[0].result.id && destination)
return { query: items[0].result.id, ...normalizeZoomDestination(map, destination), description: items[0].result.short_name };
return undefined;
} else if (items[0].type == "marker") {
const marker = client.markers[items[0].id];
return {
query: `m${items[0].id}`,
...(marker ? { ...normalizeZoomDestination(map, getZoomDestinationForMarker(marker)), description: normalizeMarkerName(marker.name) } : {})
} else if (items[0].type == "line") {
const line = client.lines[items[0].id];
return {
query: `l${items[0].id}`,
...(line ? { ...normalizeZoomDestination(map, getZoomDestinationForLine(line)), description: normalizeLineName(line.name) } : {})
return undefined;
export async function openSpecialQuery(query: string, context: FacilMapContext, zoom: boolean, smooth = true): Promise<boolean> {
const mapContext = requireMapContext(context);
const client = requireClientContext(context);
const searchBoxContext = toRef(() => context.components.searchBox);
const routeFormTabContext = toRef(() => context.components.routeFormTab);
if(searchBoxContext.value && routeFormTabContext.value) {
const split1 = decodeRouteQuery(query); // A route hash query encoded in a predictable format in English by the route form
if (split1.queries.length >= 2) {
routeFormTabContext.value.setQuery(query, zoom, smooth);
searchBoxContext.value.activateTab(`fm${context.id}-route-form-tab`, { autofocus: true });
return true;
const split2 = parseRouteQuery(query); // A free-text route query specified by the user in the current language
if (split2.queries.length >= 2) {
routeFormTabContext.value.setQuery(encodeRouteQuery(split2), zoom, smooth);
searchBoxContext.value.activateTab(`fm${context.id}-route-form-tab`, { autofocus: true });
return true;
const lonlat = decodeLonLatUrl(query);
if(lonlat) {
if (zoom)
flyTo(mapContext.value.components.map, { center: latLng(lonlat.lat, lonlat.lon), zoom: lonlat.zoom }, smooth);
return true;
const markerId = Number(query.match(/^m(\d+)$/)?.[1]);
if (markerId) {
let marker = client.value.markers[markerId];
if (!marker) {
try {
marker = await client.value.getMarker({ id: markerId });
} catch (err) {
console.error("Could not find marker", err);
if (marker) {
mapContext.value.components.selectionHandler.setSelectedItems([{ type: "marker", id: marker.id }], true);
if (zoom)
flyTo(mapContext.value.components.map, getZoomDestinationForMarker(marker), smooth);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
return true;
const lineId = Number(query.match(/^l(\d+)$/)?.[1]);
if (lineId && client.value.lines[lineId]) {
const line = client.value.lines[lineId];
mapContext.value.components.selectionHandler.setSelectedItems([{ type: "line", id: line.id }], true);
if (zoom)
flyTo(mapContext.value.components.map, getZoomDestinationForLine(line), smooth);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
return true;
return false;