import compression from "compression"; import ejs from "ejs"; import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express"; import fs from "fs"; import { createServer, Server as HttpServer } from "http"; import jsonFormat from "json-format"; import { dirname } from "path"; import { PadId } from "facilmap-types"; import { createTable } from "./export/table"; import Database from "./database/database"; import { exportGeoJson } from "./export/geojson"; import { exportGpx } from "./export/gpx"; const frontendPath = dirname(require.resolve("facilmap-frontend/package.json")); // Do not resolve main property const isDevMode = !!process.env.FM_DEV; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const webpackCompiler = isDevMode ? (() => { const webpack = require(require.resolve("webpack", { paths: [ require.resolve("facilmap-frontend/package.json") ] })); const webpackConfig = require("facilmap-frontend/webpack.config"); return webpack(webpackConfig({}, { mode: "development" })); })() : undefined; const staticMiddleware = isDevMode ? require("webpack-dev-middleware")(webpackCompiler, { // require the stuff here so that it doesn't fail if devDependencies are not installed publicPath: "/" }) : express.static(frontendPath + "/build/"); const hotMiddleware = isDevMode ? require("webpack-hot-middleware")(webpackCompiler) : undefined; type PathParams = { padId: PadId } export async function initWebserver(database: Database, port: number, host?: string): Promise { const padMiddleware = function(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) { Promise.all([ getFrontendFile("map.ejs"), (async () => { if(req.params && req.params.padId) { return database.pads.getPadDataByAnyId(req.params.padId).then((padData) => { if (!padData) throw new Error(); return padData; }).catch(() => { // Error will be handled on the client side when it tries to fetch the pad data return { id: undefined, searchEngines: false, description: "" }; }); } })() ]).then(([ template, padData ]) => { res.type("html"); if (padData && == null) { res.status(404); } res.send(ejs.render(template, { padData: padData, config: {} })); }).catch(next); }; const app = express(); app.use(compression()); app.get("/bundle-:hash.js", function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31557600'); // one year next(); }); app.get("/", padMiddleware); app.get("/map.ejs", padMiddleware); app.get("/table.ejs", padMiddleware); app.use(staticMiddleware); if(isDevMode) { app.use(hotMiddleware); } // If no file with this name has been found, we render a pad app.get("/:padId", padMiddleware); app.get("/:padId/gpx", async function(req: Request, res: Response, next) { try { const padData = await database.pads.getPadDataByAnyId(req.params.padId); if(!padData) throw new Error(`Map with ID ${req.params.padId} could not be found.`); const gpx = await exportGpx(database, padData ? : req.params.padId, req.query.useTracks == "1", req.query.filter as string | undefined); res.set("Content-type", "application/gpx+xml"); res.attachment([\\/:*?"<>|]+/g, '_') + ".gpx"); res.send(gpx); } catch (e) { next(e); } }); app.get("/:padId/table", async function(req: Request, res: Response, next) { try { const renderedTable = await createTable(database, req.params.padId, req.query.filter as string | undefined, req.query.hide ? (req.query.hide as string).split(',') : []); res.type("html"); res.send(renderedTable); } catch (e) { next(e); } }); app.get("/:padId/geojson", async function(req: Request, res: Response, next) { try { const [padData, geojson] = await Promise.all([ database.pads.getPadData(req.params.padId), exportGeoJson(database, req.params.padId, req.query.filter as string | undefined) ]); if(!padData) throw new Error(`Map with ID ${req.params.padId} could not be found.`); res.set("Content-type", "application/geo+json"); res.attachment([\\/:*?"<>|]+/g, '_') + ".geojson"); res.send(jsonFormat(geojson)); } catch (e) { next(e); } }); const server = createServer(app); await new Promise((resolve) => { server.listen({ port, host }, resolve); }); return server; } export function getFrontendFile(path: string): Promise { if (isDevMode) { return new Promise((resolve) => { staticMiddleware.waitUntilValid(resolve); }).then(() => { return webpackCompiler.outputFileSystem.readFileSync(`${webpackCompiler.outputPath}${path}`, "utf8"); }); } else { // We don't want express.static's ETag handling, as it sometimes returns an empty template, // so we have to read it directly from the file system return fs.promises.readFile(`${frontendPath}/build/${path}`, "utf8"); } }