Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 8965fafa04
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 87.8% (166 of 189 strings)

Translation: FacilMap/FacilMap Leaflet
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/facilmap/facilmap-leaflet/es/
2024-04-27 05:07:27 +02:00
assets/icons Refine toolbox wording 2024-03-05 06:12:57 +01:00
src Translated using Weblate (Spanish) 2024-04-27 05:07:27 +02:00
README.md Start documenting facilmap-leaflet 2021-04-17 19:46:01 +02:00
download-icons.ts Fix type errors 2024-03-09 04:46:43 +01:00
example.html Start renaming "pad" to "map" 2024-04-21 05:03:30 +02:00
icontest.html Rename "symbol" to "marker", introduce v3 socket version 2024-04-21 05:03:29 +02:00
package.json Change version to 5.0.0-alpha for now 2024-04-24 12:48:36 +02:00
rollup-icons.ts Refine toolbox wording 2024-03-05 06:12:57 +01:00
tsconfig.build.json Attempt to fix type rollup 2024-04-15 04:01:48 +02:00
tsconfig.json Add more translations 2024-04-06 13:18:56 +02:00
tsconfig.node.json Attempt to use TypeScript project references 2023-12-23 21:23:51 +01:00
vite.config.ts Attempt to fix type rollup 2024-04-15 04:01:48 +02:00



facilmap-leaflet provides Leaflet components to show FacilMap data on a Leaflet map.

More information can be found in the documentation.