var Promise = require("bluebird"); var Sequelize = require("sequelize"); var utils = require("../utils"); const Op = Sequelize.Op; module.exports = function(Database) { Database.prototype._init.push(function() { this._conn.define("Pad", { id : { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, primaryKey: true, validate: { is: /^.+$/ } }, name: { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: true, get: function() { return this.getDataValue("name") || "New FacilMap"; } }, writeId: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { is: /^.+$/ } }, adminId: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { is: /^.+$/ } }, searchEngines: { type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN, allowNull: false, defaultValue: false }, description: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, defaultValue: "" }, clusterMarkers: { type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN, allowNull: false, defaultValue: false }, legend1: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, defaultValue: "" }, legend2: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, defaultValue: "" } }); }); Database.prototype._afterInit.push(function() { this._conn.model("Pad").belongsTo(this._conn.model("View"), { as: "defaultView", foreignKey: "defaultViewId", constraints: false }); }); // ===================================================================================================================== utils.extend(Database.prototype, { padIdExists(padId) { return this._conn.model("Pad").count({ where: { [Op.or]: [ { id: padId }, { writeId: padId }, { adminId: padId } ] } }).then(function(num) { return num > 0; }); }, getPadData(padId) { return this._conn.model("Pad").findOne({ where: { id: padId }, include: [ { model: this._conn.model("View"), as: "defaultView" } ]}); }, getPadDataByWriteId(writeId) { return this._conn.model("Pad").findOne({ where: { writeId: writeId }, include: [ { model: this._conn.model("View"), as: "defaultView" } ] }); }, getPadDataByAdminId(adminId) { return this._conn.model("Pad").findOne({ where: { adminId: adminId }, include: [ { model: this._conn.model("View"), as: "defaultView" } ] }); }, getPadDataByAnyId(padId) { return this._conn.model("Pad").findOne({ where: { [Op.or]: { id: padId, writeId: padId, adminId: padId } }, include: [ { model: this._conn.model("View"), as: "defaultView" } ] }); }, createPad(data) { return utils.promiseAuto({ validate: () => { if(! || == 0) throw new Error("Invalid read-only ID"); if(!data.writeId || data.writeId.length == 0) throw new Error("Invalid read-write ID"); if(!data.adminId || data.adminId.length == 0) throw new Error("Invalid admin ID"); if( == data.writeId || == data.adminId || data.writeId == data.adminId) throw new Error("Read-only, read-write and admin ID have to be different from each other."); return Promise.all([ this.padIdExists( => { if(exists) throw new Error("ID '" + + "' is already taken."); }), this.padIdExists(data.writeId).then((exists) => { if(exists) throw new Error("ID '" + data.writeId + "' is already taken."); }), this.padIdExists(data.adminId).then((exists) => { if(exists) throw new Error("ID '" + data.adminId + "' is already taken."); }) ]); }, create: (validate) => { return this._conn.model("Pad").create(data); }, types: (create) => { return Promise.all( => { return this.createType(, it); })); } }).then(res => { return res.create; }); }, updatePadData(padId, data) { return utils.promiseAuto({ oldData: this.getPadData(padId), validateRead: () => { if( != null && != padId && == 0) throw new Error("Invalid read-only ID"); var existsPromises = [ ]; if( != null && != padId) { return this.padIdExists( => { if(exists) throw new Error("ID '" + + "' is already taken."); }); } }, validateWrite: (oldData) => { if(data.writeId != null && data.writeId != oldData.writeId) { if(data.writeId.length == 0) throw new Error("Invalid read-write ID"); if(data.writeId == ( != null ? : padId)) throw new Error("Read-only and read-write ID cannot be the same."); return this.padIdExists(data.writeId).then((exists) => { if(exists) throw new Error("ID '" + data.writeId + "' is already taken."); }); } }, validateAdmin: (oldData) => { if(data.adminId != null && data.adminId != oldData.adminId) { if(data.adminId.length == 0) throw new Error("Invalid admin ID"); if(data.adminId == ( != null ? : padId)) throw new Error("Read-only and admin ID cannot be the same."); if(data.adminId == (data.writeId != null ? data.writeId : oldData.writeId)) throw new Error("Read-write and admin ID cannot be the same."); return this.padIdExists(data.adminId).then((exists) => { if(exists) throw new Error("ID '" + data.adminId + "' is already taken."); }); } }, update: (oldData, validateRead, validateWrite, validateAdmin) => { if(!oldData) throw new Error("Pad " + padId + " could not be found."); return this._conn.model("Pad").update(data, { where: { id: padId } }); }, newData: (update) => this.getPadData( || padId), history: (oldData, newData) => { return this.addHistoryEntry( || padId, { type: "Pad", action: "update", objectBefore: oldData, objectAfter: newData }); } }).then((res) => { this.emit("padData", padId, res.newData); return res.newData; }); }, async deletePad(padId) { const padData = await this.getPadDataByAnyId(padId); if (padData.defaultViewId) { await this.updatePadData(, { defaultViewId: null }); } await utils.streamEachPromise(this.getPadMarkers(, null), async (marker) => { await this.deleteMarker(,; }); await utils.streamEachPromise(this.getPadLines(, ['id']), async (line) => { await this.deleteLine(,; }); await utils.streamEachPromise(this.getTypes(, async (type) => { await this.deleteType(,; }); await utils.streamEachPromise(this.getViews(, async (view) => { await this.deleteView(,; }); await this.clearHistory(; await this._conn.model("Pad").destroy({ where: { id: } }); this.emit("deletePad", padId); } /*function copyPad(fromPadId, toPadId, callback) { function _handleStream(stream, next, cb) { stream.on("data", function(data) { stream.pause(); cb(data, function() { stream.resume(); }); }); stream.on("error", next); stream.on("end", next); }{ fromPadData : function(next) { backend.getPadData(fromPadId, next); }, toPadData : function(next) { getPadData(toPadId, next); }, padsExist : [ "fromPadData", "toPadData", function(r, next) { if(!r.fromPadData) return next(new Error("Pad "+fromPadId+" does not exist.")); if(!r.toPadData.writable) return next(new Error("Destination pad is read-only.")); toPadId =; next(); }], copyMarkers : [ "padsExist", function(r, next) { _handleStream(getPadMarkers(fromPadId, null), next, function(marker, cb) { createMarker(toPadId, marker, cb); }); }], copyLines : [ "padsExist", function(r, next) { _handleStream(getPadLines(fromPadId), next, function(line, cb) {{ createLine : function(next) { _createLine(toPadId, line, next); }, getLinePoints : function(next) { backend.getLinePoints(, next); }, setLinePoints : [ "createLine", "getLinePoints", function(r, next) { _setLinePoints(toPadId,, r.getLinePoints, next); } ] }, cb); }); }], copyViews : [ "padsExist", function(r, next) { _handleStream(getViews(fromPadId), next, function(view, cb) { createView(toPadId, view, function(err, newView) { if(err) return cb(err); if(r.fromPadData.defaultView && == && r.toPadData.defaultView == null) updatePadData(toPadId, { defaultView: }, cb); else cb(); }); }); }] }, callback); }*/ }); };