
554 wiersze
17 KiB

import WithRender from "./route-form.vue";
import "./route-form.scss";
import Vue from "vue";
import { Component, Prop, Ref, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
import Icon from "../ui/icon/icon";
import { InjectClient, InjectContext, InjectMapComponents, InjectMapContext } from "../../utils/decorators";
import { isSearchId, round, splitRouteQuery } from "facilmap-utils";
import Client, { RouteWithTrackPoints } from "facilmap-client";
import { showErrorToast } from "../../utils/toasts";
import { ExportFormat, FindOnMapResult, SearchResult, Type } from "facilmap-types";
import { MapComponents, MapContext } from "../leaflet-map/leaflet-map";
import { getMarkerIcon, HashQuery, MarkerLayer, RouteLayer } from "facilmap-leaflet";
import { getZoomDestinationForRoute, flyTo, normalizeZoomDestination } from "../../utils/zoom";
import { latLng, LatLng } from "leaflet";
import draggable from "vuedraggable";
import RouteMode from "../ui/route-mode/route-mode";
import DraggableLines from "leaflet-draggable-lines";
import { throttle } from "lodash";
import ElevationStats from "../ui/elevation-stats/elevation-stats";
import ElevationPlot from "../ui/elevation-plot/elevation-plot";
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import { isMapResult } from "../../utils/search";
import { Context } from "../facilmap/facilmap";
type SearchSuggestion = SearchResult;
type MapSuggestion = FindOnMapResult & { kind: "marker" };
type Suggestion = SearchSuggestion | MapSuggestion;
interface Destination {
query: string;
loadingQuery?: string;
loadingPromise?: Promise<void>;
loadedQuery?: string;
searchSuggestions?: SearchSuggestion[];
mapSuggestions?: MapSuggestion[];
selectedSuggestion?: Suggestion;
function makeCoordDestination(latlng: LatLng) {
const disp = round(latlng.lat, 5) + "," + round(latlng.lng, 5);
let suggestion = {
lat: latlng.lat,
lon: latlng.lng,
display_name: disp,
short_name: disp,
type: "coordinates",
id: disp
return {
query: disp,
loadingQuery: disp,
loadedQuery: disp,
selectedSuggestion: suggestion,
searchSuggestions: [ suggestion ]
function makeDestination(query: string, searchSuggestions?: SearchResult[], mapSuggestions?: FindOnMapResult[], selectedSuggestion?: SearchResult | FindOnMapResult): Destination {
return {
loadedQuery: searchSuggestions || mapSuggestions ? query : undefined,
mapSuggestions: mapSuggestions?.filter((result) => result.kind == "marker") as MapSuggestion[],
selectedSuggestion: selectedSuggestion as MapSuggestion
const startMarkerColour = "00ff00";
const dragMarkerColour = "ffd700";
const endMarkerColour = "ff0000";
function getIcon(i: number, length: number, highlight = false) {
return getMarkerIcon(i == 0 ? `#${startMarkerColour}` : i == length - 1 ? `#${endMarkerColour}` : `#${dragMarkerColour}`, 35, undefined, undefined, highlight);
components: { draggable, ElevationPlot, ElevationStats, Icon, RouteMode }
export default class RouteForm extends Vue {
@InjectContext() context!: Context;
@InjectMapComponents() mapComponents!: MapComponents;
@InjectClient() client!: Client;
@InjectMapContext() mapContext!: MapContext;
@Ref() submitButton!: HTMLButtonElement;
@Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true }) active!: boolean;
@Prop({ type: String }) routeId: string | undefined;
@Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true }) showToolbar!: boolean;
routeLayer!: RouteLayer;
draggable!: DraggableLines;
routeMode = 'car';
destinations: Destination[] = [
{ query: "" },
{ query: "" }
submittedQuery: string | null = null;
submittedQueryDescription: string | null = null;
routeError: string | null = null;
hoverDestinationIdx: number | null = null;
hoverInsertIdx: number | null = null;
isAdding = false;
isExporting = false;
// Do not make reactive
suggestionMarker: MarkerLayer | undefined;
mounted(): void {
this.routeLayer = new RouteLayer(this.client, this.routeId, { weight: 7, opacity: 1, raised: true }).addTo(this.mapComponents.map);
this.routeLayer.on("click", (e) => {
if (!this.active && !(e.originalEvent as any).ctrlKey) {
this.draggable = new DraggableLines(this.mapComponents.map, {
enableForLayer: false,
tempMarkerOptions: () => ({
icon: getMarkerIcon(`#${dragMarkerColour}`, 35),
pane: "fm-raised-marker"
plusTempMarkerOptions: () => ({
icon: getMarkerIcon(`#${dragMarkerColour}`, 35),
pane: "fm-raised-marker"
dragMarkerOptions: (layer, i, length) => ({
icon: getIcon(i, length),
pane: "fm-raised-marker"
insert: (e: any) => {
this.destinations.splice(e.idx, 0, makeCoordDestination(e.latlng));
dragstart: (e: any) => {
this.hoverDestinationIdx = e.idx;
this.hoverInsertIdx = null;
if (e.isNew)
this.destinations.splice(e.idx, 0, makeCoordDestination(e.to));
drag: throttle((e: any) => {
Vue.set(this.destinations, e.idx, makeCoordDestination(e.to));
}, 300),
dragend: (e: any) => {
Vue.set(this.destinations, e.idx, makeCoordDestination(e.to));
remove: (e: any) => {
this.hoverDestinationIdx = null;
this.destinations.splice(e.idx, 1);
dragmouseover: (e: any) => {
dragmouseout: (e: any) => {
plusmouseover: (e: any) => {
this.hoverInsertIdx = e.idx;
plusmouseout: (e: any) => {
this.hoverInsertIdx = null;
tempmouseover: (e: any) => {
this.hoverInsertIdx = e.idx;
tempmousemove: (e: any) => {
if (e.idx != this.hoverInsertIdx)
this.hoverInsertIdx = e.idx;
tempmouseout: (e: any) => {
this.hoverInsertIdx = null;
} as any);
if (this.routeObj) {
this.destinations = this.routeObj.routePoints.map((point) => makeCoordDestination(latLng(point.lat, point.lon)));
this.routeMode = this.routeObj.mode;
beforeDestroy(): void {
get routeObj(): RouteWithTrackPoints | undefined {
return this.routeId ? this.client.routes[this.routeId] : this.client.route;
handleActiveChange(active: boolean): void {
if (this.hasRoute)
this.routeLayer.setStyle({ opacity: active ? 1 : 0.35, raised: active });
// Enable dragging after updating the style, since that might re-add the layer to the map
if (active)
get hasRoute(): boolean {
return !!this.routeObj;
get lineTypes(): Type[] {
return Object.values(this.client.types).filter((type) => type.type == "line");
get hashQuery(): HashQuery | undefined {
if (this.submittedQuery) {
const zoomDest = this.routeObj && getZoomDestinationForRoute(this.routeObj);
return {
query: this.submittedQuery,
...(zoomDest ? normalizeZoomDestination(this.mapComponents.map, zoomDest) : {}),
description: `Route from ${this.submittedQueryDescription}`
} else
return undefined;
handleHashQueryChange(hashQuery: HashQuery | undefined): void {
this.$emit("hash-query-change", hashQuery);
addDestination(): void {
query: ""
removeDestination(idx: number): void {
if (this.destinations.length > 2)
this.destinations.splice(idx, 1);
getSelectedSuggestion(dest: Destination): Suggestion | undefined {
if(dest.selectedSuggestion && [...(dest.searchSuggestions || []), ...(dest.mapSuggestions || [])].includes(dest.selectedSuggestion))
return dest.selectedSuggestion;
else if(dest.mapSuggestions && dest.mapSuggestions.length > 0 && (dest.mapSuggestions[0].similarity == 1 || (dest.searchSuggestions || []).length == 0))
return dest.mapSuggestions[0];
else if((dest.searchSuggestions || []).length > 0)
return dest.searchSuggestions![0];
return undefined;
getSelectedSuggestionId(dest: Destination): string | undefined {
const sugg = this.getSelectedSuggestion(dest);
if (!sugg)
return undefined;
if (isMapResult(sugg))
return (sugg.kind == "marker" ? "m" : "l") + sugg.id;
return sugg.id;
getSelectedSuggestionName(dest: Destination): string | undefined {
const sugg = this.getSelectedSuggestion(dest);
if (!sugg)
return undefined;
if (isMapResult(sugg))
return sugg.name;
return sugg.short_name;
async loadSuggestions(dest: Destination): Promise<void> {
if (dest.loadingQuery == dest.query.trim()) {
await dest.loadingPromise;
} else if (dest.loadedQuery == dest.query.trim())
const idx = this.destinations.indexOf(dest);
Vue.set(dest, "searchSuggestions", undefined);
Vue.set(dest, "mapSuggestions", undefined);
Vue.set(dest, "selectedSuggestion", undefined);
Vue.set(dest, "loadingQuery", undefined);
Vue.set(dest, "loadingPromise", undefined);
Vue.set(dest, "loadedQuery", undefined);
const query = dest.query.trim();
if(query != "") {
dest.loadingQuery = query;
let resolveLoadingPromise = (): void => undefined;
dest.loadingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { resolveLoadingPromise = resolve; });
try {
const [searchResults, mapResults] = await Promise.all([
this.client.find({ query: query }),
(async () => {
if (this.client.padData) {
const m = query.match(/^m(\d+)$/);
if (m) {
const marker = await this.client.getMarker({ id: Number(m[1]) });
return marker ? [{ kind: "marker" as const, similarity: 1, ...marker }] : [];
} else
return (await this.client.findOnMap({ query })).filter((res) => res.kind == "marker") as MapSuggestion[];
if(query != dest.loadingQuery)
return; // The destination has changed in the meantime
Vue.set(dest, "loadingQuery", undefined);
Vue.set(dest, "loadedQuery", query);
Vue.set(dest, "searchSuggestions", searchResults);
Vue.set(dest, "mapSuggestions", mapResults);
if(isSearchId(query) && searchResults.length > 0 && searchResults[0].display_name) {
if (dest.query == query)
Vue.set(dest, "query", searchResults[0].display_name);
Vue.set(dest, "loadedQuery", searchResults[0].display_name);
Vue.set(dest, "selectedSuggestion", searchResults[0]);
if(mapResults) {
const referencedMapResult = mapResults.find((res) => query == `m${res.id}`);
if(referencedMapResult) {
if (dest.query == query)
Vue.set(dest, "query", referencedMapResult.name);
Vue.set(dest, "loadedQuery", referencedMapResult.name);
Vue.set(dest, "selectedSuggestion", referencedMapResult);
if(dest.selectedSuggestion == null)
Vue.set(dest, "selectedSuggestion", this.getSelectedSuggestion(dest));
} catch (err: any) {
if(query != dest.loadingQuery)
return; // The destination has changed in the meantime
console.warn(err.stack || err);
showErrorToast(this, `fm${this.context.id}-route-form-suggestion-error-${idx}`, `Error finding destination “${query}`, err);
} finally {
suggestionMouseOver(suggestion: Suggestion): void {
this.suggestionMarker = (new MarkerLayer([ suggestion.lat!, suggestion.lon! ], {
highlight: true,
marker: {
colour: dragMarkerColour,
size: 35,
symbol: "",
shape: "drop"
suggestionMouseOut(): void {
if(this.suggestionMarker) {
this.suggestionMarker = undefined;
suggestionZoom(suggestion: Suggestion): void {
this.mapComponents.map.flyTo([suggestion.lat!, suggestion.lon!]);
destinationMouseOver(idx: number): void {
const marker = this.routeLayer._draggableLines?.dragMarkers[idx];
if (marker) {
this.hoverDestinationIdx = idx;
marker.setIcon(getIcon(idx, this.routeLayer._draggableLines!.dragMarkers.length, true));
destinationMouseOut(idx: number): void {
this.hoverDestinationIdx = null;
const marker = this.routeLayer._draggableLines?.dragMarkers[idx];
if (marker) {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
// If mouseout event is directly followed by a dragend event, the marker will be removed. Only update the icon if the marker is not removed.
if (marker["_map"])
marker.setIcon(getIcon(idx, this.routeLayer._draggableLines!.dragMarkers.length));
getValidationState(destination: Destination): boolean | null {
if (this.routeError && destination.query.trim() == '')
return false;
else if (destination.loadedQuery && destination.query == destination.loadedQuery && this.getSelectedSuggestion(destination) == null)
return false;
return null;
async route(zoom: boolean, smooth = true): Promise<void> {
try {
const mode = this.routeMode;
this.submittedQuery = [
this.destinations.map((dest) => (this.getSelectedSuggestionId(dest) ?? dest.query)).join(" to "),
].join(" by ");
this.submittedQueryDescription = [
this.destinations.map((dest) => (this.getSelectedSuggestionName(dest) ?? dest.query)).join(" to "),
].join(" by ");
await Promise.all(this.destinations.map((dest) => this.loadSuggestions(dest)));
const points = this.destinations.map((dest) => this.getSelectedSuggestion(dest));
this.submittedQuery = [
this.destinations.map((dest) => (this.getSelectedSuggestionId(dest) ?? dest.query)).join(" to "),
].join(" by ");
this.submittedQueryDescription = [
this.destinations.map((dest) => (this.getSelectedSuggestionName(dest) ?? dest.query)).join(" to "),
].join(" by ");
if(points.some((point) => point == null)) {
this.routeError = "Some destinations could not be found.";
const route = await this.client.setRoute({
routePoints: points.map((point) => ({ lat: point!.lat!, lon: point!.lon! })),
routeId: this.routeId
if (route && zoom)
flyTo(this.mapComponents.map, getZoomDestinationForRoute(route), smooth);
} catch (err) {
showErrorToast(this, `fm${this.context.id}-route-form-error`, "Error calculating route", err);
async reroute(zoom: boolean, smooth = true): Promise<void> {
if(this.hasRoute) {
await Promise.all(this.destinations.map((dest) => this.loadSuggestions(dest)));
const points = this.destinations.map((dest) => this.getSelectedSuggestion(dest));
if(!points.some((point) => point == null))
this.route(zoom, smooth);
reset(): void {
this.submittedQuery = null;
this.submittedQueryDescription = null;
this.routeError = null;
if(this.suggestionMarker) {
this.suggestionMarker = undefined;
this.client.clearRoute({ routeId: this.routeId });
clear(): void {
this.destinations = [
{ query: "" },
{ query: "" }
zoomToRoute(): void {
if (this.routeObj)
flyTo(this.mapComponents.map, getZoomDestinationForRoute(this.routeObj));
handleSubmit(event: Event): void {
async addToMap(type: Type): Promise<void> {
this.isAdding = true;
try {
const line = await this.client.addLine({ typeId: type.id, routePoints: this.routeObj!.routePoints, mode: this.routeObj!.mode });
this.mapComponents.selectionHandler.setSelectedItems([{ type: "line", id: line.id }], true);
} catch (err) {
showErrorToast(this, `fm${this.context.id}-route-form-add-error`, "Error adding line", err);
} finally {
this.isAdding = false;
async exportRoute(format: ExportFormat): Promise<void> {
this.isExporting = true;
try {
const exported = await this.client.exportRoute({ format });
saveAs(new Blob([exported], { type: "application/gpx+xml" }), "FacilMap route.gpx");
} catch(err) {
showErrorToast(this, `fm${this.context.id}-route-form-export-error`, "Error exporting route", err);
} finally {
this.isExporting = false;
setQuery(query: string, zoom = true, smooth = true): void {
const split = splitRouteQuery(query);
this.destinations = split.queries.map((query) => ({ query }));
while (this.destinations.length < 2)
this.destinations.push({ query: "" });
this.routeMode = split.mode ?? "car";
this.route(zoom, smooth);
setFrom(...args: Parameters<typeof makeDestination>): void {
Vue.set(this.destinations, 0, makeDestination(...args));
addVia(...args: Parameters<typeof makeDestination>): void {
this.destinations.splice(this.destinations.length - 1, 0, makeDestination(...args));
setTo(...args: Parameters<typeof makeDestination>): void {
Vue.set(this.destinations, this.destinations.length - 1, makeDestination(...args));