import { Plugin } from "rollup"; import glob from 'fast-glob'; import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { createRequire } from 'module'; // const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); export default function iconPlugin(): Plugin { return { name: 'custom:icons', resolveId: (id) => { if (id === 'custom:icons') { return id; } }, load: async (id) => { if (id === 'custom:icons') { const icons/*: Record>*/ = {}; for (const path of await glob('./assets/icons/*/*.svg')) { const [set, fname] = path.split("/").slice(-2); if (!icons[set]) icons[set] = {}; icons[set][fname.replace(/\.svg$/, "")] = (await readFile(path)).toString(); } icons["fontawesome"] = {}; for (const name of ["arrow-left", "arrow-right", "person-biking", "car", "chart-line", "copy", "circle-info", "slash", "person-walking"]) { icons["fontawesome"][name] = (await readFile(require.resolve(`@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/svgs/solid/${name}.svg`))).toString(); } return `export default ${JSON.stringify(icons, undefined, '\t')}`; } } } }