
225 wiersze
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import { marked, type MarkedOptions } from "marked";
import { Units, type Field, type Point, type RouteMode } from "facilmap-types";
import { quoteHtml } from "./utils.js";
import linkifyStr from "linkify-string";
import createPurify from "dompurify";
import { type Cheerio, load } from "cheerio";
import { normalizeFieldValue } from "./objects.js";
import { NodeWithChildren, Element, type Node, type ParentNode, Text, type AnyNode } from "domhandler";
import { getI18n } from "./i18n.js";
import { formatRouteMode } from "./routing.js";
import { getCurrentUnits } from "./i18n-utils.js";
const purify = createPurify(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : new (await import("jsdom")).JSDOM("").window);
const markdownOptions: MarkedOptions = {
breaks: true
export function formatCheckboxValue(value: string): string {
return value == "1" ? "✔" : "✘";
export function formatFieldValue(field: Field, value: string | undefined, html: boolean): string {
const normalizedValue = normalizeFieldValue(field, value);
switch(field.type) {
case "textarea":
return markdownBlock(normalizedValue, html);
case "checkbox":
return formatCheckboxValue(normalizedValue);
case "dropdown":
return (html ? quoteHtml(normalizedValue) : normalizedValue) || "";
case "input":
return markdownInline(normalizedValue, html);
export function formatTypeName(name: string): string {
// By default we create a type "Marker" and a type "Line" for each new map. Since these type names are hard-coded,
// we need to translate them based on their hard-coded name.
if (name === "Marker") {
return getI18n().t("format.marker-type-name");
} else if (name === "Line") {
return getI18n().t("format.line-type-name");
} else {
return name;
export function formatFieldName(name: string): string {
// By default we create a "Description" field for each type. Since the field name is hard-coded, we need to translate
// it based on its hard-coded name.
if (name === "Description") {
return getI18n().t("format.description-field-name");
} else {
return name;
export function formatPOIName(name: string): string {
return name || getI18n().t("format.unnamed-poi");
export function markdownBlock(string: string, html: boolean): string {
const $ = load("<div/>");
const el = $.root();
el.html(purify.sanitize(marked(string, markdownOptions) as string));
return html ? el.html()! : getTextContent(el);
export function markdownInline(string: string, html: boolean): string {
const $ = load("<div/>");
const el = $.root();
el.html(purify.sanitize(marked(string, markdownOptions) as string));
$("p", el).replaceWith(function() { return $(this).contents(); });
return html ? el.html()! : getTextContent(el);
* Iterates through the descendant nodes of the given cheerio element, yielding each node when it is opened and when it is
* closed. For childless nodes (such as text nodes), an open and close object are emitted right after each other.
export function* domTreeIterator(el: Cheerio<ParentNode>): Generator<{ type: "open" | "close"; node: Node }, void, void> {
const stack: Node[] = [el[0]];
outer: while (stack.length > 0) {
const cur = stack[stack.length - 1];
yield { type: "open", node: cur };
if (cur instanceof NodeWithChildren && cur.firstChild) {
} else {
while (!stack[stack.length - 1].nextSibling || /* Cancel when reaching el */ stack.length === 1) {
yield { type: "close", node: stack.pop()! };
if (stack.length === 0) {
break outer;
yield { type: "close", node: stack[stack.length - 1] };
stack[stack.length - 1] = stack[stack.length - 1].nextSibling!;
* Returns the text content of the given cheerio element, making a best attempt to represent line breaks caused by
* block elements and paragraphs in the given data.
export function getTextContent(el: Cheerio<ParentNode>): string {
let result = "";
let currentPrefix = "";
for (const { type, node } of domTreeIterator(el)) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
if (node.tagName === "p") {
if (type === "open") {
result += "\n";
currentPrefix = "\n";
} else if (node.tagName === "br" && type === "open") {
result += "\n";
currentPrefix = "";
} else if (!result.endsWith("\n") && ["address", "article", "aside", "blockquote", "details", "dialog", "dd", "dl", "div", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "li", "main", "nav", "ol", "pre", "section", "table", "ul"].includes(node.tagName)) {
currentPrefix = "\n";
} else if (!result.endsWith("\n") && !result.endsWith(" ") && ["td", "th"].includes(node.tagName) && currentPrefix === "") {
currentPrefix = " ";
if (type === "open") {
const text = node instanceof Text ? node.nodeValue.replace(/[\r\n\t ]+/g, " ").trim() : undefined;
if (text) {
result += currentPrefix;
currentPrefix = "";
result += text;
return result.trim();
export function round(number: number, digits: number): number {
const fac = Math.pow(10, digits);
return Math.round(number*fac)/fac;
export function formatTime(seconds: number): string {
const hours = Math.floor(seconds/3600);
let minutes: string | number = Math.floor((seconds%3600)/60);
if(minutes < 10)
minutes = "0" + minutes;
return getI18n().t("format.time", { hours, minutes });
export function formatRouteTime(time: number, encodedMode: RouteMode): string {
return getI18n().t("format.route-time", {
time: formatTime(time),
mode: formatRouteMode(encodedMode)
export function kmToMi(km: number): number {
return km / 1.609344;
export function mToFt(m: number): number {
return m / 0.3048;
export function formatDistance(distance: number, decimals = 2): string {
const units = getCurrentUnits();
if (units === Units.US_CUSTOMARY) {
return getI18n().t("format.distance-mi", { distance: round(kmToMi(distance), decimals) });
} else {
return getI18n().t("format.distance-km", { distance: round(distance, decimals) });
export function formatElevation(elevation: number): string {
const units = getCurrentUnits();
if (units === Units.US_CUSTOMARY) {
return getI18n().t("format.elevation-ft", { elevation: round(mToFt(elevation), 0) });
} else {
return getI18n().t("format.elevation-m", { elevation });
export function formatAscentDescent(ascentDescent: number): string {
return formatElevation(ascentDescent);
function applyMarkdownModifications($el: Cheerio<AnyNode>): void {
target: "_blank",
rel: "noopener noreferer"
export function renderOsmTag(key: string, value: string): string {
if(key.match(/^wikipedia(:|$)/)) {
return value.split(";").map((it) => {
const m = it.match(/^(\s*)((([-a-z]+):)?(.*))(\s*)$/)!;
const url = "https://" + (m[4] || "en") + ".wikipedia.org/wiki/" + m[5];
return m?.[1] + '<a href="' + quoteHtml(url) + '" target="_blank">' + quoteHtml(m[2]) + '</a>' + m[6];
} else if(key.match(/^wikidata(:|$)/)) {
return value.split(";").map((it) => {
const m = it.match(/^(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)$/)!;
return m[1] + '<a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/' + quoteHtml(m[2]) + '" target="_blank">' + quoteHtml(m[2]) + '</a>' + m[3];
} else if(key.match(/^wiki:symbol(:$)/)) {
return value.split(";").map(function(it) {
var m = it.match(/^(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)$/)!;
return m[1] + '<a href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Image:' + quoteHtml(m[2]) + '" target="_blank">' + quoteHtml(m[2]) + '</a>' + m[3];
} else {
return linkifyStr(value, {
target: (href: string, type: string) => type === "url" ? "_blank" : ""
export function formatCoordinates(point: Point): string {
return `${point.lat.toFixed(5)},${point.lon.toFixed(5)}`;