
265 wiersze
10 KiB

import { clone, generateRandomId, promiseProps } from "../utils/utils";
import { streamEachPromise } from "../utils/streams";
import Sequelize, { CreationAttributes, DataTypes } from "sequelize";
import { isEqual } from "lodash";
import Database from "./database";
import { PadModel } from "./pad";
import { Line, Marker } from "facilmap-types";
import { LineModel, LinePointModel } from "./line";
import { getElevationForPoints } from "../elevation";
const Op = Sequelize.Op;
export default class DatabaseMigrations {
_db: Database;
constructor(database: Database) {
this._db = database;
async _runMigrations(): Promise<void> {
await this._renameColMigrations();
await this._changeColMigrations();
await this._addColMigrations();
await this._dropdownKeyMigration();
await this._elevationMigration();
await this._legendMigration();
await this._bboxMigration();
await this._spatialMigration();
/** Run any migrations that rename columns */
async _renameColMigrations(): Promise<void> {
const queryInterface = this._db._conn.getQueryInterface();
const lineAttrs = await queryInterface.describeTable('Lines');
// Rename Line.points to Line.routePoints
if(lineAttrs.points) {
await queryInterface.renameColumn('Lines', 'points', 'routePoints');
// Change routing type "shortest" / "fastest" to "car", add type "track"
if(lineAttrs.mode.type.indexOf("shortest") != -1)
await this._db.lines.LineModel.update({ mode: "car" }, { where: { mode: { [Op.in]: [ "fastest", "shortest" ] } } });
const padAttrs = await queryInterface.describeTable('Pads');
// Rename writeId to adminId
if(!padAttrs.adminId) {
const Pad = this._db.pads.PadModel;
await queryInterface.renameColumn('Pads', 'writeId', 'adminId');
await queryInterface.addColumn('Pads', 'writeId', Pad.rawAttributes.writeId);
const pads = await Pad.findAll<PadModel>();
for(const pad of pads) {
let writeId;
do {
writeId = generateRandomId(14);
} while (await this._db.pads.padIdExists(writeId));
await Pad.update({writeId}, { where: { id: pad.id } });
/** Run any migrations that change column types */
async _changeColMigrations(): Promise<void> {
const queryInterface = this._db._conn.getQueryInterface();
for (const table of [ 'Pads', 'Markers', 'Lines', 'Types' ]) {
const attributes: any = await queryInterface.describeTable(table);
// allow null on Pad.name, Marker.name, Line.name
if(["Pads", "Markers", "Lines"].includes(table) && !attributes.name.allowNull)
await queryInterface.changeColumn(table, 'name', { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true });
// Change routing mode field from ENUM to TEXT
if(table == "Lines" && attributes.mode.type != "TEXT")
await queryInterface.changeColumn(table, "mode", { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false, defaultValue: "" });
if(table == "Types" && attributes.defaultMode.type != "TEXT")
await queryInterface.changeColumn(table, "defaultMode", { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true });
/** Add all missing columns */
async _addColMigrations(): Promise<void> {
const queryInterface = this._db._conn.getQueryInterface();
const exempt = [
// These are added in another migration below
['Marker', 'pos'], ['LinePoint', 'pos'], ['RoutePoint', 'pos']
for (const table of [ 'Pad', 'Marker', 'Type', 'View', 'Line', 'LinePoint' ]) {
const model = this._db._conn.model(table);
const attributes = await queryInterface.describeTable(model.getTableName());
for(const attribute in model.rawAttributes) {
if((model.rawAttributes[attribute].type as any).key !== DataTypes.VIRTUAL.key && !attributes[attribute] && !exempt.some((e) => e[0] == table && e[1] == attribute))
await queryInterface.addColumn(model.getTableName(), attribute, model.rawAttributes[attribute]);
/** Get rid of the dropdown key, save the value in the data instead */
async _dropdownKeyMigration(): Promise<void> {
const dropdownKeysMigrated = await this._db.meta.getMeta("dropdownKeysMigrated");
if(dropdownKeysMigrated == "1")
const types = await this._db.types.TypeModel.findAll();
for(const type of types) {
const newFields = type.fields; // type.fields is a getter, we cannot modify the object directly
const dropdowns = newFields.filter((field) => field.type == "dropdown");
if(dropdowns.length > 0) {
const objectStream = (type.type == "line" ? this._db.lines.getPadLinesByType(type.padId, type.id) : this._db.markers.getPadMarkersByType(type.padId, type.id)) as Highland.Stream<Marker | Line>;
await streamEachPromise(objectStream, (object) => {
const newData = clone(object.data);
for(const dropdown of dropdowns) {
const newVal = (dropdown.options || []).filter((option: any) => option.key == newData[dropdown.name])[0];
newData[dropdown.name] = newVal.value;
else if(newData[dropdown.name])
console.log(`Warning: Dropdown key ${newData[dropdown.name]} for field ${dropdown.name} of type ${type.name} of pad ${type.padId} does not exist.`);
if(!isEqual(newData, object.data))
return this._db.helpers._updatePadObject(type.type == "line" ? "Line" : "Marker", object.padId, object.id, {data: newData}, true);
dropdowns.forEach((dropdown) => {
if(dropdown.default) {
const newDefault = dropdown.options?.filter((option: any) => (option.key == dropdown.default))[0];
dropdown.default = newDefault.value;
console.log(`Warning: Default dropdown key ${dropdown.default} for field ${dropdown.name} of type ${type.name} of pad ${type.padId} does not exist.`);
dropdown.options?.forEach((option: any) => {
delete option.key;
await this._db.helpers._updatePadObject("Type", type.padId, type.id, {fields: newFields}, true);
await this._db.meta.setMeta("dropdownKeysMigrated", "1");
/* Get elevation data for all lines/markers that don't have any yet */
async _elevationMigration(): Promise<void> {
const hasElevation = await this._db.meta.getMeta("hasElevation");
if(hasElevation == "1")
const lines = await this._db.lines.LineModel.findAll();
for(const line of lines) {
const trackPoints = await this._db.lines.LineModel.build({ id: line.id } satisfies Partial<CreationAttributes<LineModel>> as any).getLinePoints();
await this._db.lines._setLinePoints(line.padId, line.id, trackPoints, true);
const markers = await this._db.markers.MarkerModel.findAll({where: {ele: null}});
const elevations = await getElevationForPoints(markers);
for (let i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
await this._db.helpers._updatePadObject("Marker", markers[i].padId, markers[i].id, {ele: elevations[i]}, true);
await this._db.meta.setMeta("hasElevation", "1");
/* Add showInLegend field to types */
async _legendMigration(): Promise<void> {
const hasLegendOption = await this._db.meta.getMeta("hasLegendOption");
if(hasLegendOption == "1")
const types = await this._db.types.TypeModel.findAll();
for(const type of types) {
let showInLegend = false;
if(type.colourFixed || (type.type == "marker" && type.symbolFixed && type.defaultSymbol) || (type.type == "marker" && type.shapeFixed) || (type.type == "line" && type.widthFixed))
showInLegend = true;
if(!showInLegend) {
for(const field of type.fields) {
if((field.type == "dropdown" || field.type == "checkbox") && (field.controlColour || (type.type == "marker" && field.controlSymbol) || (type.type == "marker" && field.controlShape) || (type.type == "line" && field.controlWidth))) {
showInLegend = true;
await this._db.helpers._updatePadObject("Type", type.padId, type.id, { showInLegend }, true);
await this._db.meta.setMeta("hasLegendOption", "1");
/* Calculate bounding box for lines */
async _bboxMigration(): Promise<void> {
if(await this._db.meta.getMeta("hasBboxes") == "1")
const LinePoint = this._db.lines.LinePointModel;
for(const line of await this._db.lines.LineModel.findAll()) {
const bbox = await promiseProps({
top: LinePoint.min<number, LinePointModel>("lat", { where: { lineId: line.id } }),
bottom: LinePoint.max<number, LinePointModel>("lat", { where: { lineId: line.id } }),
left: LinePoint.min<number, LinePointModel>("lon", { where: { lineId: line.id } }),
right: LinePoint.max<number, LinePointModel>("lon", { where: { lineId: line.id } })
if(isNaN(bbox.top) || isNaN(bbox.left) || isNaN(bbox.bottom) || isNaN(bbox.right)) // This is a broken line without track points
await this._db.helpers._deletePadObject("Line", line.padId, line.id);
await this._db.helpers._updatePadObject("Line", line.padId, line.id, bbox, true);
await this._db.meta.setMeta("hasBboxes", "1");
/** Change lat/lon types into spatial points */
async _spatialMigration(): Promise<void> {
const queryInterface = this._db._conn.getQueryInterface();
for (const modelName of ["Marker", "LinePoint", "RoutePoint"]) {
// Add 'pos' column
const model = this._db._conn.model(modelName);
const table = model.getTableName() as string;
const attrs = await queryInterface.describeTable(table);
if(!attrs.pos) {
await queryInterface.addColumn(table, 'pos', {
allowNull: true
await queryInterface.bulkUpdate(table, {
pos: Sequelize.fn("POINT", Sequelize.col("lon"), Sequelize.col("lat"))
}, {});
await queryInterface.changeColumn(table, 'pos', model.rawAttributes.pos);
await queryInterface.removeColumn(table, 'lat');
await queryInterface.removeColumn(table, 'lon');
// We create the index here even in a non-migration case, because adding it to the model definition will cause an error if the column does not exist yet.
const indexes: any = await queryInterface.showIndex(table);
if (!indexes.some((index: any) => index.name == (Sequelize.Utils as any).underscore(`${table}_pos`)))
await queryInterface.addIndex(table, { fields: ["pos"], type: "SPATIAL" });