import fm from '../app'; import $ from 'jquery'; import L from 'leaflet'; import ng from 'angular';"fmSearchRoute", function($rootScope, $compile, fmUtils, $timeout, $q, fmSortableOptions) { return function(map, searchUi) { var lineStyle = { color : '#0000ff', weight : 8, opacity : 0.7 }; var dragTimeout = 300; var scope = $rootScope.$new(true); scope.client = map.client; scope.routeMode = 'car'; scope.destinations = [ ]; scope.submittedQueries = null; scope.submittedMode = null; scope.sortableOptions = ng.copy(fmSortableOptions); scope.sortableOptions.update = function() { scope.reroute(true); }; scope.addDestination = function() { scope.destinations.push({ query: "", loadingQuery: "", loadedQuery: "", suggestions: [ ] }); }; scope.addDestination(); scope.addDestination(); scope.removeDestination = function(idx) { scope.destinations.splice(idx, 1); }; scope.showSearchForm = function() { routeUi.hide();; }; scope.loadSuggestions = function(destination) { if(destination.loadedQuery == destination.query) return $q.resolve(); destination.suggestions = [ ]; var query = destination.loadingQuery = destination.query; if(destination.query.trim() != "") { return map.client.find({ query: query }).then(function(results) { if(query != destination.loadingQuery) return; // The destination has changed in the meantime if(fmUtils.isSearchId(query) && results.length > 0 && results[0].display_name) destination.query = query = results[0].display_name; destination.suggestions = results; destination.loadedQuery = query; destination.selectedSuggestionIdx = 0; }).catch(function(err) { map.messages.showMessage("danger", err); }); } }; scope.route = function(dragging, noZoom) { if(!dragging) scope.reset(); if(scope.destinations[0].query.trim() == "" || scope.destinations[scope.destinations.length-1].query.trim() == "") return; var points; var mode = scope.routeMode; scope.submittedQueries = { if(destination.loadedQuery == destination.query && destination.suggestions.length) return destination.suggestions[destination.selectedSuggestionIdx].id || destination.suggestions[0].id; else return destination.query; }); scope.submittedMode = mode; map.mapEvents.$broadcast("searchchange"); return $q.all( { points = scope.destinations.filter(function(destination) { return destination.query.trim() != ""; }).map(function(destination) { if(destination.suggestions.length == 0) throw "No place has been found for search term “" + destination.query + "”."; return destination.suggestions[destination.selectedSuggestionIdx] || destination.suggestions[0]; }); scope.submittedQueries = { return; }); map.mapEvents.$broadcast("searchchange"); return map.client.getRoute({ destinations: { return { lat:, lon: point.lon }; }), mode: mode }); }).then(function(route) { route.routePoints = points; route.routeMode = mode; scope.routeObj = route; scope.routeError = null; renderRoute(dragging, noZoom); }).catch(function(err) { scope.routeError = err; }); }; scope.reroute = function(noZoom) { if(scope.routeObj || scope.routeError) scope.route(false, noZoom); }; scope.reset = function() { scope.routeObj = null; scope.routeError = null; scope.submittedQueries = null; scope.submittedMode = null; clearRoute(); }; scope.clear = function() { scope.reset(); scope.destinations = [ ]; scope.addDestination(); scope.addDestination(); }; scope.addToMap = function(type) { if(type == null) { for(var i in map.client.types) { if(map.client.types[i].type == "line") { type = map.client.types[i]; break; } } } map.linesUi.createLine(type, { return { lat:, lon: point.lon }; }), { mode: scope.routeObj.routeMode }); scope.clear(); }; var el = $(require("./search-route.html")).insertAfter(searchUi._el); $compile(el)(scope); scope.$evalAsync(); // $compile only replaces variables on next digest var routeLayer = null; var dragMarker = null; var markers = [ ]; var recalcRoute = fmUtils.minInterval(dragTimeout, false); function renderRoute(dragging, noZoom) { clearRoute(dragging); routeLayer = L.polyline( { return [, it.lon ] }), lineStyle).addTo(;; dragMarker = fmUtils.temporaryDragMarker(, routeLayer, map.dragMarkerColour, function(marker) { var latlng = marker.getLatLng(); var idx = fmUtils.getIndexOnLine(, scope.routeObj.trackPoints, scope.routeObj.routePoints, { lat:, lon: latlng.lng }); scope.destinations.splice(idx, 0, makeCoordDestination(latlng)); markers.splice(idx, 0, marker); registerMarkerHandlers(marker); marker.once("dragend", updateMarkerColours); scope.route(true); }.fmWrapApply(scope)); if(!dragging) { if(!noZoom); // Render markers scope.routeObj.routePoints.forEach(function(point, i) { var marker = L.marker([, point.lon ], { icon: fmUtils.createMarkerIcon(map.dragMarkerColour, 35), draggable: true }).addTo(; registerMarkerHandlers(marker); markers.push(marker); }); updateMarkerColours(); } } function registerMarkerHandlers(marker) { marker.on("dblclick", function() { scope.$apply(function() { scope.removeDestination(markers.indexOf(marker)); scope.reroute(true); }); }) .on("drag", function() { recalcRoute(function() { scope.destinations[markers.indexOf(marker)] = makeCoordDestination(marker.getLatLng()); return scope.route(true); }.fmWrapApply(scope)); }); } function updateMarkerColours() { markers.forEach(function(marker, i) { var colour = (i == 0 ? map.startMarkerColour : i == markers.length-1 ? map.endMarkerColour : map.dragMarkerColour); marker.setIcon(fmUtils.createMarkerIcon(colour, 35)); }); } function clearRoute(dragging) { if(routeLayer) {; routeLayer.remove(); routeLayer = null; } if(dragMarker) { dragMarker(); dragMarker = null; } if(!dragging) { markers.forEach(function(marker) { marker.remove(); }); markers = [ ]; } } function makeCoordDestination(latlng) { var disp = fmUtils.round(, 5) + "," + fmUtils.round(latlng.lng, 5); return { query: disp, loadingQuery: disp, loadedQuery: disp, selectedSuggestionIdx: 0, suggestions: [ { lat:, lon: latlng.lng, display_name: disp, short_name: disp, type: "coordinates", id: disp } ] }; } function _setDestination(dest, query, suggestions, selectedSuggestion) { dest.query = query; if(suggestions) { dest.suggestions = suggestions; dest.loadingQuery = dest.loadedQuery = query; dest.selectedSuggestionIdx = Math.max(suggestions.indexOf(selectedSuggestion), 0); } } var routeUi = { show: function() {; }, hide: function() { scope.reset(); el.hide(); }, setQueries: function(queries) { scope.clear(); for(var i=0; i