
197 wiersze
8.8 KiB

import { Colour, Shape, Symbol } from "facilmap-types";
import { makeTextColour, quoteHtml } from "facilmap-utils";
import L, { Icon } from "leaflet";
import { memoize } from "lodash";
const rawIconsContext = require.context("../../assets/icons");
const rawIcons: Record<string, Record<string, string>> = {};
for (const key of rawIconsContext.keys() as string[]) {
const [set, fname] = key.split("/").slice(-2);
if (!rawIcons[set])
rawIcons[set] = {};
rawIcons[set][fname.replace(/\.svg$/, "")] = rawIconsContext(key);
rawIcons["fontawesome"] = {};
for (const name of ["arrow-left", "arrow-right", "biking", "car-alt", "chart-line", "slash", "walking"]) {
rawIcons["fontawesome"][name] = require(`@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/svgs/solid/${name}.svg`);
export const symbolList = Object.keys(rawIcons).map((key) => Object.keys(rawIcons[key])).flat();
export const RAINBOW_STOPS = `<stop offset="0" stop-color="red"/><stop offset="33%" stop-color="#ff0"/><stop offset="50%" stop-color="#0f0"/><stop offset="67%" stop-color="cyan"/><stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/>`;
interface ShapeInfo {
svg: string;
highlightSvg: string;
height: number;
width: number;
baseX: number;
baseY: number;
const MARKER_SHAPES: Partial<Record<Shape, ShapeInfo>> = {
drop: {
svg: (
`<path id="drop-%ID%" style="stroke: %BORDER_COLOUR%; stroke-width: 2; stroke-linecap: round; fill: %COLOUR%; clip-path: url(#clip-%ID%)" d="M13 0C4.727 0 0 4.8 0 13.2 0 21.6 11.744 36 13 36c1.256 0 13-14.4 13-22.8S21.273 0 13 0z"/>"/>` +
`<clipPath id="clip-%ID%"><use xlink:href="#drop-%ID%"/></clipPath>` + // Don't increase the size by increasing the border: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32162431/242365
`<g transform="translate(4, 4) scale(0.75)">%SYMBOL%</g>`
highlightSvg: (
`<path id="drop-%ID%" style="stroke: %BORDER_COLOUR%; stroke-width: 6; stroke-linecap: round; fill: %COLOUR%; clip-path: url(#clip-%ID%)" d="M13 0C4.727 0 0 4.8 0 13.2 0 21.6 11.744 36 13 36c1.256 0 13-14.4 13-22.8S21.273 0 13 0z"/>"/>` +
`<clipPath id="clip-%ID%"><use xlink:href="#drop-%ID%"/></clipPath>` +
`<g transform="translate(4, 4) scale(0.75)">%SYMBOL%</g>`
height: 36,
width: 26,
baseX: 13,
baseY: 36
circle: {
svg: (
`<circle id="circle-%ID%" style="stroke: %BORDER_COLOUR%; stroke-width: 2; fill: %COLOUR%; clip-path: url(#clip-%ID%)" cx="18" cy="18" r="18" />` +
`<clipPath id="clip-%ID%"><use xlink:href="#circle-%ID%"/></clipPath>` +
`<g transform="translate(6, 6)">%SYMBOL%</g>`
highlightSvg: (
`<circle id="circle-%ID%" style="stroke: %BORDER_COLOUR%; stroke-width: 6; fill: %COLOUR%; clip-path: url(#clip-%ID%)" cx="18" cy="18" r="18" />` +
`<clipPath id="clip-%ID%"><use xlink:href="#circle-%ID%"/></clipPath>` +
`<g transform="translate(6, 6)">%SYMBOL%</g>`
height: 36,
width: 36,
baseX: 18,
baseY: 18
export const shapeList = Object.keys(MARKER_SHAPES) as Shape[];
const sizes: Record<string, number> = {
osmi: 580,
mdiconic: 1000,
glyphicons: 1410,
fontawesome: 640
export const getLetterOffset = memoize((letter: string): { x: number, y: number } => {
const ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d")!;
ctx.font = "25px sans-serif";
const dim = ctx.measureText(letter);
const letterWidth = dim.width; // dim.actualBoundingBoxRight + dim.actualBoundingBoxLeft;
const letterHeight = dim.actualBoundingBoxAscent + dim.actualBoundingBoxDescent;
return {
x: (25 - letterWidth) / 2,
y: (25 - letterHeight) / 2 + dim.actualBoundingBoxAscent
export function getSymbolCode(colour: Colour, size: number, symbol?: Symbol): string {
if(symbol && symbolList.includes(symbol)) {
const set = Object.keys(rawIcons).filter((i) => (rawIcons[i][symbol] != null))[0];
if(set == "osmi") {
return `<g transform="scale(${size / sizes.osmi})">${rawIcons[set][symbol].replace(/#000/g, colour)}</g>`;
const widthMatch = rawIcons[set][symbol].match(/^<svg [^>]* width="([0-9.]+)"/);
const heightMatch = rawIcons[set][symbol].match(/^<svg [^>]* height="([0-9.]+)"/);
const viewBoxMatch = rawIcons[set][symbol].match(/^<svg [^>]* viewBox="([ 0-9.]+)"/);
const width = Number(widthMatch ? widthMatch[1] : viewBoxMatch![1].split(" ")[2]);
const height = Number(heightMatch ? heightMatch[1] : viewBoxMatch![1].split(" ")[3]);
const scale = size / sizes[set];
const moveX = (sizes[set] - width) / 2;
const moveY = (sizes[set] - height) / 2;
const content = rawIcons[set][symbol].replace(/^<svg [^>]*>/, "").replace(/<\/svg>$/, "");
return `<g transform="scale(${scale}) translate(${moveX}, ${moveY})" fill="${colour}">${content}</g>`;
} else if (symbol && symbol.length == 1) {
try {
const offset = getLetterOffset(symbol);
return (
`<g transform="scale(${size / 25}) translate(${offset.x}, ${offset.y})">` +
`<text style="font-size: 25px; font-family: sans-serif; fill: #${colour}">${quoteHtml(symbol)}</text>` +
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error creating letter symbol.", e);
return `<circle style="fill:${colour}" cx="${Math.floor(size / 2)}" cy="${Math.floor(size / 2)}" r="${Math.floor(size / 6)}" />`;
export function getSymbolUrl(colour: Colour, height: number, symbol?: Symbol): string {
const svg = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>` +
`<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="${height}" height="${height}" viewbox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1">` +
getSymbolCode('#'+colour, 24, symbol) +
return `data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(svg)}`;
export function getSymbolHtml(colour: Colour, height: number | string, symbol?: Symbol): string {
return `<svg width="${height}" height="${height}" viewbox="0 0 24 24">` +
getSymbolCode(colour, 24, symbol) +
let idCounter = 0;
export function getMarkerCode(colour: Colour, height: number, symbol?: Symbol, shape?: Shape, highlight = false): string {
const borderColour = makeTextColour(colour, 0.3);
const id = `${idCounter++}`;
const shapeObj = (shape && MARKER_SHAPES[shape]) || MARKER_SHAPES.drop!;
const shapeCode = (highlight ? shapeObj.highlightSvg : shapeObj.svg)
.replace(/%BORDER_COLOUR%/g, "#"+borderColour)
.replace(/%COLOUR%/g, colour == "rainbow" ? `url(#fm-rainbow-${id})` : "#" + colour)
.replace(/%SYMBOL%/g, getSymbolCode("#"+borderColour, 24, symbol))
.replace(/%ID%/g, id);
const scale = height / shapeObj.height;
return (
`<g transform="scale(${scale})">` +
(colour == "rainbow" ? `<defs><linearGradient id="fm-rainbow-${id}" x2="0" y2="100%">${RAINBOW_STOPS}</linearGradient></defs>` : '') +
shapeCode +
export function getMarkerUrl(colour: string, height: number, symbol?: Symbol, shape?: Shape, highlight = false): string {
const shapeObj = (shape && MARKER_SHAPES[shape]) || MARKER_SHAPES.drop!;
const width = Math.ceil(height * shapeObj.width / shapeObj.height);
return "data:image/svg+xml,"+encodeURIComponent(
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>` +
`<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="${width}" height="${height}" viewBox="0 0 ${shapeObj.width} ${shapeObj.height}" version="1.1">` +
getMarkerCode(colour, shapeObj.height, symbol, shape, highlight) +
export function getMarkerHtml(colour: string, height: number, symbol?: Symbol, shape?: Shape, highlight = false): string {
const shapeObj = (shape && MARKER_SHAPES[shape]) || MARKER_SHAPES.drop!;
const width = Math.ceil(height * shapeObj.width / shapeObj.height);
return (
`<svg width="${width}" height="${height}" viewBox="0 0 ${shapeObj.width} ${shapeObj.height}">` +
getMarkerCode(colour, shapeObj.height, symbol, shape, highlight) +
export function getMarkerIcon(colour: Colour, height: number, symbol?: Symbol, shape?: Shape, highlight = false): Icon {
const scale = height / 31;
const shapeObj = (shape && MARKER_SHAPES[shape]) || MARKER_SHAPES.drop!;
return L.icon({
iconUrl: getMarkerUrl(colour, height, symbol, shape, highlight),
iconSize: [shapeObj.width*scale, shapeObj.height*scale],
iconAnchor: [Math.round(shapeObj.baseX*scale), Math.round(shapeObj.baseY*scale)],
popupAnchor: [0, -height]