import fetch from "node-fetch"; import yauzl, { Entry } from "yauzl"; import util from "util"; import svgo from "svgo"; import cheerio from "cheerio"; import highland from "highland"; import fs from "fs"; const outDir = `${__dirname}/assets/icons/osmi`; function streamEachPromise(stream: Highland.Stream, handle: (item: T) => Promise | void): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream .flatMap((item) => highland(Promise.resolve(handle(item as T)))) .stopOnError(reject) .done(resolve); }); } async function updateIcons() { const buffer = await fetch("").then((res) => res.buffer()); const zip = (await util.promisify(yauzl.fromBuffer)(buffer))!; const entryStream = highland((push) => { zip.on("entry", (entry) => { push(null, entry); }); zip.on("error", (err) => { push(err); }); }).filter((entry) => entry.fileName.endsWith(".svg")); await streamEachPromise(entryStream, async (entry) => { const readStream = (await util.promisify(zip.openReadStream.bind(zip))(entry))!; const content = await highland(readStream).collect().map((buffers) => Buffer.concat(buffers)).toPromise(Promise); const cleanedContent = await cleanIcon(content.toString()); const outFile = `${outDir}/${entry.fileName.split('/').slice(-2).join('_')}`; await fs.promises.writeFile(outFile, Buffer.from(cleanedContent)); }); } async function cleanIcon(icon: string): Promise { const optimized = await new svgo().optimize(icon); var $ = cheerio.load(, { xmlMode: true }); for (const el of $("*").toArray()) { =^svg:/, ""); } $("metadata,sodipodi\\:namedview,defs,image").remove(); for (const el of $("*").toArray()) { var $el = $(el); var fill = $el.css("fill") || $el.attr("fill"); if(fill && fill != "none") { if(fill != "#ffffff" && fill != "#fff") { // This is the background $el.remove(); continue; } if($el.css("fill")) $el.css("fill", "#000"); else $el.attr("fill", "#000"); } if($el.css("stroke") && $el.css("stroke") != "none") $el.css("stroke", "#000"); else if($el.attr("stroke") && $el.attr("stroke") != "none") $el.attr("stroke", "#000"); } return $(":root").html()!.replace(/(>|^)\s+(<|$)/g, "$1$2"); } updateIcons().then(() => { console.log('Success!'); }).catch((err) => { console.error('Fatal error', err); });