Running the FacilMap server =========================== Using docker ------------ FacilMap is available as [`facilmap/facilmap`]( on Docker Hub. Here is an example `docker-compose.yml`: ```yaml version: "2" services: facilmap: image: facilmap/facilmap ports: - 8080 links: - db environment: USER_AGENT: My FacilMap (, DB_TYPE: mysql DB_HOST: db DB_NAME: facilmap DB_USER: facilmap DB_PASSWORD: password OSR_TOKEN: # Get an API key on (needed for routing) MAPBOX_TOKEN: # Get an API key on (needed for routing) MAPZEN_TOKEN: # Get an API key on (needed for elevation info) MAXMIND_USER_ID: # Sign up here (needed for geoip lookup to show initial map state) MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY: restart: on-failure db: image: mariadb environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: facilmap MYSQL_USER: facilmap MYSQL_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "true" ``` Or the same using `docker create`: ```bash docker create --link=mysql_mysql_1 -p 8080 --name=facilmap -e "USER_AGENT=My FacilMap (," -e DB_TYPE=mysql -e DB_HOST=mysql_mysql_1 -e DB_NAME=facilmap -e DB_USER=facilmap -e DB_PASSWORD=facilmap -e OSR_TOKEN= -e MAPBOX_TOKEN= -e MAPZEN_TOKEN= --restart on-failure facilmap/facilmap ``` See [below](#config) for the available config options. Both the FacilMap server and the frontend will be available via HTTP on port `8080`. It is recommended to use a reverse proxy, such as [`jwilder/nginx-proxy`](, to make it available over HTTPS. Standalone ---------- To run the FacilMap server by hand, follow the following steps: 1. Make sure that you have a recent version of [Node.js](, [yarn]( and a database (MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server) set up. (Note that only MySQL/MariaDB has been tested so far.) 2. Clone this repository. 3. Run `yarn install` in the root folder of this repository to install the dependencies. 4. Run `yarn build` to create the JS bundles 5. Copy `config.env.example` to `config.env` and adjust the configuration (see [below](#config) for the available options). 6. Inside the `server` directory, run `yarn server`. This will automatically set up the database structure and start the server. Config ------ The config can be set either by using environment variables (useful for docker) or by editing [`config.env`](../config.env). | Variable | Meaning | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `USER_AGENT` | Will be used for all HTTP requests (search, routing, GPX/KML/OSM/GeoJSON files). You better provide your e-mail address in here. | | `HOST` | The ip address to listen on (leave empty to listen on all addresses) | | `PORT` | The port to listen on. | | `DB_TYPE` | The type of database. Either `mysql`, `postgres`, `mariadb`, `sqlite`, or `mssql`. | | `DB_HOST` | The host name of the database server (default: `localhost`). | | `DB_PORT` | The port of the database server (optional). | | `DB_NAME` | The name of the database (default: `facilmap`). | | `DB_USER` | The username to connect to the database with (default: `facilmap`). | | `DB_PASSWORD` | The password to connect to the database with. | | `ORS_TOKEN` | OpenRouteService API key. | | `MAPBOX_TOKEN` | Mapbox API key. | | `MAPZEN_TOKEN` | Mapzen API key. | | `MAXMIND_USER_ID` | MaxMind user ID. | | `MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY` | MaxMind license key. | Development ----------- For developing the frontend/client, FacilMap server can integrate a webpack-dev-server. This server will automatically recompile the frontend files when a file changes, and even delay reloads until the compilation has finished. To run the dev server, run `yarn dev-server` instead of `yarn server` in the `server` directory. To enable debug output of various components, additionally prepend the command by `DEBUG=*`. See the documentation of [debug]( To only enable the debug logging of SQL queries, use `DEBUG=sql`.