import L from 'leaflet'; import 'leaflet-hash'; import fm from '../app';"fmHash", function($rootScope, fmUtils, $q) { return { restrict: "A", require: "facilmap", link: function($scope, element, attrs, map) { let loadInitialViewBkp = map.loadInitialView.bind(map); map.loadInitialView = function() { map.loadInitialView = loadInitialViewBkp; return (hasLocationHash() ? $q.resolve() : loadInitialViewBkp(...arguments)).then((res) => { init(); return res; }); }; let hasLocationHash = () => { return !!parseHash(location.hash, true); }; let init = () => { var hashControl = new L.Hash(; hashControl.parseHash = parseHash.fmWrapApply($rootScope); hashControl.formatHash = formatHash; // hashControl calls hashControl.onHashChange(), which will run hashControl.update() with 100ms delay. // In the meantime, we will already set the map view, which triggers hashControl.onMapMove and replace // the location hash. So we have to call hashControl.update() right now. hashControl.update(); clearTimeout(hashControl.changeTimeout); hashControl.changeTimeout = null;"layeradd", hashControl.onMapMove, hashControl);"layerremove", hashControl.onMapMove, hashControl); map.mapEvents.$on("searchchange", () => { setTimeout(() => { hashControl.onMapMove(); }, 0); }); map.client.on("filter", hashControl.onMapMove.bind(hashControl)); }; let parseHash = (hash, noApply) => { if(hash.indexOf('#') === 0) { hash = hash.substr(1); } var args; if(hash.indexOf("=") != -1 && hash.indexOf("/") == -1) args = oldToNew(hash); else args = hash.split("/").map(decodeURIComponentTolerantly); var ret = L.Hash.parseHash(args.slice(0, 3).join("/")); if(!noApply) { // This gets called just in L.Hash.update(), so we can already add/remove the layers here var l = args[3] && args[3].split("-"); if(l && l.length > 0) { for(var i in map.layers) { if(l.indexOf(i) == -1) { if([i]))[i]); } else if(![i]))[i]); } } if(map.searchUi)[4] || "", !!ret, args[4] ? (ret && !fmUtils.isSearchId(args[4])) : null); map.client.setFilter(args[5] || ""); } return ret; }; let formatHash = (mapObj) => { var ret = L.Hash.formatHash(mapObj); var l = [ ]; for(var i in map.layers) { if(mapObj.hasLayer(map.layers[i])) l.push(i); } var additionalParts = [ l.join("-") ]; var searchHash = map.searchUi && map.searchUi.getCurrentSearchForHash(); if(searchHash) additionalParts.push(searchHash); if(map.client.filterExpr) { if(!searchHash) additionalParts.push(""); additionalParts.push(map.client.filterExpr); } ret += "/" +"/"); if(parent !== window) { parent.postMessage({ type: "facilmap-hash", hash: ret.replace(/^#/, "") }, "*"); } return ret; }; let decodeQueryString = (str) => { var obj = { }; var str_split = str.split(/[;&]/); for(var i=0; i { try { return decodeURIComponent(str); } catch(e) { return str; } }; let oldToNew = (str) => { // Example URLs from FacilMap 1: //;lat=53.04781777;zoom=9;layer=MSfR;c.s.type=fastest;c.s.medium=car;q.0=Berlin;q.1=Hamburg;q.2=Bremen //;lat=52.5198535;zoom=11;layer=MSfR;q=Berlin //;lat=52.5198535;zoom=11;layer=MSfR;l.OPTM.visibility=1;q=Berlin var obj = decodeQueryString(str); var ret = [ obj.zoom,, obj.lon ]; var layers = [ ]; if(obj.layer) layers.push(obj.layer); for(var i in obj.l || { }) { if(obj.l[i].visibility && map.layers[i]) layers.push(i); } ret.push(layers.join("-")); if(typeof obj.q == "string") ret.push(obj.q); else if(typeof obj.s == "string") ret.push(obj.s); else if(typeof obj.q == "object") { Object.keys(obj.q).sort(function(a, b){return a-b}).forEach(function(i) { ret.push(obj.q[i]); }); if(obj.c && obj.c.s && obj.c.s.medium) ret.push(obj.c.s.medium != "foot" ? obj.c.s.medium : "pedestrian"); } return ret; }; } }; });