var request = require("request"); var utils = require("./utils"); var ROUTING_URL = ""; var API_KEY = "Fmjtd%7Cluur2qubl9%2C80%3Do5-9aangr"; // The OpenLayers resolution for zoom level 1 is 0.7031249999891753 // and for zoom level 20 0.0000013411044763239684 // This is the distance of one pixel on the map in degrees // The resolution for zoom level 19 is the resolution for zoom level 20 times 2, and so on. // As we don’t need one route point per pixel, we raise the value a bit var RESOLUTION_20 = 0.0000013411044763239684 * 4; function calculateRouting(points, mode, callback) { var json = { locations : [ ], options : { unit : "k", generalize : 0, narrativeType : "none", routeType : mode } }; for(var i=0; i 0)) return callback(body.route.routeError.message ||" ")); if(!body.route.shape || !body.route.shape.shapePoints) return callback("Invalid response from routing server."); var ret = { trackPoints : [ ], distance : body.route.distance, time : body.route.time }; for(var i=0; i 0) dist += _distance(points[i-1], points[i]); segments[i] = dist / RESOLUTION_20; points[i].zoom = null; if(i != 0 && i != points.length-1) { var lastSegments = segments[i-1]; var thisSegments = segments[i]; for(var j = 0; j < 20; j++) { lastSegments = Math.floor(lastSegments / 2); thisSegments = Math.floor(thisSegments / 2); if(lastSegments == thisSegments) { points[i].zoom = 20 - j; break; } } } if(points[i].zoom == null) points[i].zoom = 1; } } function _distance(pos1, pos2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pos1.lon-pos2.lon, 2) + Math.pow(, 2)); } function prepareForBoundingBox(points, bbox) { points = _filterByZoom(points, bbox.zoom); points = _filterByBbox(points, bbox); return points; } function _filterByZoom(points, zoom) { var ret = [ ]; for(var i=0; i= 1) { ret.push(points[i-1]); } if(isIn || lastIn) ret.push(points[i]); lastIn = isIn; } return ret; } exports.calculateRouting = calculateRouting; exports.prepareForBoundingBox = prepareForBoundingBox;